Aged widow(er) beneficiaries in current payment status at the end of
December 2024, distributed by age and sex

  Sex of beneficiary
 Total Men Women
Age Number Average
Number Average
Number Average
60 36,745 $1,588.41 4,142 $1,343.18 32,603 $1,619.57
61 60,958 1,569.97 7,470 1,323.41 53,488 1,604.41
62 83,785 1,619.47 9,927 1,435.65 73,858 1,644.17
63 102,391 1,668.13 12,223 1,497.89 90,168 1,691.21
64 117,029 1,687.97 13,547 1,528.97 103,482 1,708.79
65 131,782 1,737.27 14,192 1,589.65 117,590 1,755.09
66 152,389 1,784.38 15,671 1,645.79 136,718 1,800.26
67 155,409 1,985.94 14,630 1,867.21 140,779 1,998.28
68 149,469 1,994.38 13,291 1,882.54 136,178 2,005.29
69 141,455 1,978.66 11,521 1,868.13 129,934 1,988.46
70 105,401 1,931.84 5,565 1,769.15 99,836 1,940.91
71 105,799 1,948.29 4,927 1,742.89 100,872 1,958.32
72 104,565 1,942.46 4,241 1,740.87 100,324 1,950.99
73 104,508 1,943.67 3,947 1,715.20 100,561 1,952.63
74 103,320 1,938.93 3,481 1,685.67 99,839 1,947.76
75 103,028 1,928.05 2,919 1,650.85 100,109 1,936.13
76 103,626 1,923.67 2,732 1,637.08 100,894 1,931.43
77 112,228 1,924.15 2,469 1,553.21 109,759 1,932.49
78 102,389 1,904.60 2,087 1,519.54 100,302 1,912.61
79 92,543 1,869.35 1,627 1,479.21 90,916 1,876.33
80 95,498 1,872.62 1,488 1,441.85 94,010 1,879.44
81 100,674 1,885.41 1,336 1,412.88 99,338 1,891.76
82 99,173 1,862.50 1,219 1,384.83 97,954 1,868.44
83 90,616 1,826.25 1,011 1,296.55 89,605 1,832.22
84 88,450 1,791.70 963 1,259.79 87,487 1,797.55
85 84,949 1,773.05 857 1,150.09 84,092 1,779.40
86 84,099 1,751.33 745 1,093.02 83,354 1,757.21
87 79,313 1,738.62 651 1,079.67 78,662 1,744.07
88 76,014 1,729.21 660 1,092.46 75,354 1,734.79
89 71,974 1,729.93 530 991.40 71,444 1,735.41
90 66,613 1,731.42 468 997.72 66,145 1,736.61
91 58,199 1,727.48 413 1,067.37 57,786 1,732.20
92 53,489 1,731.00 342 1,005.83 53,147 1,735.66
93 47,365 1,735.26 270 937.31 47,095 1,739.83
94 41,716 1,730.16 256 1,003.09 41,460 1,734.64
95 33,377 1,726.53 169 974.65 33,208 1,730.36
96 26,554 1,721.47 141 970.22 26,413 1,725.48
97 20,553 1,709.42 106 947.71 20,447 1,713.37
98 15,396 1,692.12 82 910.33 15,314 1,696.31
99 & over 31,152 1,683.60 123 897.97 31,029 1,686.71
Total 3,433,993 1,832.47 162,439 1,615.60 3,271,554 1,843.24

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