2013 Open Government News Archive
Social Security Announces 1.5% COLA increase for 2014
Today we announced a 1.5 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in 2014 for the nearly 63 million Americans who collect monthly benefits.
The Social Security Act ties the annual COLA to increases in the Consumer Price Index, which the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics determines.
The COLA will take effect with SSI payments paid on December 31, 2013, and Social Security payments sent in January 2014.
Some other changes that take effect in January of each year are based on the increase in average wages. Based on that increase, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) will increase to $117,000 from $113,700. Of the estimated 165 million workers who will pay Social Security taxes in 2014, about 10 million will pay higher taxes as a result of the increase in the taxable maximum.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced earlier this week the standard Medicare Part B monthly premium will be $104.90 in 2014, the same as it was in 2013. Visit the Medicare website for further information about Medicare changes for 2014.
Register Now! National Work Incentives Seminar Event on Wednesday, October 23
Are you interested in working? Do you want to see how Ticket to Work and other work incentives might be able to help you take the next step towards employment? With the right opportunities and supports, many people can earn a higher standard of living by going to work and leaving benefits. If you’re interested in learning more, sign-up to attend the Social Security’s Ticket to Work October 23rd webinar to learn more about the program!
If You Like Social Security, Please "Like" Social Security
Did you know that Social Security is Social Media friendly? For example, our Facebook page is a great place to refer anyone who has an interest in Social Security. We regularly post to the page, so you’ll get short, sweet bits of useful news and information.
We encourage you to "like" our page, and tell others to do the same!
Our Facebook page is just one of the useful and engaging features you'll find at our Social Media Hub. The hub will fill you in on how you can easily sign up to receive free emails and texts that keep you informed when our webpages are updated, and how you can connect with Social Security on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. You also can link to our webinars, podcasts, and our Photoblog.
Help Us Fight Fraud and Identity Theft
Social Security takes fraud and abuse seriously. Our Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is always on the lookout for criminals who want to take advantage of the system and steal from beneficiaries. At the same time, identity theft remains the number one type of consumer fraud in the United States, according to the Federal Trade Commission. Millions of people have their identity stolen each year. But there are things you can do for protection from fraud and identity theft.
For starters, keep your Social Security card hidden away with your other important papers—never leave home with it! People should safeguard their Social Security numbers and be careful to whom they provide their numbers. The same goes for date of birth and other identifying information.
Understand the importance of being wary of suspicious correspondence and safeguarding your personal information. People should be careful when they provide their information and only share it when necessary. They should only go to trusted websites and never click on links that appear suspicious. Criminals have many ways to trick people into sharing personal information or downloading viruses or spyware.
People who think they are the victims of Social Security payment fraud should contact OIG’s fraud hotline at 1-800-269-0271 (TTY 1-866-501-2101) or visit OIG's online fraud, waste, and abuse reporting system. People who believe they are victims of identity theft should contact the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-IDTHEFT (438-4338) (TTY 1-866-653-4261) or visit www.identitytheft.gov.
Check Out Our New Homepage
Have you been to www.ssa.gov lately? Pay a visit to our redesigned homepage, and you will find more than just an updated modern look. The homepage features popular “main menus” to help users quickly and easily find the information they seek. Included in the new design are a new top banner and footer, an updated color scheme, and a simplified layout.
Did we mention that our website is tablet- and mobile-friendly? Now, you can access all the same content from your computer, tablet, and smartphone devices.
In Transition: A Conversation on Youth, Disability and Work
Join Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program on September 20th at 12:00 p.m. EDT for a Twitter Chat (#DEChat), “In Transition: A Conversation on Youth, Disability and Work! If you or someone you know is a young adult receiving Social Security disability benefits who is interested in working, follow the conversation!
Millions Retire Online
The most popular way for people to apply for retirement benefits these days is online! In fact, more than 50 percent of all retirement applications now are taken online. That’s because it’s easy, convenient, and can take as little as 15 minutes from start to finish.
Social Security wants to spread the word about the most popular way to apply for benefits. So we’ve kicked off a new online services marketing campaign that encourages baby boomers to take advantage of our online application for retirement. The theme: “I just joined the millions retiring online.” The campaign stresses that people can visit www.ssa.gov to estimate their benefits, apply for retirement, and manage their accounts.
Whether you are ready to retire now, or looking for information to help make an informed decision regarding when to retire, visit www.ssa.gov/pgm/retirement. You can proudly tell your friends, “I just joined the millions retiring online.”
Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program Webinar – "Free Support Services for Young Adults in Transition"
Join Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program on September 12th at 3:00p.m. EDT for a special Work Incentives Seminar Event webinar on career help for young adults with disabilities and youth-in-transition! If you or someone you know is a young adult receiving Social Security disability benefits who is interested in working, register for this free webinar.
Reflecting on 78 Years
When Social Security was created in 1935, you could buy a car for $625 and fill her up for 10 cents a gallon. You could buy a house for $3,450, a loaf of bread for eight cents, and a gallon of milk for less than 50 cents. The average yearly salary was about $1,500.
Before Social Security, older Americans had a difficult time with finances as they aged. But since August 14, 1935, when President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law, Social Security has provided a safety net for nearly every older American.
“It is such an honor to lead this agency as we fulfill President Franklin Roosevelt’s vision of providing a measure of economic security to more than 60 million Americans,” said Acting Commissioner Carolyn W. Colvin. “There is nothing more rewarding than making a difference in the lives of others.”
Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program Webinar – "Support Services for People with Disabilities: Working for Yourself with Ticket to Work: Achieving Financial Independence"
If you are a Social Security disability beneficiary and want to make more money through work, Ticket to Work can provide the support you need to transition to financial independence.
The August 28 national WISE webinar will present information about special Social Security programs and rules can help you on your path to self-employment! A special guest speaker will teach you about:
- Factors to consider when you think about self-employment
- Ticket to Work, Work Incentives, and self-employment
- Where to find more information
Register online at https://choosework.ssa.gov/wise or call 1-866-968-7842 (V) or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY).
You will receive a registration confirmation message with instructions on how to log in to the webinar. Please be sure to check your spam folder. Registration information will also be available online the day of the webinar.
Immediately following this webinar, log on for our Facebook Question and Answer Session and receive expert answers to your questions about Ticket to Work and self-employment!
Social Security Testifies Before Congress
If you are interested in learning more about Social Security testimony given before the 113th Congress, now is a good time to go online and browse our Legislation and Congressional Affairs website. Just visit www.ssa.gov/legislation and look for the icon of the file cabinet that reads "113th Congress Legislation and Testimony."
On the Legislation page, you can find transcripts to congressional testimony. In June, we added several transcripts.
For example, Acting Commissioner Carolyn W. Colvin testified on pending legislation to improve the processing of disability claims by the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). "We place a high priority on the requests we receive from VA and work very hard on responding to them timely," said Colvin. "In fiscal year 2012, Social Security received nearly 33,000 requests for medical evidence from VA and we responded to those requests in less than a week."
Dig deeper into these and other congressional testimonies from Social Security at www.ssa.gov/legislation.
Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program
Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program will be presenting at the National Council for Independent Living’s RE:GENERATION conference in Washington, DC on Wednesday, July 24th. Learn about employment support services that are available to you. If you are a Social Security disability beneficiary, are age 18 through 64, and want to work, this session is for you! Read the details about the conference.
Social Security Card or Printout?
When it comes to someone's Social Security card and number, in most cases the card is the number — that is, a person who knows his or her number usually doesn’t really need the card.
However, that isn't always the case. There are times when a person may need to show a third party proof of his or her Social Security number. In such a case, that doesn't mean the person needs a replacement Social Security card; a Social Security number "printout" should do the trick.
The printout serves as proof of a person’s number for most third parties. They can get a printout in a Social Security office on the spot, so there’s no wait for the new card to arrive in the mail.
The documents we need to see are the same for a card or printout. To obtain either one, we need to see proof of identity, age, and U.S. citizenship or lawful immigration status. Find out exactly what we need by visiting the guide at www.ssa.gov/ssnumber/ss5doc.htm.
To learn more about the Social Security card and number (as well as the printout), visit www.ssa.gov/ssnumber.
Social Security Helps Veterans
Few government agencies touch as many people as Social Security. The programs we administer provide a safety net for millions of Americans, including our brave veterans. We are proud of our initiatives to help wounded warriors, our efforts to reach out to active service members and veterans, and our programs to hire and retain veterans. A new initiative allows Social Security to help the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
The VA has a disability process that is separate from Social Security. To process applications, VA requests medical records from us. We place a high priority on these requests. In fiscal year 2012, we received nearly 33,000 such requests from VA and, in most cases, we responded in less than a week. We expedite Agent Orange and homeless veterans’ cases, sending records for such cases in an average of two days or less. We also have designated staff to serve as VA liaisons to ensure we expedite all requests for medical records.
Our partnership with VA is effective. Working together, we provide better service to our wounded warriors and veterans. If you serve wounded warriors or veterans or are one, please visit www.ssa.gov/people/veterans.
Social Security Wins Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting
For the 15th year in a row, Social Security has the honor of winning the prestigious Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting from the Association of Government Accountants (AGA).
The award was presented at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on May 22.
You can read our 2012 Performance and Accountability Report (as well as the previous 14 award-winning reports) at www.ssa.gov/finance
Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program Webinar – "Ticket to Work: Choosing a Service Provider That is Right for You"
Join Ticket to Work this Wednesday 6/26 from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET for the Webinar “Ticket to Work: Choosing a Service Provider That is Right for You.” Learn the difference between Employment Networks and state Vocational Rehabilitation agencies and the services they offer.
If you’re getting disability benefits, are age 18 through 64, and want to work, register here for this free event.
Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program Webinar – "Support Services for People Who Have a Disability and Are Ready to Work"
Join Ticket to Work Wednesday, June 12, 2013 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. ET for an Introductory Work Incentives Webinar! Learn about employment support services that are available to you.
If you’re getting disability benefits, are age 18 through 64, and want to work, register here to attend this free event.
Social Security Inspector General Publishes Spring Report to Congress
The Social Security Administration's Office of the Inspector General (IG) recently published its Spring Semiannual Report to Congress, which covers the period October 1, 2012, through March 31, 2013. The report includes the organization's most significant audit, investigative, and legal accomplishments. You can view a PDF of the report at SSA/OIG Spring Semiannual Report to Congress.
New Mobile Site for Smart Phone Users
You're on the run, between meetings, and you need a quick answer to a Social Security question. Your computer's at the office and your laptop's at home. Where do you turn? To our new mobile website!
People visiting www.ssa.gov by smartphone (Android, Blackberry, iPhone, and Windows devices) are redirected to the agency's new mobile-friendly site. There, visitors can access a mobile-friendly version of Social Security’s frequently asked questions, an interactive guide to help people identify documents needed for a new or replacement Social Security card, and publications that they can easily read or listen to in both English and Spanish.
In addition, visitors to the new mobile site can learn how to create a personal my Social Security account to instantly get an online Social Security Statement or a benefit verification letter, learn more about Social Security’s award-winning online services, and connect with Social Security on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest.
Direct your smartphone to www.ssa.gov.
Social Security Board of Trustees: No Change in Projected Year of Trust Fund Reserve Depletion
The Social Security Board of Trustees today released its annual report on the long-term financial status of the Social Security Trust Funds. The combined assets of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Trust Funds are projected to become depleted in 2033, unchanged from last year, with 77 percent of benefits still payable at that time. The DI Trust Fund will become depleted in 2016, also unchanged from last year’s estimate, with 80 percent of benefits still payable.
In the 2013 Annual Report to Congress, the Trustees announced:
- The combined trust fund reserves are still growing and will continue to do so through 2020. Beginning with 2021, the cost of the program is projected to exceed income.
- The projected point at which the combined trust fund reserves will become depleted, if Congress does not act before then, comes in 2033 – the same as projected last year. At that time, there will be sufficient income coming in to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits.
- The projected actuarial deficit over the 75-year long-range period is 2.72 percent of taxable payroll -- 0.05 percentage point larger than in last year’s report.
“The Social Security Trust Funds’ projected depletion dates have not changed, and three-fourths of benefits would still be payable after depletion. But the fact remains that Congress needs to act to ensure the long-term solvency of this vital program,” said Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security. “The projected year for Disability Insurance Trust Fund depletion remains 2016, and legislative action is needed as soon as possible to address this financial imbalance.”
Welcome to Our Hub
We're pleased to announce our new Social Media Hub at www.ssa.gov/socialmedia. The hub will fill you in on how easy it is to sign up for free e-mails and texts that keep you informed when we update our web pages, as well as how you can connect with Social Security on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. You also can get information about our webinars, podcasts, and photoblog.
You can find the Social Media Hub and so much more directly off of our home page at www.ssa.gov.
Social Security’s Ticket to Work program webinar
Are you a disability beneficiary, age 18 through 64, and interested in learning how to work and become financially independent? If so, watch Social Security’s webinar, “Ticket to Work for People Who Have a Mental Illness: Support on Your Journey to Employment,” on May 22, 2013 from 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET. Sign up to attend.
New Mobile Site for Smart Phone Users
Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, today announced the agency is offering a new mobile optimized website, specifically aimed at smartphone users across the country. People visiting the agency’s website, www.ssa.gov via smartphone (Android, Blackberry, iPhone, and Windows devices) will be redirected to the agency’s new mobile-friendly site. Once there, visitors can access a mobile version of Social Security’s Frequently Asked Questions, an interactive Social Security number (SSN) decision tree to help people identify documents needed for a new/replacement SSN card, and mobile publications which they can listen to in both English and Spanish right on their phone.
“We are committed to meeting the changing needs of the American people and the launch of our new mobile site helps reinforce our online presence and adaptability to advances in technology,” Acting Commissioner Colvin said. “I encourage all smartphone users looking for Social Security information to take advantage of our new mobile site.”
In addition, visitors to the new mobile site can learn how to create a personal my Social Security account to get an online Social Security Statement, learn more about Social Security’s award-winning online services, and connect with Social Security on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. For people unable to complete their Social Security business online or over the telephone, the agency also unveiled a new mobile field office locator. The new mobile office locator has the capability to provide turn-by-turn directions to the nearest Social Security office based on information entered by the person.
You Still Have Time to Comment on Our Agency Strategic Plan
The Government Performance and Results Act requires federal agencies to develop and publish a new strategic plan at the beginning of each presidential term.
Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, is leading the effort to deliver an Agency Strategic Plan outlining our goals and objectives for the next five years. The plan reaffirms our unwavering commitment to the public we serve.
"I believe our best plan will come from our collective thinking and imagination," said Colvin. "I look forward to hearing your ideas on how Social Security should look, operate, and serve the American public for the next five years and beyond."
Wanted: Good Representative Payees
We are looking for responsible and caring people willing to help some of our most vulnerable clients. Watch our video ,"Social Security Needs Your Help to Find Good Representative Payees," to learn how you or someone you know might help us fill a critical shortage of qualified payees.
Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program Webinar – "Your Path to Financial Independence"
If you are an SSDI or SSI beneficiary, age 18 through 64, this two-part webinar series is for you! Join us for the second in our two-part webinar series, “Ticket to Work: Support for People with Disabilities on the Journey to Financial Independence,” on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET. Register online or call 1-866-968-7842 (V) or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY).
Share your ideas for updating our Agency Strategic Plan!
At the beginning of each presidential term, federal agencies must develop and publish their Agency Strategic Plans, outlining their goals and objectives for the next five years. We are looking for suggestions for innovative and efficient ways to accomplish our core mission in this environment of strained budgets and increasing service demands.
We will continue our focus on commitments regarding our disability program, customer service, public trust, infrastructure and workforce. But we want to strengthen these areas for a more forward-looking emphasis, and would appreciate your thoughts.
Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program Webinar – "Your Path to Financial Independence"
If you are an SSDI or SSI beneficiary, age 18 through 64, this two-part webinar series is for you! Join us for the first in our two-part webinar series, “Ticket to Work: Support for People with Disabilities on the Journey to Financial Independence,” on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. ET. Register online or call 1-866-968-7842 (V) or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY). The second part will be held on Wednesday, April 24, 2013, from 3:00 – 4:00 ET.
New Datasets on Asian & Pacific Islander (API) Language Preferences
In support of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) and to increase understanding of the agency’s commitment to providing equal access to services for limited English proficient individuals, we have posted 12 new datasets on Asian & Pacific Islander (API) language preferences for AAPIs seeking Social Security services. The data includes API language preferences captured through claims processes for Social Security Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income. It also includes API language information on requests for telephone interpreter services call volume and the number of bi- or multilingual Social Security employees who volunteer their services as an interpreter and/or translator in API languages.
Join our Twitter Chat!
You are invited to participate in a #DEChat (Disability Employment Chat) Twitter Chat sponsored by Social Security’s Ticket to Work program (@chooseworkssa) and Disability.gov (@disabilitygov)! To join the chat, follow the hashtag #DEchat at 12:00 PM EST on Friday, March 29th and join the conversation! Our topic will be “#DEChat for People with Disabilities: Talking Ticket with Disability.gov.” Ask questions, get answers and find resources to help you or someone you know!
Wanted: Comments on Social Security’s Service Delivery Plan
We are requesting public comments on our Service Delivery Plan (SDP), a roadmap for serving the American public over the next decade. The SDP explains how we will build on our achievements, accommodate our resource constraints, and meet the goals and objectives of our Agency Strategic Plan. We encourage you to review the SDP and share your feedback.
Sunshine Week: Open Government is Good Government
This year, March 10 to March 16 is Sunshine Week — a national initiative to promote a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information.
Sunshine Week seeks to enlighten and empower people to play an active role in their government at all levels, and to give citizens access to information that makes their lives better and their communities stronger. The week highlights the public’s right to know what its government is doing and why.
For more information, we invite you to explore our Open Government page at www.ssa.gov/open and our Freedom of Information page at www.ssa.gov/foia
February 25 – March 2 is America Saves Week
Planning for retirement? Social Security benefits and personal savings will play a big part. Get tips on how to save by participating in America Saves Week at www.americasavesweek.org.
Social Security’s Ticket to Work program webinar
Join us for our next WISE Webinar on February 27, 2013 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. EST. Register online or call 1-866-968-7842 (V) or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY).
Participants learn about Ticket to Work & Work Incentives information, answers to frequently asked questions, and where to find more information and help.
Immediately following this webinar, go to our Facebook page, log on to access our Question and Answer Session, and receive expert answers to your questions about Ticket to Work, Social Security work incentives, and your employment options.
If you cannot make the live event, wish to review the information, or are looking for a particular webinar topic, all of our webinars can be downloaded from our webinar library.
Taxes and Social Security
Make sure all dependents listed on your annual tax forms have Social Security numbers. Check the names and numbers to make sure they match up. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) checks all the names and Social Security numbers on tax returns against Social Security’s records. If the names and numbers do not match Social Security’s records, it could mean a delay in receiving any tax refund due.
If you need to pay taxes on benefits, you will need a Form SSA-1099 for tax year 2012. The 1099 shows the total amount of benefits you received in the previous year. Social Security mails the forms to all beneficiaries by January 31. If you have not received your 1099 for 2012, you can request a replacement on or after February 1.
Social Security’s Ticket to Work program webinar
Social Security's Ticket to Work program supports career development for people with disabilities who are preparing to work. The Ticket program is free and voluntary and offers beneficiaries with disabilities access to employment.
To find out if returning to work is right for you, and learn about tools to help you find and keep a job, watch our webinar, "Ticket to Work: You Asked, We Answer" on February 6, 2013 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. EST.
Getting Your Benefit Verification Letter Is Easy With my Social Security
If you are one of the more than 60 million people receiving Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and/or Medicare, my Social Security makes it easier and more convenient for you to request your benefit verification letter. This letter is an important resource for beneficiaries. For instance, it can act as proof of income when you apply for a loan or mortgage, assisted housing or other state or local benefits. You also can use it to verify current Medicare health insurance coverage, retirement status, disability, or age.
With my Social Security, you have secure and convenient access to these and other Social Security services. As a beneficiary, you can also check your benefit and payment information, change your address and phone number, or even set up direct deposit of your benefit payment. If you’re not yet a beneficiary, you can use my Social Security to get estimates of your future retirement, disability, and survivor benefits; view your earnings record; and get estimates of how much you’ve paid in Social Security and Medicare taxes.
Sign up for or log in to your my Social Security account today.
Social Security’s Ticket to Work program webinar
Social Security's Ticket to Work program supports career development for people with disabilities who are preparing to work. The Ticket program is free and voluntary and offers beneficiaries with disabilities access to employment.
To find out if returning to work is right for you, and learn about tools to help you find and keep a job, watch our webinar, "Ticket to Work: Support Services for People Who Have a Disability and Are Ready to Work" on January 23, 2013 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. EST.
New my Social Security services make it even easier to do your Social Security business online!
my Social Security offers a secure and convenient way to access valuable personalized Social Security information, whether you’ve been working and paying Social Security taxes or are already receiving Social Security benefits. Go to www.ssa.gov/myaccount to create your account or sign in if you've already created one. If you don't get benefits yet, you can view your Social Security Statement at any time to get personalized estimates of your retirement, disability, and survivor benefits; your earnings record; and the estimated Social Security and Medicare taxes you've paid. If you are already getting benefits, creating a my Social Security account will allow you to get your benefit verification letter; check your benefit and payment information and your earnings record; change your address and phone number; and start or change your direct deposit.
Learn more about these new services at www.ssa.gov/myaccount.
Social Security’s Ticket to Work program webinar
Social Security's Ticket to Work program supports career development for people with disabilities who are preparing to work. The Ticket program is free and voluntary and offers beneficiaries with disabilities access to employment.
To find out if returning to work is right for you, and learn about tools to help you find and keep a job, watch our webinar, "Finding Your Way: Online Tools and Tips for Your Journey to Self-Sufficiency," on January 9, 2013 from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. EST.
Social Security Announces New Online Services Available with a my Social Security Account
Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner of Social Security, today announced the agency is expanding the services available with a my Social Security account, a personalized online account that people can use beginning in their working years and continuing throughout the time they receive Social Security benefits. More than 60 million Social Security beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients can now access their benefit verification letter, payment history, and earnings record instantly using their online account. Social Security beneficiaries also can change their address and start or change direct deposit information online.
Social Security Inspector General Publishes Fall Report to Congress
The Social Security Administration's Office of the Inspector General (IG) recently published its Fall Semiannual Report to Congress, which covers the period April 1, 2012, through September 30, 2012. The report includes the organization's most significant audit, investigative, and legal accomplishments. You can view a PDF of the report at SSA/OIG Fall Semiannual Report to Congress. We invite you to share your thoughts about the “look and feel” of this report by taking the IG's short survey.
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The Social Security Administration is committed to creating an open and transparent government through the following initiatives: