Social Security for LGBQ People
Social Security touches the lives of nearly all Americans. We provide financial protection to help older Americans, wounded warriors, workers who have a disability, and survivors of a worker who dies. We are committed to administering our programs in a way that promotes equity and fairness to everyone who interacts with us.
With you through life’s journey...
With retirement, disability, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicare, and survivors benefits, Social Security helps secure today and tomorrow for millions of people throughout life’s journey. We pay monthly benefits to everyone who meets entitlement or eligibility requirements for our programs. This includes members of the LGBQ community and dependent family members.
Inform Us of Changes
If you already receive Social Security benefits or SSI, you must tell us if you get married, enter a non-marital legal relationship, or divorce. These changes could affect your entitlement to Social Security benefits or your SSI eligibility or payment amount.
Whenever you change your name, be sure to report the change to us. Otherwise, your earnings may not be recorded properly, and you may not receive all the benefits you are due. We will provide you with an updated Social Security card. For more information read Your Social Security Number and Card.
Also, if you are paying a higher Medicare premium for Part B and Part D, you could be eligible for a new initial determination based on a life-changing event of marriage. If you amended your tax return and changed the income, we used to determine your premium, let us know. We call the additional premium amount the “income-related monthly adjustment amount” (IRMAA). To report these changes in your income, use the Medicare Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount – Life-Changing Event form.
When You’re Ready to Apply for Benefits
When you are ready to apply for benefits, you can apply for benefits online.
With your personal my Social Security account, you can request a replacement Social Security card, check the status of an application, verify your earnings, estimate future benefits, or manage the benefits you already receive. Sign in or create your account today.