You are here: Social Security Administration > Research, Statistics & Policy Analysis > About Us > Office of Research, Evaluation, and Statistics
Office of Research, Evaluation, and Statistics
ORES is responsible for:
- Conducting policy relevant research and evaluation;
- Conducting in-depth analyses of Social Security solvency proposals;
- Preparing quick-turnaround analyses on critical issues for the Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioner for Retirement and Disability Policy, and other agency officials;
- Providing statistical data on OASDI and SSI program benefits, payments, covered workers, and other indicators;
- Sponsoring special-purpose survey data collections and studies to improve data for research and statistics related to social security issues;
- Developing links between administrative record data and survey data for use in Social Security research and policy analysis;
- Developing and operating microsimulation models that estimate the distributional effects of proposed changes in Social Security programs;
- Disseminating research and statistical material through our website; and
- Ensuring the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of statistical data and participating in several interagency statistical programs and projects.