Income of the Aged Chartbook, 2006

Table of Contents

Definitions and Notes

Income Sources

Asset income includes interest, dividends, income from estates or trusts, and net rental income or royalties.

Cash public assistance includes Supplemental Security Income and other cash public assistance payments low-income people receive, such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC, ADC), temporary assistance to needy families (TANF), general assistance, and emergency assistance.

Earnings is the sum of income from wages and salaries and income from self-employment.

Noncash benefits include Food Stamps, energy assistance, and housing assistance. Noncash benefits are not included as money income for public assistance or total income.

Retirement benefits include Social Security, other public sources such as Railroad Retirement and government employee pensions (military, federal, state, and local), and private pensions and annuities.

Social Security includes retired-worker benefits, dependent or survivor benefits, disability benefits, transitionally insured benefits, and special age-72 benefits.

Pensions include regular payments from private pensions and annuities; government employee pensions; Railroad Retirement; and individual retirement accounts (IRAs), Keoghs, and 401(k) plans. Irregular withdrawals (lump-sum payments) from IRAs, Keoghs, and 401(k) plans are not included in the data because they do not fit the Census Bureau's definition of money income.


Total money income is the sum of all income received by the aged unit before any deductions such as taxes, union dues, or Medicare premiums. Total money income does not reflect nonmoney transfers such as food stamps, health benefits, subsidized housing, payments in kind, or fringe benefits from one's employment. Total money income does not include capital gains or losses, or irregular withdrawals (lump-sum payments) from IRAs, Keoghs, or 401(k) plans.

Aggregate income is the sum of the total money income of all aged units in the population of interest. Several charts in this book present the shares of aggregate income attributable to specific sources, such as Social Security.

Source of Data

Data for this series are from the March Current Population Survey (CPS) of the U.S. Census Bureau. The CPS samples a large cross section of households in the United States each year (approximately 98,000 in March 2007). The March supplement gathers detailed information on income and labor force participation of each person 15 years of age or older in the sample households.

General Notes

This publication covers the population aged 65 or older. The unit of analysis here, with the exception of the measures of family income of persons and poverty, is the aged unit, which is a married couple living together or a person who does not live with a spouse. The age of a married couple is the age of the husband if he is 65 or older; if the husband is younger than 55 and the wife is aged 65 or older, the age of the married couple is the age of the wife. The race and Hispanic origin of a married couple are determined by the husband. The unit of analysis for family income of persons and poverty is persons aged 65 or older.

Beginning with data for 2002, respondents may identify themselves in more than one racial group. The "White alone" and "Black alone" categories reflect respondents who reported only one race.

All years are calendar years.

Nonmarried men and nonmarried women include persons who are separated or married but living apart from their spouse.

Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.

Total Money Income

  • The demographic composition of the elderly changes with age.
  • The aged are an economically diverse group.
  • Income differences by age are associated with differences in marital status.
  • Demographic differences are associated with different levels of median income for units aged 65 or older.
  • Median real income has risen substantially over the years.

The demographic composition of the elderly changes with age. Aged units 65 to 69 are the most likely to be married couples (51.7%), while aged units 80 or older are most likely to be nonmarried women (57.8%). The younger age groups also have a greater proportion of minorities than the older cohorts.

Percentage distribution of aged units 65 or older, 2006
  65 or older 65–69 70–74 75–79 80 or older
Marital status and sex  
Married couples 41.2 51.7 46.5 42.3 27.0
Nonmarried men 15.4 15.7 16.1 14.5 15.2
Nonmarried women 43.4 32.6 37.5 43.3 57.8
White alone 85.8 83.9 83.7 86.7 88.6
Black alone 9.6 10.9 11.5 8.7 7.5
Asian alone 3.1 3.4 3.2 3.3 2.7
Hispanic origin 6.9 8.3 7.5 6.8 5.4
Total number of aged units (thousands) 27,421 7,493 5,979 5,778 8,171
NOTE: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of the rounded components.

The aged are an economically diverse group. The median income for units aged 65 or older is $23,194, but there are wide differences within the total group. Approximately 15% have an income of under $10,000, and roughly 20% have an income of $50,000 or more.

Percentage with various levels of income, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Percentage with various levels of income, 2006
Income (dollars) Percentage of aged units
Less than 5,000 4.6
5,000 to 9,999 10.7
10,000 to 14,999 15.3
15,000 to 19,999 12.8
20,000 to 24,999 9.8
25,000 to 29,999 8.4
30,000 to 34,999 6.4
35,000 to 39,999 5.0
40,000 to 44,999 4.1
45,000 to 49,999 2.8
50,000 to 74,999 9.2
75,000 to 99,999 4.4
100,000 or more 6.6
NOTE: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of the rounded components.

Income differences by age are associated with differences in marital status. Median income is generally lower in older age groups. The striking differences by age are due in part to the disproportionate number of nonmarried women in older age groups.

Median income, by age and marital status, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
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Table equivalent for chart. Median income, by age and marital status, 2006
Age All units Married couples Nonmarried persons
65 to 69 31,500 47,268 19,000
70 to 74 26,055 39,860 16,122
75 to 79 22,020 33,350 15,900
80 or older 18,000 30,594 14,648

Demographic differences are associated with different levels of median income for units aged 65 or older. Income is highest for married couples, who have a median income nearly 2½ times that of nonmarried persons. Median income of white aged units is greater than that of Asian aged units by almost one-half and that of black aged units by almost three-fourths.

Median income, by marital status, sex of nonmarried persons, race, and Hispanic origin, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Median income, by marital status, sex of nonmarried persons, race, and Hispanic origin, 2006
  Income (dollars)
Marital status  
Married couples 38,304
Nonmarried persons 15,928
White alone 24,658
Black alone 14,400
Asian alone 16,662
Hispanic origin 12,498

Median real income has risen substantially over the years. Between 1962 and 2006, the income of units aged 65 or older increased even when adjusted for inflation. The increase was 99.6% for married couples and 111.2% for nonmarried persons. There were disproportionate increases by race. Between 1967 and 2006, the income of whites increased by 114.8%; that of blacks increased by 77.5%.

Change in median income, by marital status and race, selected years
Line chart with tabular version below.
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Table equivalent for chart. Constant (2006) dollar median income, by marital status and race, selected years
Year Couples Nonmarried White Black
1962 19,192 7,543 -- --
1967 20,359 7,883 11,480 8,112
1971 26,671 10,199 16,158 9,423
1976 27,955 11,905 17,503 10,594
1978 29,251 12,090 18,428 10,049
1980 29,408 11,695 18,154 9,933
1982 31,608 12,284 19,742 9,986
1984 33,471 12,981 21,266 10,614
1986 34,747 13,207 21,668 10,945
1988 34,603 13,510 22,353 10,741
1990 36,020 14,109 22,431 10,777
1992 34,223 13,728 21,588 10,724
1994 34,069 14,154 21,699 11,934
1996 35,905 14,522 21,784 12,398
1998 37,322 14,860 23,444 11,643
2000 36,513 14,886 23,169 14,439
2001 37,101 14,793 22,759 14,080
2002 36,375 14,781 22,529 13,447
2004 37,246 14,940 23,158 13,344
2006 38,304 15,928 24,658 14,400
NOTE: -- = not available.

Income Sources

  • Social Security is the most common source of income for units aged 65 or older.
  • Social Security provides at least half of total income for a majority of beneficiary aged units.
  • Age groups differ in their likelihood of receiving earnings, but not pensions.
  • Receipt of income from major sources varies by race and Hispanic origin.
  • Receipt of Social Security has become nearly universal.
  • Receipt of asset income is associated with relatively high median income.
  • Receipt of earnings and retirement benefits also affects total income.

Social Security is the most common source of income for units aged 65 or older. Nearly 9 out of 10 aged units receive Social Security benefits. Asset income is the next most common source of income, received by more than half of the aged. Two-fifths receive retirement benefits other than Social Security, and nearly one-quarter have earnings. Public assistance and veterans' benefits are each received by less than 4%. Noncash benefits, including food stamps and housing and energy assistance, are received by over 9%.

Percentage receiving income from specified source, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Percentage receiving income from specified source, 2006
Source of income Percent
Social Security 88.5
Asset income 54.9
Retirement benefits other than Social Security 41.3
Public and private 2.0
Public only 12.2
Private only 27.1
Earnings 24.6
Veterans' benefits 3.5
Cash public assistance 3.7
Noncash benefits 9.2

Social Security provides at least half of total income for a majority of beneficiary aged units. In 2006, 89.3% of married couples and 87.9% of nonmarried persons aged 65 or older received Social Security benefits. Social Security was the major source of income (providing at least 50% of total income) for 52% of aged beneficiary couples and 71.8% of aged nonmarried beneficiaries. It was 90% or more of income for 20.4% of aged beneficiary couples and 40.8% of aged nonmarried beneficiaries. Total income excludes withdrawals from savings and lump-sum payments from IRAs or 401(k)s; it also excludes in-kind support, such as food stamps and housing and energy assistance.

Percentage of aged beneficiary units receiving Social Security benefits, by relative importance of benefits to total income, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
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Table equivalent for chart. Percentage of aged beneficiary units receiving Social Security benefits, by relative importance of benefits to total income, 2006
  All beneficiary units Beneficiary married couples Nonmarried beneficiaries
50% or more of income 63.5 52.0 71.8
90% or more of income 32.3 20.4 40.8

Aged groups differ in their likelihood of receiving earnings, but not pensions. Earnings are received by a greater percentage of aged units in the youngest group than in the oldest group—46.2% compared with 6.4%. In all age groups, there is little or no difference in the likelihood of having a public pension; units 70–74 are most likely to have a private pension.

Percentage receiving income from earnings and pensions, by age, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Percentage receiving income from earnings and pensions, by age, 2006
Age Earnings Private pensions Public pensions
65 to 69 46.2 25.6 13.5
70 to 74 28.5 32.6 14.1
75 to 79 18.5 30.1 15.0
80 or older 6.4 28.9 14.3

Receipt of income from major sources varies by race and Hispanic origin. Among units aged 65 or older, whites are most likely to receive Social Security and pensions, followed by blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. Whites are more likely than Asians, blacks, or Hispanics to receive income from assets. Receipt of earnings varies little by race and Hispanic origin. Minority aged units are more likely to receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) than are whites.

Percentage receiving income from major sources, by race and Hispanic origin, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Percentage receiving income from major sources, by race and Hispanic origin, 2006
Major source of income White alone Black alone Asian alone Hispanic
Social Security 90.0 82.1 68.2 74.5
Asset income 58.9 25.6 40.2 22.6
Pensions 43.3 29.6 22.8 18.2
Earnings 25.2 20.1 23.5 22.5
SSI 2.6 9.3 10.7 10.1

Receipt of Social Security has become nearly universal. In 1962, 69% of units aged 65 or older received Social Security benefits; in 2006, 89% of them did. Most of that increase occurred in the 1960s. Receipt of other pension income, which more than doubled from 1962 to 1992, has decreased slightly since then. The proportion of aged units with asset income, which had been about two-thirds since 1980, has dropped since 1990 and leveled off since 2000. The proportion with earnings has declined since 1971 and has been between 20% and 25% since 1980. The proportion receiving public assistance has also declined and is now about a third of its 1962 level.

Change in percentage receiving income from major sources, selected years
Line chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Percentage receiving income from major sources, selected years
Year Social Security Pensions Asset income Earnings Cash public assistance
1962 69 18 54 36 13
1967 86 22 50 27 12
1971 87 23 49 31 10
1976 89 31 56 25 11
1978 90 32 62 25 10
1980 90 34 66 23 10
1982 90 35 68 22 8
1984 91 38 68 21 9
1986 91 40 67 20 7
1988 92 42 68 22 7
1990 92 44 69 22 7
1992 92 45 67 20 7
1994 91 42 67 21 6
1996 91 41 63 21 6
1998 90 43 63 21 5
2000 90 41 59 22 5
2001 91 40 58 22 5
2002 90 41 55 22 5
2004 89 41 55 24 4
2006 88.5 41.3 54.9 24.6 3.7

Receipt of asset income is associated with relatively high median income. The median income of units aged 65 or older with asset income is more than twice that of those with no asset income ($32,604 compared with $15,006). Aged units with no asset income are concentrated in the lowest income categories—one-fourth have a total income below $10,000, and only one-fifth have an income of $30,000 or more. Among aged units with asset income, 5% have a total income of less than $10,000, and over half have an income of $30,000 or more.

Percentage with various levels of income, by receipt of asset income, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
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Table equivalent for chart. Percentage with various levels of income, by receipt of asset income, 2006
Income (dollars) With asset income Without asset income
Less than 10,000 5.5 27.2
10,000 to 19,999 20.5 37.3
20,000 to 29,999 19.5 16.6
30,000 or more 54.5 18.9

Receipt of earnings and retirement benefits also affects total income. About 8.7% of units aged 65 or older have no retirement benefits. Of those, 47.6% have earnings, and their median income is $43,886; 52.4% have no earnings, and their median income is $0. In the absence of earnings, median income rises markedly with the number of retirement benefit types received, from $14,004 with one retirement benefit type to $30,324 with two. For units with both earnings and retirement benefits, median income is $42,760 for those with one retirement benefit type and $57,662 for those with two.

Median income, by receipt of earnings and retirement benefits, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
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Table equivalent for chart. Median income, by receipt of earnings and retirement benefits, 2006
Receipt of retirement benefits With earnings With no earnings
No retirement benefits 43,886 0
One retirement benefit type 42,760 14,004
Two retirement benefit types 57,662 30,324
NOTE: Retirement benefit types are Social Security, Railroad Retirement, government pension, and private pension or annuity.

Shares of Aggregate Income

  • Social Security provides the largest share of aggregate income for units aged 65 or older.
  • Shares of income from each source differ greatly by income level.
  • Over time, Social Security has provided the largest share of aggregate income for units aged 65 or older.

Social Security provides the largest share of aggregate income for units aged 65 or older. Aggregate income for the aged population comes largely from four sources. Social Security accounts for 36.7%, earnings for 27.8%, pensions for 17.9%, and asset income for 14.9%. Only 2.7% comes from other sources.

Shares of aggregate income, by source, 2006
Pie chart described in previous paragraph.
NOTE: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of the rounded components.

Shares of aggregate income from each source differ greatly by income level. Units aged 65 or older are ranked by total money income and divided into five groups of equal size called quintiles. The largest share of income for units in the lowest quintile comes from Social Security benefits (82.5%), and public assistance provides the second largest share (7.5%). For units in the highest income quintile, earnings provide the largest share of income (41.3%). Asset income, pensions, and Social Security (20.8%, 18.3%, and 17.6%) are similar in importance.

Shares of aggregate income for the lowest and highest income quintiles, by source, 2006
Two pie charts with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Shares of aggregate income for the lowest and highest income quintiles, by source, 2006
Source of aggregate income Percentage of
aggregate income
for lowest quintile
Percentage of
aggregate income
for highest quintile
Social Security 82.5 17.6
Earnings 1.6 41.3
Pensions 3.8 18.3
Asset income 3.3 20.8
Cash public assistance 7.5 0.1
Other 1.3 2.0
NOTES: The quintile limits for aged units for 2006 are $11,519, $18,622, $28,911, and $50,064.
Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of the rounded components.

Over time, Social Security has provided the largest share of aggregate income for units aged 65 or older. In 1962, it provided the largest share, followed closely by earnings. In 2006, Social Security continued to provide the largest share, but by a wider margin compared with the other major sources of income. The share from asset income increased for over 20 years but has generally declined since the mid-1980s. The share from earnings has had the opposite pattern—declining until the mid-1980s and generally increasing since then. The share from pensions had doubled by the early 1990s but has since leveled off.

Change in shares of aggregate income, by source, selected years
Line chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Shares of aggregate income, by source, selected years (in percent)
Year Social Security Pensions Asset income Earnings Other
1962 31 9 16 29 15
1967 34 12 15 29 10
1976 39 16 18 23 4
1978 38 16 19 23 4
1980 39 16 22 19 4
1982 39 15 25 18 3
1984 38 15 28 16 3
1986 38 16 26 17 3
1988 37.9 17.5 24.8 17.0 2.8
1990 36.4 18.3 24.5 17.7 3.1
1992 39.5 19.6 20.6 17.1 3.2
1994 42.1 18.7 17.6 18.0 3.6
1996 40.3 18.5 18.0 20.0 3.2
1998 37.6 18.7 19.9 20.7 3.1
2000 38.4 18.0 17.5 23.1 3.0
2001 38.6 18.1 16.1 24.4 2.8
2002 39.4 19.0 13.6 24.9 3.1
2004 38.6 19.7 12.6 26.3 2.7
2006 36.7 17.9 14.9 27.8 2.7
NOTE: Statistic was not produced in 1971.
NOTES: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of the rounded components.

Family Income of Persons 65 or Older

  • The demographic composition of the elderly varies across age groups.
  • The aged are an economically diverse group.
  • Family total income varies by age and sex.
  • Family median income varies by sex, race, and Hispanic origin.
  • Family income sources vary by sex.
  • Social Security was the major source of family total income for slightly more than half of persons 65 or older in families receiving benefits.

The demographic composition of the elderly varies across age groups. The proportion of men to women differs little for ages 65–69, but women 80 or older greatly outnumber men 80 or older. Persons 65–69 are nearly twice as likely to married than nonmarried, but more than half of persons 80 or older are widowed. Racial and ethnic composition varies across age cohorts as well; the younger cohorts are represented by larger proportions of minorities than the older cohorts. Approximately one-fifth of elderly persons live with nonspouse family, consistent across age categories.

Percentage distribution of persons 65 or older, 2006
  65 or older 65–69 70–74 75–79 80 or older
Men 42.9 47.2 44.5 43.2 36.2
Women 57.1 52.8 55.5 56.8 63.8
Marital status  
Married 55.3 66.0 61.7 55.9 37.0
Nonmarried 44.7 34.0 38.3 44.1 63.0
Widowed 29.7 14.0 22.4 30.7 53.1
Divorced 8.7 12.8 9.7 7.5 4.3
Never married 3.9 4.6 3.5 3.5 3.6
White alone 86.8 85.4 85.2 87.7 89.0
Black alone 8.6 9.3 10.1 7.7 7.0
Asian alone 3.3 3.5 3.3 3.4 2.9
Hispanic origin 6.7 7.8 7.3 6.5 5.2
Living with nonspouse family 20.7 21.8 20.1 18.7 21.8
Total number of aged persons (thousands) 36,035 10,629 8,369 7,567 9,471
NOTE: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of the rounded components.

The aged are an economically diverse group. The median family income for persons aged 65 or older is $31,744, but there are wide differences within the total group. Approximately 8.2% have family income of under $10,000, and roughly 30.3% have family income of $50,000 or more.

Percentage with various levels of family income, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Percentage with various levels of family income, 2006
Income (dollars) Percent
Less than 5,000 2.1
5,000 to 9,999 6.1
10,000 to 14,999 10.0
15,000 to 19,999 10.3
20,000 to 24,999 9.3
25,000 to 29,999 8.9
30,000 to 34,999 7.4
35,000 to 39,999 6.2
40,000 to 44,999 5.3
45,000 to 49,999 3.9
50,000 to 74,999 13.1
75,000 to 99,999 6.6
100,000 or more 10.6
NOTES: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of the rounded components.
Family income of persons 65 or older tends to be higher than the income of aged units 65 or older because it includes income from all family members, not just a spouse. In addition, each elderly person counts individually rather than as part of a marital unit; statistics based on aged units give greater weight to nonmarried persons as compared to statistics based on persons.

Family total income varies by age and sex. Median family total income is highest for the youngest cohorts. In addition, in all age groups, women have lower median family total income than men, from $37,000 for woman aged 65 to 69 to $21,600 for women aged 80 or older.

Median family income, by sex and age, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Median family income, by sex and age, 2006
Age All persons Men Women
65 to 69 40,382 45,000 37,000
70 to 74 33,585 38,272 30,362
75 to 79 29,680 34,062 26,124
80 or older 25,062 30,013 21,600
NOTE: Family income of persons 65 or older tends to be higher than the income of aged units 65 or older because it includes income from all family members, not just a spouse. In addition, each elderly person counts individually rather than as part of a marital unit; statistics based on aged units give greater weight to nonmarried persons as compared to statistics based on persons.

Family median income varies by sex, race, and Hispanic origin. Median family income of men is nearly one-third higher than it is for women. Asians have the highest median family income, followed by whites, Hispanics, and blacks.

Median family income, by sex, race, and Hispanic origin, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Median family income, by sex, race, and Hispanic origin, 2006
Sex, race, or Hispanic origin Dollars
All persons 31,744
Men 37,288
Women 28,114
White alone 32,400
Black alone 23,580
Asian alone 43,512
Hispanic 27,142
NOTE: Family income of persons 65 or older tends to be higher than the income of aged units 65 or older because it includes income from all family members, not just a spouse. In addition, each elderly person counts individually rather than as part of a marital unit; statistics based on aged units give greater weight to nonmarried persons as compared to statistics based on persons.

Family income sources vary by sex. Men are more likely to be in families receiving all sources of income than women, except for Social Security and public assistance.

Family income source, by sex, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Family income source, by sex, 2006
Source of income All persons Men Women
Social Security 89.9 88.9 90.7
Asset income 60.1 62.6 58.3
Retirement benefits other than Social Security 44.7 48.1 42.2
Earnings 36.2 40.3 33.1
Veterans' benefits 4.2 5.1 3.5
Cash public assistance 4.5 3.4 5.3
Noncash benefits 7.7 5.4 9.5
NOTE: Family income of persons 65 or older tends to be higher than the income of aged units 65 or older because it includes income from all family members, not just a spouse. In addition, each elderly person counts individually rather than as part of a marital unit; statistics based on aged units give greater weight to nonmarried persons as compared to statistics based on persons.

Social Security was the major source of family total income for slightly more than half of persons 65 or older in families receiving benefits. For nearly one-quarter of the elderly, Social Security was most of family total income. Social Security was the predominant source of family income for one-fifth of elderly men in beneficiary families and over one-quarter of elderly women in beneficiary families. Social Security accounted for less than half of family income for half of the elderly men in beneficiary families and 42.6% of elderly women in beneficiary families.

Percentage of aged persons in families receiving Social Security benefits, by sex and relative importance of family benefits to family total income, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Percentage of aged persons in families receiving Social Security benefits, by sex and relative importance of family benefits to family total income, 2006
  All persons Men Women
50% or more of income 54.3 50.0 57.4
90% or more of income 23.9 20.2 26.6
NOTE: Family income of persons 65 or older tends to be higher than the income of aged units 65 or older because it includes income from all family members, not just a spouse. In addition, each elderly person counts individually rather than as part of a marital unit; statistics based on aged units give greater weight to nonmarried persons as compared to statistics based on persons.

Poverty Status, Based on Family Income

  • High proportions of nonmarried and minority persons aged 65 or older are poor or near poor.
  • The oldest age group (80 or older) has the highest poverty rate.

High proportions of nonmarried and minority persons aged 65 or older are poor or near poor. The variations in family income by sex, marital status, and race are reflected in the poverty rates for those subgroups of the aged. Nonmarried persons, blacks, and Hispanics have the highest poverty rates, ranging from 15.6% to 22.7%. An additional 9.8% to 10.3% of nonmarried persons, blacks, and Hispanics have incomes between the poverty line and 125% of the poverty line (the near poor).

Poverty status, by sex, marital status, race, and Hispanic origin, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Poverty status, by sex, marital status, race, and Hispanic origin, 2006 (in percent)
Sex, marital status, race, or Hispanic origin Poor Near poor
All persons 9.4 6.2
Men 6.6 4.8
Women 11.5 7.3
Married 4.4 3.3
Nonmarried 15.6 9.8
White alone 7.9 5.9
Black alone 22.7 9.8
Asian alone 12.0 5.6
Hispanic 19.4 10.3

The oldest age group (80 or older) has the highest poverty rate. In keeping with the lower family income of older age groups, those groups generally have higher rates of poverty and near poverty (income between the poverty line and 125% of the poverty line).

Poverty status, by age, 2006
Bar chart with tabular version below.
Show as table
Table equivalent for chart. Poverty status, by age, 2006 (in percent)
Age Poor Near poor
65 to 69 8.2 4.3
70 to 74 9.2 5.6
75 to 79 9.8 6.1
80 or older 10.7 9.0