State Assistance Programs for SSI Recipients, January 2011


State Supplementation

Mandatory Minimum Supplementation

No recipients.

Optional State Supplementation

Administration: State Department of Human Services, Seniors, and People with Disabilities Division (state administered in local offices).

Effective date: January 1, 1974.

Statutory basis for payment: Oregon Revised Statutes 411.141.


Administration: State funds.

Assistance: State funds.

Passalong method: Maintaining total expenditures.

Place of application: Local offices of the Department of Human Services and local offices of county and local government.

Scope of coverage: State-administered payments provided to some SSI recipients or to an individual who would be eligible for SSI except for income. Individuals meeting requirements for specific special need item receive supplementation.

Resource limitations: Federal SSI limitations.

Income exclusions: Federal SSI earned and unearned income exclusions used.

Recoveries, liens, and assignments: Assistance paid constitutes an unsecured prior claim against property or any interest therein belonging to the estate of a recipient except such portion as is being occupied as a home by the spouse, minor dependent child, or parent of deceased recipient. The Department of Human Services may compromise claim by accepting other security or may waive payment when enforcement would be inequitable and would tend to defeat the purpose of public assistance law.

Financial responsibility of relatives: None.

Interim assistance: State does not participate.

Payment calculation method: Varies.

Payment levels: See Table 1.

Table 1. Optional state supplementation payment levels, January 2011 (in dollars)
Living arrangement Combined federal and state State supplementation
Individual Couple Individual Couple
Living independently a a a a
Living in the household of another a a a a
Adult foster care or residential care facility a a a a
Medicaid facility a a a a
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Office of Income Security Programs; state information.
a. State supplementation is based on state-approved allowances given for individual needs.
Living independently.
Includes recipients living alone in their own household.
Living in the household of another.
Includes recipients who live in the household of another.
Adult foster care facility.
Includes recipients living in homes or other facilities that include board and room and 24-hour care and services for five or fewer elderly or disabled persons who are aged 18 or older.
Residential care facility.
Includes recipients living in facilities of one or more buildings on contiguous property that provide 24-hour care and services to six or more people aged 16 or older.
Medicaid facility.
Includes recipients residing in a federal code D living arrangement.

Number of recipients: See Table 2.

Table 2. Number of persons receiving optional state supplementation, January 2011
Living arrangement Total Aged Blind Disabled
All recipients a 1,848 -- -- --
Living independently -- -- -- --
Living in the household of another -- -- -- --
Adult foster care or residential care facility -- -- -- --
Medicaid facility -- -- -- --
SOURCE: State information.
NOTE: -- = not available.
a. Represents preliminary unreconciled count.

Total expenditures1: The state reported expenditures of $2,146,873 for calendar year 2010 in state-administered payments to SSI recipients.

State Assistance for Special Needs


State Department of Human Services, Seniors, and People with Disabilities.

Special Needs Circumstances

Community-based care: Eligible for payment for room and board during the month of admission at the initial placement. Room and board payments may be paid to the community-based facility during the temporary absence.

Special diet: An ongoing payment for a special diet will be allowed if need has been established by a physician and the recipient would be in an imminent life-threatening situation without the diet.

Restaurant meals: Ongoing payments to recipients living in their own home who are unable to prepare their own meals.

Laundry allowances: Recipients are eligible for an ongoing laundry allowance if they have excessive costs for coin-operated laundry facilities.

Telephone allowances: Telephone allowances may be provided when the recipient is unable to leave their residence without assistance due to a documented medical condition.

Food for guide dogs and special assistive animals: Payment for food will be made for trained guide dogs or special assistive animals.

Home repairs: The repairs must be needed to remove a physical hazard to the health and safety of the recipient.

Property taxes: Recipients who are homeowners or homebuyers are allowed a special need of one year of delinquent real property taxes, penalties, and interest if needed to prevent imminent foreclosure.

Moving costs: The Department will authorize payment for the cost of moving a recipient's household effects if moving is essential to provide nonhazardous housing, the recipient has been evicted for reasons other than his or her own neglect, or the move is a result of domestic violence.

Accommodation allowance: A temporary accommodation allowance may be authorized when the recipient leaves his or her home or rental property and enters a hospital, state psychiatric institution, nursing facility, or community-based care facility. Additionally, a recipient may receive an accommodation allowance if the recipient's shelter cost exceeds the shelter standard and the recipient has a documented increase in costs.

Prescription co-pay coverage: An individual who pays $10 or more per month for prescription co-pays may qualify for this payment.

Emergency assistance: An individual who lacks sufficient income for basic needs such as food, housing or shelter may be authorized temporary payments in certain situations if the individual experiences an unexpected cost, loss of income or resources.

Transportation services: An individual who incurs a cost for transportation services that are not covered by another source (such as their medical insurance or waived service plans) may qualify for this payment. These payments are for transportation services to non-medical activities. Transportation services do not include purchase of vehicle, vehicle maintenance or repair, reimbursement for travel expenses or mileage, or transportation services that may be obtained through other means. The maximum payment is $50 per month.

Spousal facility allowance: Spouses who each receive SSI and services in a community-based care facility are eligible for a payment that equals the difference between the OSIPM standard for a one-person need group and the individual's total countable income. If one spouse has income above the OSIPM standard, the excess income is applied to the other spouse's countable income.



Criteria: SSI program guidelines (Title XVI).

Determined by: State.

Medically Needy Program

State does not provide a program for the medically needy.

Unpaid Medical Expenses

The Social Security Administration does not obtain this information.


1 Represents preliminary unreconciled counts.