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Monthly Statistical Snapshot, September 2024

(released October 2024)

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Table of Contents

Table 1. Number of people receiving Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or both, September 2024 (in thousands)
Type of beneficiary Total Social Security only SSI only Both Social Security and SSI
All beneficiaries 72,706 65,276 4,897 2,533
Aged 65 or older 55,737 53,284 1,058 1,394
Disabled, under age 65 a 11,395 6,418 3,839 1,138
Other b 5,574 5,574 . . . . . .
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Social Security beneficiaries who are entitled to a primary and a secondary benefit (dual entitlement) are counted only once in this table. SSI counts include recipients of federal SSI, federally administered state supplementation, or both.
. . . = not applicable.
a. Includes children receiving SSI based on their own disability.
b. Social Security beneficiaries who are neither aged nor disabled (for example, early retirees, young survivors).

For detailed annual and time series program data, see our Annual Statistical Supplement.

Table 2. Social Security benefits, September 2024
Type of beneficiary Beneficiaries Total monthly benefits (millions of dollars) Average monthly benefit (dollars)
Number (thousands) Percent
Total 68,211 100.0 121,719 1,784.44
Old-Age and Survivors Insurance 59,851 87.7 109,994 1,837.79
Retirement benefits 54,049 79.2 101,239 1,873.08
Retired workers 51,472 75.5 98,907 1,921.56
Spouses of retired workers 1,876 2.8 1,706 909.23
Children of retired workers 701 1.0 625 892.72
Survivor benefits 5,802 8.5 8,756 1,509.06
Children of deceased workers 2,026 3.0 2,236 1,103.72
Widowed mothers and fathers 105 0.2 135 1,287.79
Nondisabled widow(er)s 3,473 5.1 6,200 1,785.33
Disabled widow(er)s 198 0.3 183 927.61
Parents of deceased workers 1 (L) 1 1,622.14
Disability Insurance 8,360 12.3 11,724 1,402.44
Disabled workers 7,269 10.7 11,193 1,539.84
Spouses of disabled workers 87 0.1 37 421.49
Children of disabled workers 1,004 1.5 494 492.46
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: (L) = less than 0.05 percent.

For more detailed monthly OASDI information, visit the Actuary's website for Beneficiary Data.

Table 3. Supplemental Security Income recipients, September 2024
Age Recipients Total payments a (millions of dollars) Average monthly payment b (dollars)
Number (thousands) Percent
All recipients 7,430 100.0 5,529 697.27
Under 18 999 13.5 897 813.01
18–64 3,978 53.5 3,207 743.77
65 or older 2,453 33.0 1,425 574.99
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes retroactive payments.
b. Excludes retroactive payments.

For more detailed monthly SSI information, see SSI Monthly Statistics.