Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2002

Benefits Awarded, Withheld, and Terminated

Payments Withheld

Table 43. Number, by reason for withholding payment, December 2002
Reason All
Disabled workers and nondisabled dependents Disabled widow(er)s Disabled adult children of--
Workers Spouses Children
age 18
Total 545,605 104,989 57,557 207,437 6,435 4,033 18,584 86,299 60,271
Address unknown 17,734 8,737 411 6,117 142 238 281 318 1,490
Determination of continuing disability pending 8,300 5,273 226 2,240 11 18 159 73 300
Recoupment of overpayment 13,605 5,682 780 6,328 101 248 115 84 267
Workers' compensation offset 7,871 1,973 555 5,160 100 n.a. 74 n.a. n.a.
Payee not determined 4,098 1,405 8 1,701 5 26 84 147 722
Substantial gainful activity 44,295 29,501 1,034 11,795 83 134 639 340 769
Imprisoned or confined 40,620 32,017 296 373 33 120 1,302 1,158 5,321
Entitled child not in care 11,286 n.a. 11,281 n.a. n.a. 5 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Beneficiary earnings 32,432 n.a. 32,347 a a a a a a
Earnings of the other beneficiaries 126 n.a. 5 a a a a 112 a
Government pension offset 2,233 n.a. 1,713 n.a. n.a. 520 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Technical entitlement 316,845 n.a. 7,321 155,647 5,672 2,260 14,107 82,997 48,841
Other 46,160 20,401 1,580 17,997 277 460 1,822 1,066 2,557
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file.
NOTES: These data represent the total number of beneficiaries with payments withheld in December 2002 regardless of when their payments were initially withheld.
n.a. = not applicable.
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.
CONTACT: Carolyn A. Harrison (410) 965-5522 or for further information.