Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2003

Benefits Awarded, Withheld, and Terminated

Disabled Workers Who Work

Table 48. Distribution of workers with benefits withheld because of substantial work, by diagnostic group and age, December 2003
Diagnostic group Total Under 30 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–FRA
Total 25,780 2,460 5,763 8,898 6,825 1,834
Congenital anomalies 67 24 22 14 a a
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 843 39 166 316 269 53
Infectious and parasitic diseases 942 34 268 461 162 17
Injuries 1,843 227 474 562 437 143
Mental disorders
Retardation 872 311 271 215 70 5
Other 7,544 816 1,975 2,856 1,652 245
Neoplasms 2,378 174 389 733 864 218
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 177 34 56 56 a a
Circulatory system 1,308 38 156 334 533 247
Digestive system 597 35 91 221 211 39
Genitourinary system 942 106 272 319 194 51
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 4,587 121 618 1,664 1,622 562
Nervous system and sense organs 2,626 419 771 810 483 143
Respiratory system 333 18 58 101 97 59
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 69 a 26 18 18 a
Other 56 a 14 22 12 a
Unknown 596 56 136 196 168 40
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Congenital anomalies 0.3 1.0 0.4 0.2 a a
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 3.3 1.6 2.9 3.6 3.9 2.9
Infectious and parasitic diseases 3.7 1.4 4.7 5.2 2.4 0.9
Injuries 7.1 9.2 8.2 6.3 6.4 7.8
Mental disorders
Retardation 3.4 12.6 4.7 2.4 1.0 0.3
Other 29.3 33.2 34.3 32.1 24.2 13.4
Neoplasms 9.2 7.1 6.7 8.2 12.7 11.9
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 0.7 1.4 1.0 0.6 a a
Circulatory system 5.1 1.5 2.7 3.8 7.8 13.5
Digestive system 2.3 1.4 1.6 2.5 3.1 2.1
Genitourinary system 3.7 4.3 4.7 3.6 2.8 2.8
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 17.8 4.9 10.7 18.7 23.8 30.6
Nervous system and sense organs 10.2 17.0 13.4 9.1 7.1 7.8
Respiratory system 1.3 0.7 1.0 1.1 1.4 3.2
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 0.3 a 0.5 0.2 0.3 a
Other 0.2 a 0.2 0.2 0.2 a
Unknown 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.2 2.5 2.2
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file, 100 percent data.
NOTES: These data represent the total number of beneficiaries with benefits withheld in December 2003 regardless of when their benefits were initially withheld.
FRA = full retirement age.
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.
CONTACT: Carolyn A. Harrison (410) 965-5522 or
Table 49. Distribution of workers with benefits terminated because of successful return to work, by diagnostic group and age, 2003
Diagnostic group Total Under 30 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–FRA
Total 27,926 1,894 7,416 9,824 6,745 2,047
Congenital anomalies 84 a 36 13 12 a
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 991 33 176 413 293 76
Infectious and parasitic diseases 1,245 18 377 622 209 19
Injuries 1,737 131 504 594 366 142
Mental disorders
Retardation 1,801 303 795 520 154 29
Other 9,365 609 2,755 3,561 2,080 360
Neoplasms 1,303 88 249 362 442 162
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 180 30 76 38 29 7
Circulatory system 1,217 31 134 285 486 281
Digestive system 448 13 80 150 173 32
Genitourinary system 1,003 74 330 348 220 31
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 4,237 96 586 1,557 1,353 645
Nervous system and sense organs 3,157 392 1,077 985 580 123
Respiratory system 370 12 72 102 113 71
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 62 a 12 23 21 a
Other 46 a 8 17 16 a
Unknown 680 38 149 234 198 61
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Congenital anomalies 0.3 a 0.5 0.1 0.2 a
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 3.5 1.7 2.4 4.2 4.3 3.7
Infectious and parasitic diseases 4.5 1.0 5.1 6.3 3.1 0.9
Injuries 6.2 6.9 6.8 6.0 5.4 6.9
Mental disorders
Retardation 6.4 16.0 10.7 5.3 2.3 1.4
Other 33.5 32.2 37.1 36.2 30.8 17.6
Neoplasms 4.7 4.6 3.4 3.7 6.6 7.9
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 0.6 1.6 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.3
Circulatory system 4.4 1.6 1.8 2.9 7.2 13.7
Digestive system 1.6 0.7 1.1 1.5 2.6 1.6
Genitourinary system 3.6 3.9 4.4 3.5 3.3 1.5
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 15.2 5.1 7.9 15.8 20.1 31.5
Nervous system and sense organs 11.3 20.7 14.5 10.0 8.6 6.0
Respiratory system 1.3 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.7 3.5
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 0.2 a 0.2 0.2 0.3 a
Other 0.2 a 0.1 0.2 0.2 a
Unknown 2.4 2.0 2.0 2.4 2.9 3.0
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Termination Supplement file, 100 percent data.
NOTE: FRA = full retirement age.
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.
CONTACT: Carolyn A. Harrison (410) 965-5522 or
Table 50. Average monthly benefit for workers with benefits withheld or terminated, by diagnostic group and age, December 2003 (in dollars)
Diagnostic group Total Under 30 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–FRA
Total 958.90 761.40 897.30 972.70 1,044.40 1,032.20
Congenital anomalies 853.80 798.50 853.60 875.70 1,009.10 946.60
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 866.10 796.60 838.10 850.00 896.80 945.70
Infectious and parasitic diseases 992.60 860.70 907.60 1,037.00 1,037.00 971.10
Injuries 1,042.50 875.70 1,002.80 1,050.20 1,138.40 1,115.20
Mental disorders
Retardation 671.50 629.50 697.60 685.00 679.90 1,167.90
Other 887.60 728.70 838.70 911.00 972.20 967.10
Neoplasms 1,158.80 887.90 1,095.40 1,200.00 1,211.40 1,140.40
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 1,040.30 801.90 950.30 1,204.80 1,127.60 1,433.30
Circulatory system 1,072.40 837.80 988.70 1,038.50 1,114.90 1,115.40
Digestive system 1,099.10 770.80 985.20 1,088.60 1,193.50 1,208.20
Genitourinary system 1,063.10 823.80 962.60 1,109.70 1,221.50 1,201.50
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 944.00 753.60 896.90 937.70 982.60 944.10
Nervous system and sense organs 948.70 777.50 917.40 974.60 1,065.80 1,077.10
Respiratory system 918.50 741.20 816.00 915.40 1,005.00 936.60
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 996.90 742.20 856.20 1,042.60 1,196.60 1,083.50
Other 969.50 896.80 824.30 918.50 1,209.50 1,111.30
Unknown 914.80 706.70 893.00 955.40 948.90 937.30
Total 875.10 745.70 830.70 875.80 939.20 941.60
Congenital anomalies 831.90 802.40 828.30 896.90 823.50 818.90
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 830.10 860.60 835.20 810.40 835.10 892.80
Infectious and parasitic diseases 925.80 936.50 897.70 928.00 962.60 995.00
Injuries 974.50 878.30 954.60 980.90 1,018.20 994.30
Mental disorders
Retardation 693.60 651.30 678.70 709.70 788.30 750.40
Other 823.70 702.90 790.60 822.50 888.60 917.80
Neoplasms 1,049.60 861.50 999.40 1,075.60 1,091.10 1,057.90
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 899.80 754.50 807.00 988.00 1,148.30 1,021.60
Circulatory system 954.80 792.20 884.70 930.10 968.70 1,007.00
Digestive system 964.40 647.30 845.30 939.70 1,066.20 956.00
Genitourinary system 955.40 791.50 911.30 965.80 1,046.40 1,052.10
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 897.20 788.70 897.50 890.20 917.10 887.90
Nervous system and sense organs 896.10 767.70 860.20 927.10 974.90 1,000.00
Respiratory system 865.80 844.60 797.70 840.30 920.00 888.70
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 839.90 595.00 918.40 832.20 867.50 719.00
Other 879.50 699.90 727.40 951.10 899.80 891.10
Unknown 902.10 796.90 820.70 899.60 975.60 937.50
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file and Termination Supplement file, 100 percent data.
NOTE: FRA = full retirement age.
CONTACT: Carolyn A. Harrison (410) 965-5522 or
Table 51. Distribution, by state or other area, 2003
State or area All workers, December Workers with benefits withheld because of substantial work, December Workers with benefits terminated because of successful return to work, calendar year
Number Percentage of all workers Number Percentage of all workers
All areas a 5,868,541 25,780 0.4 27,926 0.5
Alabama 148,715 240 0.2 331 0.2
Alaska 8,719 54 0.6 52 0.6
Arizona 106,001 556 0.5 596 0.6
Arkansas 91,584 258 0.3 307 0.3
California 500,805 2,619 0.5 2,688 0.5
Colorado 66,080 403 0.6 590 0.9
Connecticut 60,506 401 0.7 369 0.6
Delaware 17,778 107 0.6 128 0.7
District of Columbia 8,963 27 0.3 51 0.6
Florida 360,386 1,328 0.4 1,570 0.4
Georgia 179,753 424 0.2 579 0.3
Hawaii 16,744 89 0.5 70 0.4
Idaho 25,519 78 0.3 112 0.4
Illinois 202,250 1,258 0.6 1,326 0.7
Indiana 127,447 556 0.4 628 0.5
Iowa 53,793 275 0.5 283 0.5
Kansas 47,741 296 0.6 247 0.5
Kentucky 145,116 399 0.3 384 0.3
Louisiana 103,784 341 0.3 375 0.4
Maine 41,733 270 0.6 281 0.7
Maryland 80,733 354 0.4 508 0.6
Massachusetts 138,588 983 0.7 1,169 0.8
Michigan 215,789 927 0.4 1,144 0.5
Minnesota 80,252 530 0.7 610 0.8
Mississippi 97,461 190 0.2 244 0.3
Missouri 143,681 608 0.4 556 0.4
Montana 18,983 70 0.4 86 0.5
Nebraska 29,638 183 0.6 160 0.5
Nevada 40,414 201 0.5 253 0.6
New Hampshire 28,510 269 0.9 228 0.8
New Jersey 140,617 832 0.6 805 0.6
New Mexico 38,332 144 0.4 188 0.5
New York 371,648 2,343 0.6 2,211 0.6
North Carolina 225,926 616 0.3 783 0.3
North Dakota 10,073 45 0.4 53 0.5
Ohio 218,386 1,194 0.5 1,305 0.6
Oklahoma 78,407 204 0.3 264 0.3
Oregon 67,580 299 0.4 341 0.5
Pennsylvania 259,516 1,277 0.5 1,110 0.4
Rhode Island 26,447 185 0.7 154 0.6
South Carolina 118,734 205 0.2 354 0.3
South Dakota 13,250 97 0.7 80 0.6
Tennessee 164,127 425 0.3 520 0.3
Texas 324,308 1,114 0.3 1,322 0.4
Utah 25,583 139 0.5 134 0.5
Vermont 14,246 130 0.9 112 0.8
Virginia 147,946 591 0.4 705 0.5
Washington 108,082 677 0.6 653 0.6
West Virginia 72,182 183 0.3 130 0.2
Wisconsin 98,234 641 0.7 626 0.6
Wyoming 8,685 53 0.6 61 0.7
Outlying areas
Puerto Rico 132,648 80 0.1 71 0.1
Other b 15,873 12 0.1 19 0.1
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file and Termination Supplement file, 100 percent data.
a. Includes beneficiaries with unknown state code.
b. Includes American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Virgin Islands, and foreign countries.
CONTACT: Carolyn A. Harrison (410) 965-5522 or