Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2006

Beneficiaries in Current-Payment Status

Disabled-Worker Families

Table 28. Number and average monthly family benefit, by selected family composition, December 1960–2006, selected years
Year Worker only Worker, spouse, and— Worker
and aged
spouse a
All Men Women 1 child 2 or more
Number (thousands)
1960 357 261 96 22 32 22
1965 714 481 232 54 109 30
1970 1,054 680 374 77 164 43
1975 1,750 1,080 671 137 250 66
1980 2,061 1,257 804 154 228 80
1981 -- -- -- -- -- --
1982 1,969 1,208 760 124 163 78
1983 1,961 1,215 746 85 143 80
1984 1,993 1,241 752 83 140 76
1985 2,039 1,267 772 84 140 76
1986 2,096 1,301 795 82 136 74
1987 2,154 1,338 816 79 132 74
1988 2,194 1,353 841 77 125 71
1989 2,262 1,390 872 75 120 67
1990 2,370 1,448 922 75 118 63
1991 2,523 1,529 994 76 119 61
1992 2,738 1,643 1,094 78 125 61
1993 2,935 1,743 1,192 78 127 59
1994 3,121 1,830 1,292 76 128 57
1995 3,305 1,909 1,396 75 124 55
1996 3,473 1,973 1,500 61 104 53
1997 3,593 2,006 1,588 57 91 53
1998 3,769 2,074 1,695 52 80 53
1999 3,924 2,131 1,793 49 72 52
2000 4,080 2,191 1,890 45 65 50
2001 4,260 2,289 1,970 68 92 57
2002 4,487 2,392 2,095 64 86 56
2003 4,769 2,525 2,244 57 82 60
2004 5,068 2,665 2,403 55 78 65
2005 5,357 2,797 2,561 53 74 73
2006 5,625 2,918 2,707 50 69 78
Average monthly family benefit (dollars)
1960 87.90 91.90 76.90 184.70 192.20 135.50
1965 95.40 100.70 85.00 201.00 216.30 145.90
1970 128.10 136.30 113.10 264.10 273.20 199.20
1975 218.90 240.00 185.00 441.00 454.00 344.00
1980 355.40 396.20 291.70 727.00 746.10 573.00
1981 -- -- -- -- -- --
1982 424.40 474.20 344.70 847.40 858.20 690.70
1983 439.40 490.90 355.40 867.90 881.80 716.20
1984 454.00 507.60 365.70 881.50 885.50 740.40
1985 466.90 523.10 374.60 898.10 895.20 765.00
1986 470.70 527.80 377.40 896.90 888.30 773.30
1987 491.60 552.00 392.60 929.40 918.30 815.50
1988 512.20 576.10 409.50 960.20 938.40 855.40
1989 539.30 607.10 431.20 1,009.40 971.90 903.70
1990 570.40 642.80 456.80 1,062.10 1,016.00 960.80
1991 592.30 668.40 475.50 1,098.00 1,043.30 1,004.70
1992 609.50 688.70 490.70 1,122.10 1,057.40 1,045.00
1993 625.50 707.20 506.00 1,143.00 1,074.20 1,078.20
1994 646.20 731.80 525.00 1,177.60 1,100.00 1,118.60
1995 667.60 757.40 544.80 1,205.50 1,130.90 1,159.90
1996 690.60 785.30 566.00 1,245.90 1,148.50 1,200.60
1997 708.00 806.60 583.60 1,280.20 1,165.90 1,238.50
1998 720.00 820.20 597.40 1,300.40 1,189.40 1,261.90
1999 741.20 844.50 618.50 1,344.90 1,224.20 1,295.30
2000 773.60 880.70 649.40 1,394.20 1,274.30 1,355.50
2001 807.40 914.40 683.10 1,413.50 1,298.50 1,393.50
2002 827.30 935.80 703.50 1,445.10 1,331.70 1,431.50
2003 854.80 965.90 729.70 1,495.80 1,373.30 1,486.80
2004 887.30 1,001.60 760.60 1,554.20 1,426.80 1,546.10
2005 930.80 1,049.40 801.30 1,627.90 1,497.50 1,632.50
2006 968.40 1,091.30 836.00 1,700.10 1,570.00 1,706.10
SOURCES: Social Security Administration. For years before 2001, Annual Statistical Supplement to the Social Security Bulletin, based on the Master Beneficiary Record (from 1960 to 1984, various sampling rates; from 1985 to 2000, 10 percent sample); beginning with 2001, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file, 100 percent data.
NOTES: A "family" means beneficiaries entitled on one worker's account.
Data include beneficiaries whose benefits are being withheld.
-- = not available.
a. Spouse's entitlement based on age.
CONTACT: Kevin Kulzer (410) 965-5366 or
Table 29. Number, average primary insurance amount, and average monthly family benefit, by family composition, December 2006
Family composition Number of
Number of
of families
benefit a
Worker only
Men 2,918,199 2,918,199 1,093.50 1,091.30 10.3
Women 2,707,183 2,707,183 836.20 836.00 21.5
Worker with children
By sex of worker
Men 629,872 1,606,513 1,062.70 1,530.20 92.3
Women 486,072 1,224,704 858.10 1,175.70 91.2
By number of children
1 child 689,907 1,379,814 982.30 1,380.40 90.3
2 children 300,051 900,153 972.70 1,386.30 94.1
3 or more children 125,986 551,250 927.90 1,325.80 95.1
Worker with—
Spouse aged 62 or older b 78,091 156,548 1,403.80 1,706.10 7.2
Spouse aged 62 or older and 1 or more children 3,002 9,879 1,273.00 2,047.00 71.8
Spouse and 1 child 47,883 143,605 1,117.40 1,683.20 94.7
Spouse and 2 children 41,276 165,108 1,074.90 1,599.30 95.1
Spouse and 3 or more children 27,616 152,678 1,032.40 1,515.40 95.2
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file, 100 percent data.
NOTES: A "family" means beneficiaries entitled on one worker's account.
Data include beneficiaries whose benefits are being withheld.
a. Includes families and worker-only beneficiaries for whom the primary insurance amount is equal to the family maximum amount.
b. If the spouse is also entitled to a retired-worker benefit, only the benefit amount received as a spouse is included.
CONTACT: Kevin Kulzer (410) 965-5366 or
Table 30. Distribution, by family composition and age of worker, December 2006
Family composition Total,
all ages
Under 30 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–FRA
Worker only 5,625,382 168,693 139,532 207,113 380,017 673,749 1,005,115 1,396,360 1,654,803
Worker with—
Aged 62 or older a 81,093 0 6 21 73 409 1,721 8,711 70,152
Child in care 116,775 2,503 6,666 14,642 22,157 24,265 20,155 15,328 11,059
1 child 689,907 24,296 36,417 71,551 126,966 154,012 127,170 89,997 59,498
2 children 300,051 12,674 30,043 59,841 74,238 60,306 34,034 18,632 10,283
3 or more children 125,986 6,114 19,875 33,220 30,314 19,036 9,256 5,158 3,013
Families receiving maximum benefit b 2,025,636 143,877 148,139 239,953 335,363 357,025 299,913 260,161 241,205
Worker only 100.0 3.0 2.5 3.7 6.8 12.0 17.9 24.8 29.4
Worker with—
Aged 62 or older a 100.0 0 c c 0.1 0.5 2.1 10.7 86.5
Child in care 100.0 2.1 5.7 12.5 19.0 20.8 17.3 13.1 9.5
1 child 100.0 3.5 5.3 10.4 18.4 22.3 18.4 13.0 8.6
2 children 100.0 4.2 10.0 19.9 24.7 20.1 11.3 6.2 3.4
3 or more children 100.0 4.9 15.8 26.4 24.1 15.1 7.3 4.1 2.4
Families receiving maximum benefit b 29.2 67.1 63.7 62.1 52.9 38.3 25.0 17.0 13.3
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file, 100 percent data.
NOTES: A "family" means beneficiaries entitled on one worker's account.
Data include beneficiaries whose benefits are being withheld.
FRA = full retirement age.
a. Includes spouses aged 62 or older with children.
b. Includes families and worker-only beneficiaries for whom the primary insurance amount is equal to the family maximum amount.
c. Less than 0.05 percent.
CONTACT: Kevin Kulzer (410) 965-5366 or