Earnings and Employment Data for Workers Covered Under Social Security and Medicare, by State and County, 2022

Rhode Island

Table 3. Number of persons with Social Security (OASDI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by county, sex, and type of earnings, 2022
County and sex Number Taxable earnings a (thousands of dollars) OASDI contributions b (thousands of dollars)
Total c Wage and salary Self-employed Total Wage and salary Self-employed Total Wage and salary Self-employed
Total, Rhode Island 617,343 580,801 67,942 31,606,162 30,183,224 1,422,938 3,919,164 3,742,720 176,444
Men 303,236 282,458 35,908 17,096,460 16,163,775 932,685 2,119,961 2,004,308 115,653
Women 314,107 298,343 32,034 14,509,702 14,019,448 490,253 1,799,203 1,738,412 60,791
Bristol 28,776 (X) (X) 1,786,750 (X) (X) 221,557 (X) (X)
Men (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Women (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Kent 102,000 97,140 9,213 5,603,424 5,409,101 194,323 694,825 670,729 24,096
Men 51,322 48,366 5,339 3,116,247 2,969,481 146,766 386,415 368,216 18,199
Women 50,678 48,773 3,873 2,487,177 2,439,620 47,557 308,410 302,513 5,897
Newport 44,495 41,544 4,920 2,402,381 2,269,145 133,236 297,895 281,374 16,521
Men 21,928 20,874 1,780 1,295,061 1,233,668 61,393 160,588 152,975 7,613
Women 22,567 20,670 3,141 1,107,319 1,035,477 71,842 137,308 128,399 8,908
Providence 369,048 348,542 39,781 17,650,099 16,993,660 656,439 2,188,612 2,107,214 81,398
Men 179,103 167,602 20,414 9,266,007 8,844,557 421,451 1,148,985 1,096,725 52,260
Women 189,945 180,940 19,367 8,384,092 8,149,104 234,988 1,039,627 1,010,489 29,139
Washington 70,276 63,843 10,992 4,049,472 3,737,253 312,219 502,135 463,419 38,715
Men 36,701 32,176 6,805 2,372,572 2,144,579 227,993 294,199 265,928 28,271
Women 33,575 31,667 4,188 1,676,901 1,592,674 84,227 207,936 197,492 10,444
Unknown 2,749 (X) (X) 114,036 (X) (X) 14,141 (X) (X)
Men (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Women (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
All areas d 180,675,999 168,525,999 21,203,000 9,201,500,022 8,723,600,021 477,900,002 1,140,986,003 1,081,726,403 59,259,600
Men 92,627,748 85,814,027 11,293,380 5,307,836,060 5,005,598,286 302,237,774 658,171,671 620,694,188 37,477,484
Women 88,048,251 82,711,973 9,909,620 3,893,663,962 3,718,001,734 175,662,228 482,814,331 461,032,215 21,782,116
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Continuous Work History Sample, 1 percent sample.
NOTES: State designation is based on employee residence.
OASDI = Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance; (X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
a. Based on Social Security annual maximum taxable earnings of $147,000 in 2022.
b. Includes both employee and employer contributions. Data are not adjusted for tax refunds to persons who made excess contributions because they worked for two or more employers.
c. Workers with earnings from both wage and salary employment and self-employment are counted in each type of employment but only once in the total.
d. Includes persons employed in the 50 states, District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands; U.S. citizens employed abroad by U.S. employers; persons employed on U.S. oceanborne vessels; and workers with unknown residence.
CONTACT: statistics@ssa.gov.
Table 6. Number of persons with Medicare Part A (HI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by county, sex, and type of earnings, 2022
County and sex Number Taxable earnings a (thousands of dollars) HI contributions b (thousands of dollars)
Total c Wage and salary Self-employed Total Wage and salary Self-employed Total Wage and salary Self-employed
Total, Rhode Island 627,409 591,847 71,783 37,488,121 35,439,663 2,048,458 1,087,156 1,027,750 59,405
Men 307,431 287,070 38,383 21,087,596 19,632,292 1,455,304 611,540 569,336 42,204
Women 319,978 304,777 33,400 16,400,525 15,807,371 593,154 475,615 458,414 17,201
Bristol 29,886 (X) (X) 2,343,477 (X) (X) 67,961 (X) (X)
Men (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Women (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Kent 103,531 98,913 10,073 6,827,447 6,421,944 405,503 197,996 186,236 11,760
Men 52,123 49,151 5,726 3,939,238 3,679,690 259,548 114,238 106,711 7,527
Women 51,409 49,762 4,347 2,888,209 2,742,254 145,955 83,758 79,525 4,233
Newport 45,595 42,740 5,196 3,067,141 2,925,688 141,452 88,947 84,845 4,102
Men 22,134 21,065 1,909 1,632,608 1,560,462 72,145 47,346 45,253 2,092
Women 23,460 21,675 3,287 1,434,533 1,365,226 69,307 41,601 39,592 2,010
Providence 374,446 354,640 41,776 19,641,077 18,878,531 762,545 569,591 547,477 22,114
Men 181,256 170,248 21,842 10,381,628 9,853,129 528,499 301,067 285,741 15,326
Women 193,190 184,392 19,934 9,259,448 9,025,402 234,046 268,524 261,737 6,787
Washington 71,197 64,822 11,345 5,479,574 4,937,995 541,579 158,908 143,202 15,706
Men 37,128 32,666 7,104 3,610,177 3,158,426 451,751 104,695 91,594 13,101
Women 34,068 32,157 4,241 1,869,397 1,779,569 89,828 54,213 51,608 2,605
Unknown 2,754 (X) (X) 129,406 (X) (X) 3,753 (X) (X)
Men (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Women (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
All areas d 184,492,999 172,587,000 22,399,000 11,478,199,991 10,688,499,992 789,699,999 332,867,800 309,966,500 22,901,300
Men 94,041,872 87,361,440 12,135,703 6,996,449,778 6,427,132,224 569,317,554 202,897,044 186,386,834 16,510,209
Women 90,451,127 85,225,560 10,263,297 4,481,750,213 4,261,367,768 220,382,445 129,970,756 123,579,665 6,391,091
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Continuous Work History Sample, 1 percent sample.
NOTES: State designation is based on employee residence.
HI = Hospital Insurance; (X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
a. There is no annual maximum taxable amount for Medicare earnings.
b. Includes both employee and employer contributions.
c. Workers with earnings from both wage and salary employment and self-employment are counted in each type of employment but only once in the total.
d. Includes persons employed in the 50 states, District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands; U.S. citizens employed abroad by U.S. employers; persons employed on U.S. oceanborne vessels; and workers with unknown residence.
CONTACT: statistics@ssa.gov.