OASDI Beneficiaries by State and County, 2002


Table 4. Number of beneficiaries in Utah with benefits in current-payment status, by type of benefit, sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, and county, December 2002
County Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers a Spouses Children Widow(er)s b Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Utah c 250,878 162,256 17,631 2,896 22,625 12,711 24,185 648 7,926 79,732 102,048
Beaver 995 655 80 10 85 35 100 5 25 350 395
Box Elder 6,065 4,015 535 55 540 255 480 10 175 2,050 2,470
Cache 8,805 5,795 730 105 770 435 665 25 280 2,875 3,695
Carbon 3,850 2,110 290 20 505 170 565 25 165 1,085 1,515
Daggett 170 130 15 0 10 0 15 0 0 75 60
Davis 23,400 15,555 1,775 235 1,865 1,235 1,975 55 705 7,615 9,610
Duchesne 2,340 1,340 185 30 255 130 290 15 95 740 805
Emery 1,640 975 130 15 165 65 200 15 75 520 575
Garfield 900 615 65 10 85 40 60 0 25 300 370
Grand 1,410 910 90 10 140 55 165 5 35 450 570
Iron 4,400 2,800 290 60 345 225 495 15 170 1,390 1,630
Juab 1,155 740 65 35 105 60 120 0 30 365 450
Kane 1,345 920 90 20 120 40 110 10 35 465 530
Millard 1,855 1,245 135 10 175 65 160 0 65 635 775
Morgan 855 590 75 10 70 45 40 5 20 310 330
Piute 360 225 35 0 40 15 35 0 10 120 135
Rich 315 220 30 10 25 5 15 0 10 120 130
Salt Lake 95,470 62,055 5,710 1,050 8,540 5,010 9,950 200 2,955 29,455 39,465
San Juan 1,500 815 125 20 205 130 160 5 40 470 515
Sanpete 3,380 2,170 230 45 310 145 345 10 125 1,075 1,310
Sevier 3,440 2,195 255 20 320 155 340 20 135 1,140 1,300
Summit 2,310 1,550 165 25 205 135 165 5 60 805 830
Tooele 3,960 2,445 235 45 375 255 420 15 170 1,175 1,500
Uintah 3,630 2,195 280 40 385 200 375 25 130 1,150 1,350
Utah 33,010 20,185 2,915 525 3,150 1,960 2,975 80 1,220 10,340 13,380
Wasatch 1,805 1,125 145 15 165 115 170 10 60 600 685
Washington 18,615 13,100 1,405 250 1,455 645 1,320 45 395 6,605 7,605
Wayne 460 300 50 10 45 10 30 5 10 170 185
Weber 23,430 15,275 1,500 215 2,170 1,075 2,445 45 705 7,280 9,880
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Total includes beneficiaries with unknown county code.
Table 5. Amount of benefits in current-payment status for beneficiaries in Utah, by type of benefit, sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, and county, December 2002 (in thousands of dollars)
County Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers a Spouses Children Widow(er)s b Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Utah c 205,398 146,183 8,404 1,303 20,065 7,604 19,839 134 1,865 82,315 76,178
Beaver 754 544 35 4 67 18 82 1 3 328 264
Box Elder 4,878 3,522 247 25 471 159 407 2 44 2,048 1,736
Cache 7,234 5,267 359 47 716 261 526 4 55 3,012 2,739
Carbon 3,185 1,937 129 9 447 104 511 6 42 1,132 1,148
Daggett 144 115 7 0 9 0 14 0 0 73 40
Davis 18,449 13,369 816 110 1,579 794 1,602 10 170 7,537 6,729
Duchesne 1,750 1,113 77 12 192 78 250 2 26 689 533
Emery 1,348 872 60 7 142 44 200 3 19 528 404
Garfield 676 495 24 3 69 20 56 0 8 273 246
Grand 1,138 789 43 5 125 29 134 1 11 442 426
Iron 3,545 2,513 137 24 300 121 410 3 37 1,412 1,209
Juab 898 617 29 10 92 40 103 0 7 349 322
Kane 1,084 800 40 7 106 21 100 2 7 454 384
Millard 1,437 1,051 61 4 144 39 122 0 16 612 538
Morgan 649 485 32 5 57 30 35 1 4 287 212
Piute 262 174 13 0 30 9 33 0 2 104 83
Rich 251 193 14 4 22 3 14 0 1 120 89
Salt Lake 81,997 58,792 2,886 469 7,985 2,980 8,138 42 704 32,079 31,623
San Juan 1,018 644 44 6 124 61 131 1 5 404 310
Sanpete 2,596 1,817 102 21 250 86 294 2 24 1,018 914
Sevier 2,652 1,858 113 10 257 93 290 4 28 1,092 890
Summit 2,076 1,531 86 14 189 91 146 2 18 905 639
Tooele 2,673 1,763 78 19 269 143 356 4 41 947 905
Uintah 2,835 1,901 127 15 329 110 316 5 32 1,152 942
Utah 27,495 18,979 1,462 263 2,904 1,167 2,416 17 287 11,246 10,113
Wasatch 1,498 1,045 70 7 149 68 141 3 15 647 500
Washington 15,271 11,613 645 104 1,296 376 1,134 10 95 6,707 5,486
Wayne 335 234 20 4 33 6 31 2 3 148 112
Weber 17,265 12,144 647 95 1,713 652 1,847 8 159 6,569 6,644
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Total includes beneficiaries with unknown county code.