OASDI Beneficiaries by State and County, 2008


Table 4. Number of beneficiaries in current-payment status, by county, type of benefit, and sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, December 2008
County FIPS
Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers Spouses Children Widow(er)s a Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Vermont b 50000 120,249 77,552 4,740 1,278 9,567 3,601 18,693 284 4,534 36,985 47,025
Addison 50001 6,265 4,190 275 65 545 180 805 10 195 2,030 2,520
Bennington 50003 8,845 5,915 320 90 615 240 1,335 10 320 2,770 3,580
Caledonia 50005 6,375 3,980 295 75 530 160 1,050 30 255 1,925 2,460
Chittenden 50007 23,360 15,220 970 245 1,965 715 3,460 40 745 6,970 9,490
Essex 50009 1,825 1,075 80 10 130 50 370 10 100 550 615
Franklin 50011 7,290 4,260 325 70 650 265 1,320 25 375 2,110 2,670
Grand Isle 50013 1,490 1,010 70 20 115 25 200 5 45 495 545
Lamoille 50015 4,295 2,765 200 40 320 120 660 15 175 1,370 1,635
Orange 50017 5,545 3,645 200 50 405 160 830 20 235 1,780 2,095
Orleans 50019 6,590 3,975 325 70 575 240 1,120 15 270 2,025 2,395
Rutland 50021 14,515 9,160 480 195 1,195 495 2,380 35 575 4,275 5,665
Washington 50023 11,620 7,500 380 130 895 400 1,820 30 465 3,485 4,590
Windham 50025 9,305 6,135 285 100 630 240 1,510 20 385 2,955 3,540
Windsor 50027 12,925 8,720 535 120 995 310 1,830 20 395 4,245 5,225
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: FIPS = Federal Information Processing Standard
a. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
b. Includes beneficiaries with unknown county code.
CONTACT: Jennie Park (410) 965-9358 or oasdi.sc@ssa.gov.
Table 5. Amount of benefits in current-payment status, by county, type of benefit, and sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, December 2008 (in thousands of dollars)
County FIPS
Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers Spouses Children Widow(er)s a Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Vermont b 50000 126,027 89,281 2,763 737 10,396 2,768 18,647 75 1,361 48,385 46,336
Addison 50001 6,540 4,760 161 38 565 129 812 4 67 2,624 2,421
Bennington 50003 9,499 6,959 199 52 677 186 1,332 2 95 3,704 3,639
Caledonia 50005 6,303 4,329 163 41 544 120 1,026 8 72 2,389 2,273
Chittenden 50007 25,830 18,395 604 143 2,288 602 3,530 13 250 9,686 9,831
Essex 50009 1,770 1,150 44 4 125 35 386 1 25 667 546
Franklin 50011 7,054 4,597 169 35 643 188 1,307 6 107 2,559 2,431
Grand Isle 50013 1,625 1,199 40 9 123 19 223 1 14 672 519
Lamoille 50015 4,425 3,148 117 24 357 92 637 5 48 1,768 1,561
Orange 50017 5,626 4,027 113 28 422 120 846 5 63 2,235 1,998
Orleans 50019 6,165 4,123 155 39 558 170 1,044 2 75 2,358 2,056
Rutland 50021 14,984 10,415 275 115 1,286 364 2,349 9 172 5,514 5,572
Washington 50023 12,207 8,701 227 76 972 305 1,782 9 135 4,568 4,625
Windham 50025 9,933 7,183 167 58 712 196 1,498 5 115 3,914 3,599
Windsor 50027 14,062 10,294 330 74 1,125 242 1,873 5 121 5,725 5,261
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: FIPS = Federal Information Processing Standard
a. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
b. Includes beneficiaries with unknown county code.
CONTACT: Jennie Park (410) 965-9358 or oasdi.sc@ssa.gov.