OASDI Beneficiaries by State and County, 2009


Table 4. Number of beneficiaries in current-payment status, by county, type of benefit, and sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, December 2009
County ANSI
Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers Spouses Children Widow(er)s a Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Connecticut 09 611,276 428,877 20,604 6,550 43,845 19,570 74,153 947 16,730 194,326 265,555
Fairfield 09001 139,960 101,665 6,040 1,770 10,500 3,950 12,930 190 2,915 46,960 64,245
Hartford 09003 159,850 111,595 4,920 1,780 10,920 5,825 20,130 235 4,445 49,655 69,360
Litchfield 09005 37,205 26,715 1,075 375 2,510 1,060 4,385 50 1,035 12,120 15,770
Middlesex 09007 30,420 22,180 970 280 2,125 875 3,355 25 610 10,075 13,335
New Haven 09009 151,395 103,495 4,410 1,485 11,000 5,030 20,880 265 4,830 46,160 65,145
New London 09011 48,850 33,220 1,890 460 3,845 1,510 6,415 90 1,420 15,580 20,260
Tolland 09013 22,525 16,485 700 205 1,435 570 2,500 40 590 7,625 9,355
Windham 09015 21,070 13,520 600 195 1,510 750 3,560 50 885 6,150 8,085
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute
a. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
CONTACT: Sheron Matthews (410) 966-4750 or oasdi.sc@ssa.gov.
Table 5. Amount of benefits in current-payment status, by county, type of benefit, and sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, December 2009 (in thousands of dollars)
County ANSI
Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers Spouses Children Widow(er)s a Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Connecticut 09 723,023 546,727 13,694 4,123 54,015 16,580 81,737 270 5,876 284,144 295,363
Fairfield 09001 174,412 136,010 4,266 1,181 13,542 3,563 14,671 61 1,117 72,221 74,257
Hartford 09003 185,231 139,835 3,151 1,066 13,224 4,746 21,647 62 1,501 70,965 76,353
Litchfield 09005 44,582 34,086 726 250 3,119 957 5,031 13 399 17,879 17,472
Middlesex 09007 36,896 28,506 659 173 2,699 794 3,828 8 230 14,840 14,954
New Haven 09009 175,599 130,138 2,841 920 13,294 4,052 22,678 71 1,604 66,444 72,269
New London 09011 55,852 40,840 1,218 280 4,647 1,295 7,047 28 497 22,034 21,421
Tolland 09013 27,325 21,204 471 135 1,762 551 2,959 14 230 11,375 10,241
Windham 09015 23,128 16,108 362 118 1,730 622 3,875 14 299 8,386 8,396
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute
a. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
CONTACT: Sheron Matthews (410) 966-4750 or oasdi.sc@ssa.gov.