OASDI Beneficiaries by State and County, 2009


Table 4. Number of beneficiaries in current-payment status, by county, type of benefit, and sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, December 2009
County ANSI
Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers Spouses Children Widow(er)s a Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Hawaii 15 220,491 160,553 7,970 3,359 15,485 6,354 21,698 406 4,666 72,781 93,812
Hawaii 15001 33,575 22,735 1,020 530 2,380 1,055 4,720 75 1,060 10,690 12,225
Honolulu 15003 152,245 113,030 5,900 2,250 10,765 4,195 13,005 280 2,820 50,860 67,695
Kalawao 15005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kauai 15007 11,820 8,605 405 215 835 335 1,185 15 225 3,910 4,855
Maui 15009 22,850 16,180 645 365 1,505 770 2,790 35 560 7,320 9,035
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute
a. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
CONTACT: Sheron Matthews (410) 966-4750 or oasdi.sc@ssa.gov.
Table 5. Amount of benefits in current-payment status, by county, type of benefit, and sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, December 2009 (in thousands of dollars)
County ANSI
Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers Spouses Children Widow(er)s a Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Hawaii 15 238,128 184,953 4,286 1,909 16,602 4,940 23,802 112 1,523 91,699 96,648
Hawaii 15001 35,327 25,705 566 291 2,553 785 5,097 20 309 13,361 12,373
Honolulu 15003 165,411 131,023 3,140 1,276 11,481 3,293 14,185 76 935 64,219 70,057
Kalawao 15005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kauai 15007 12,632 9,723 221 126 892 268 1,317 5 80 4,837 4,898
Maui 15009 24,758 18,503 358 216 1,676 593 3,203 11 198 9,283 9,320
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute
a. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
CONTACT: Sheron Matthews (410) 966-4750 or oasdi.sc@ssa.gov.