OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2003


Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2003
Field office
and ZIP Code
Number Total monthly benefits
(thousands of dollars)
aged 65
or older
Total Retired workers a Disabled workers Widow(er)s b Spouses Children All
Retired workers Widow(er)s b
All areas c 47,038,391 29,531,615 5,873,673 4,899,704 2,772,576 3,960,823 39,541,474 27,230,628 4,238,982 33,433,599
Total, Delaware 141,486 92,292 17,777 13,042 6,860 11,515 126,245 89,421 12,088 100,301
Dover 25,330 15,890 3,505 2,250 1,105 2,580 20,974 14,386 1,913 17,160
19901 4,865 3,160 655 420 240 390 4,039 2,882 353 3,435
19903 255 125 55 20 5 50 205 122 16 130
19904 5,125 3,085 660 405 205 770 4,254 2,831 363 3,360
19934 1,660 1,120 195 140 85 120 1,395 1,005 128 1,190
19936 105 65 15 5 5 15 82 59 6 70
19938 985 605 155 70 50 105 834 544 63 620
19943 1,675 1,005 265 135 75 195 1,321 862 108 1,085
19946 690 440 100 80 20 50 547 368 68 470
19952 1,755 1,105 235 175 70 170 1,420 980 141 1,185
19953 735 415 140 60 30 90 598 377 49 435
19954 255 155 40 25 10 25 205 137 20 170
19955 80 50 15 5 5 5 68 46 4 50
19961 45 30 5 5 0 5 40 28 5 30
19962 865 445 155 85 45 135 664 395 65 475
19963 3,320 2,255 380 320 145 220 2,830 2,074 270 2,460
19964 220 125 40 20 10 25 180 116 17 125
19977 2,480 1,560 360 260 100 200 2,119 1,439 220 1,725
19979 125 90 15 10 5 5 101 80 7 85
19980 85 55 15 10 0 5 65 40 8 60
Georgetown 38,195 26,965 4,095 3,115 1,670 2,350 33,287 24,973 2,801 27,805
19930 965 805 25 60 65 10 908 789 57 820
19931 60 45 0 5 5 5 54 43 7 50
19933 1,250 785 190 90 45 140 987 691 73 815
19939 1,370 1,020 115 105 60 70 1,220 955 94 995
19940 950 620 130 90 35 75 775 537 80 650
19941 405 230 80 35 20 40 299 190 26 245
19944 210 175 5 15 15 0 200 169 14 180
19945 1,350 940 135 115 60 100 1,126 835 97 950
19947 2,625 1,615 395 220 95 300 2,161 1,449 183 1,705
19950 1,090 685 150 90 65 100 883 603 79 720
19951 300 220 40 15 15 10 258 197 13 210
19956 2,645 1,715 360 250 105 215 2,185 1,535 211 1,820
19958 5,005 3,800 410 375 250 170 4,580 3,628 353 3,960
19960 860 560 135 65 25 75 686 473 57 555
19966 5,695 4,085 650 435 225 300 5,032 3,790 389 4,145
19967 50 40 5 5 0 0 43 33 6 40
19968 1,690 1,180 205 125 65 115 1,441 1,067 112 1,200
19969 85 50 20 5 0 10 68 47 2 45
19970 1,870 1,455 115 130 90 80 1,705 1,400 122 1,410
19971 3,145 2,440 215 245 145 100 2,998 2,399 246 2,540
19973 4,555 2,970 565 470 195 355 3,907 2,757 419 3,190
19975 2,020 1,530 150 170 90 80 1,767 1,384 161 1,560
Wilmington 77,960 49,435 10,180 7,675 4,085 6,585 71,951 50,046 7,372 55,325
19701 3,245 1,840 585 260 135 425 2,962 1,843 251 1,910
19702 3,850 1,885 850 310 140 665 3,325 1,877 282 1,980
19703 2,505 1,590 325 280 110 200 2,311 1,598 270 1,825
19706 385 220 75 20 15 55 314 201 16 235
19707 2,460 1,755 140 250 210 105 2,535 1,935 273 2,010
19708 40 30 5 0 5 0 35 25 2 30
19709 2,625 1,575 370 240 110 330 2,435 1,624 218 1,625
19710 50 30 5 5 10 0 52 36 7 45
19711 6,225 4,300 545 570 425 385 6,107 4,560 573 4,740
19713 4,550 2,805 630 495 230 390 4,141 2,790 463 3,155
19714 140 65 35 15 5 20 125 70 16 75
19715 40 35 5 0 0 0 39 34 1 30
19720 8,780 4,965 1,565 845 370 1,035 7,685 4,821 774 5,460
19730 155 115 15 15 5 5 149 110 18 120
19731 60 35 10 10 5 0 54 33 8 40
19732 55 40 0 5 10 0 61 47 6 45
19733 70 35 10 15 0 10 65 39 15 50
19734 1,015 635 155 85 55 85 918 619 78 655
19736 75 50 5 10 5 5 74 55 8 60
19801 2,400 1,140 665 235 45 315 1,713 924 173 1,275
19802 4,040 2,250 855 370 85 480 3,270 2,038 301 2,415
19803 5,045 3,720 210 480 440 195 5,225 4,105 524 4,335
19804 3,830 2,595 390 435 185 225 3,490 2,517 416 2,980
19805 6,525 3,715 1,105 700 225 780 5,389 3,465 615 4,240
19806 2,335 1,710 205 280 95 45 2,236 1,704 268 1,975
19807 1,850 1,290 45 245 225 45 2,058 1,550 284 1,685
19808 7,675 5,415 680 755 455 370 7,361 5,504 750 6,065
19809 2,450 1,685 255 235 115 160 2,351 1,732 239 1,870
19810 5,060 3,715 320 470 360 195 5,134 3,998 490 4,165
19850 85 35 25 5 5 15 64 36 5 45
19899 335 155 95 35 5 45 266 145 28 180
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record (OASDI ZIP file), 100 percent data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosure of the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.