OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2003

Virgin Islands

Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2003
Field office
and ZIP Code
Number Total monthly benefits
(thousands of dollars)
aged 65
or older
Total Retired workers a Disabled workers Widow(er)s b Spouses Children All
Retired workers Widow(er)s b
All areas c 47,038,391 29,531,615 5,873,673 4,899,704 2,772,576 3,960,823 39,541,474 27,230,628 4,238,982 33,433,599
Total, Virgin Islands 15,020 9,559 1,433 1,166 922 1,940 10,737 7,601 799 9,778
St. Croix 7,530 4,490 765 615 595 1,065 5,338 3,601 430 4,745
00820 905 530 95 80 75 125 620 421 59 590
00821 810 575 60 60 50 65 631 486 46 595
00822 425 280 50 30 20 45 329 231 24 280
00823 1,230 710 125 95 115 185 893 584 68 750
00824 240 180 15 10 5 30 213 170 11 160
00840 440 205 45 45 45 100 246 133 28 245
00841 1,320 830 130 105 100 155 960 673 70 870
00850 230 110 30 25 20 45 133 72 15 135
00851 1,930 1,070 215 165 165 315 1,314 833 109 1,120
St. Thomas 7,480 5,065 670 545 325 875 5,392 3,997 368 5,030
00801 1,965 1,315 195 120 80 255 1,441 1,053 82 1,300
00802 2,225 1,415 230 195 115 270 1,404 981 118 1,440
00803 1,705 1,205 130 115 70 185 1,297 1,000 81 1,160
00804 860 645 55 60 30 70 719 574 49 660
00805 250 160 20 20 10 40 179 124 13 145
00830 100 70 10 10 5 5 79 59 6 75
00831 375 255 30 25 15 50 272 205 19 250
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record (OASDI ZIP file), 100 percent data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosure of the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.