OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2004

Rhode Island

Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2004
Field office
and ZIP Code
Number Total monthly benefits
(thousands of dollars)
aged 65
or older
Total Retired workers a Disabled workers Widow(er)s b Spouses Children All
Retired workers Widow(er)s b
All areas c 47,687,693 29,952,474 6,198,271 4,828,972 2,721,657 3,986,319 41,574,348 28,601,332 4,329,336 33,696,001
Total, Rhode Island 192,755 128,612 27,868 15,243 6,552 14,480 170,509 122,765 14,104 139,532
New London, CT 7,945 5,430 960 685 385 485 7,520 5,490 677 5,905
02804 405 275 60 25 15 30 393 281 26 275
02808 375 230 60 20 20 45 327 229 20 245
02813 1,535 1,090 175 120 70 80 1,484 1,110 120 1,145
02832 765 490 120 70 30 55 707 483 70 525
02833 85 50 20 5 5 5 83 48 5 50
02873 35 25 5 5 0 0 32 25 4 25
02891 4,745 3,270 520 440 245 270 4,492 3,312 432 3,640
Newport 15,870 10,980 1,670 1,455 785 980 14,027 10,331 1,326 12,150
02801 80 55 5 10 5 5 81 62 10 65
02835 1,110 785 85 100 75 65 1,070 810 100 875
02837 780 585 60 65 45 25 736 577 64 630
02840 4,035 2,670 480 430 220 235 3,440 2,461 384 3,065
02842 3,155 2,105 355 305 155 235 2,704 1,931 272 2,400
02871 3,090 2,200 285 285 160 160 2,840 2,134 267 2,415
02872 65 55 0 5 5 0 64 56 4 55
02878 3,555 2,525 400 255 120 255 3,082 2,293 224 2,645
Pawtucket 25,575 17,110 3,905 1,810 775 1,975 21,872 15,803 1,629 18,380
02860 7,285 4,300 1,565 495 205 720 5,738 3,751 404 4,635
02861 5,590 3,830 790 385 170 415 4,938 3,613 356 4,095
02862 170 75 55 5 5 30 122 67 5 80
02863 2,475 1,405 520 185 70 295 1,761 1,122 143 1,540
02864 6,605 4,950 670 475 195 315 6,044 4,716 453 5,260
02865 3,450 2,550 305 265 130 200 3,267 2,533 267 2,770
Providence 80,700 53,165 12,265 6,255 2,585 6,430 70,470 50,515 5,762 58,030
02806 3,030 2,165 230 270 195 170 3,098 2,379 292 2,490
02809 4,640 3,405 505 340 155 235 4,081 3,143 311 3,635
02815 25 20 5 0 0 0 30 21 2 20
02823 65 40 15 0 5 5 61 35 1 40
02825 770 490 130 50 20 80 688 477 47 495
02828 1,680 1,275 135 150 55 65 1,657 1,300 157 1,395
02831 550 380 65 45 15 45 518 381 38 390
02857 1,545 1,095 195 115 60 80 1,475 1,096 114 1,140
02885 2,455 1,620 390 180 90 175 2,182 1,548 168 1,755
02901 85 40 30 0 0 15 63 30 2 35
02903 1,775 940 450 140 35 210 1,364 809 125 1,055
02904 7,160 4,865 1,140 555 185 415 6,176 4,491 489 5,290
02905 3,260 1,765 700 275 100 420 2,565 1,591 237 1,960
02906 3,315 2,395 290 315 170 145 3,625 2,789 383 2,745
02907 2,640 1,110 805 165 85 475 1,668 823 107 1,190
02908 4,600 2,855 780 360 135 470 3,722 2,592 315 3,140
02909 4,595 2,295 1,170 285 125 720 3,186 1,896 209 2,505
02910 3,945 2,635 580 290 105 335 3,468 2,510 266 2,835
02911 3,300 2,270 450 235 70 275 2,927 2,144 226 2,420
02914 4,950 3,345 745 390 150 320 4,137 2,989 329 3,645
02915 3,935 2,690 550 355 135 205 3,567 2,573 335 2,975
02916 1,890 1,380 190 185 60 75 1,792 1,359 180 1,530
02917 2,240 1,585 280 200 65 110 2,079 1,548 183 1,705
02919 6,810 4,670 1,005 530 215 390 6,004 4,370 481 5,065
02920 9,585 6,630 1,165 690 290 810 8,622 6,398 645 7,270
02921 1,665 1,115 210 125 60 155 1,528 1,108 108 1,210
02940 190 90 55 10 5 30 160 94 10 95
West Warwick 47,240 32,055 6,355 3,940 1,650 3,240 43,533 31,554 3,745 34,605
02807 240 200 10 15 10 5 247 216 18 205
02812 195 125 35 10 5 20 182 122 12 130
02816 5,875 3,965 855 465 165 425 5,235 3,727 432 4,175
02817 635 385 120 50 20 60 581 369 45 385
02818 3,385 2,490 300 290 145 160 3,379 2,610 306 2,710
02822 705 440 115 50 20 80 637 427 47 445
02827 305 180 55 20 10 40 272 179 17 195
02836 15 10 0 5 0 0 15 11 2 15
02852 4,015 2,740 500 320 155 300 3,662 2,676 295 2,945
02874 685 495 65 40 40 45 697 542 42 510
02875 70 40 15 10 0 5 66 41 8 40
02877 20 15 5 0 0 0 20 14 2 15
02879 3,340 2,385 295 310 155 195 3,209 2,446 294 2,630
02880 170 115 30 10 5 10 158 119 11 120
02881 355 270 25 25 25 10 394 321 27 295
02882 2,780 2,090 235 220 130 105 2,747 2,158 232 2,225
02883 60 35 10 5 5 5 50 32 5 40
02886 7,440 5,050 980 675 245 490 6,820 4,923 654 5,595
02887 155 40 45 5 5 60 129 44 5 50
02888 4,375 2,990 585 415 135 250 4,105 2,978 397 3,290
02889 5,625 3,610 905 445 185 480 5,012 3,507 406 3,900
02892 655 425 85 60 25 60 601 422 53 465
02893 5,760 3,715 1,020 460 155 410 4,947 3,420 398 3,965
02894 110 70 20 10 0 10 111 73 11 70
02898 270 175 45 25 10 15 251 172 23 190
Woonsocket 15,355 9,835 2,700 1,090 370 1,360 13,076 9,070 962 10,420
02802 135 90 20 10 5 10 124 85 9 100
02814 1,120 675 205 80 35 125 987 653 73 705
02824 80 60 10 10 0 0 73 54 10 60
02826 125 75 25 10 10 5 117 75 9 80
02829 80 55 15 5 0 5 82 61 8 60
02830 950 595 165 70 25 95 843 546 67 620
02838 705 470 120 55 15 45 622 439 54 505
02839 270 170 60 15 5 20 232 155 12 170
02858 55 40 5 5 0 5 54 39 5 40
02859 1,170 745 190 95 25 115 953 654 79 775
02876 370 290 30 30 10 10 355 285 33 310
02895 8,410 5,150 1,675 570 190 825 6,855 4,631 474 5,495
02896 1,885 1,420 180 135 50 100 1,780 1,393 129 1,500
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record (OASDI ZIP file), 100 percent data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosure of the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.