OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2005


Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2005
Field office
and ZIP Code
Number Total monthly benefits
(thousands of dollars)
aged 65
or older
Total Retired workers a Disabled workers Widow(er)s b Spouses Children All
Retired workers Widow(er)s b
All areas c 48,434,281 30,460,839 6,518,989 4,749,379 2,680,259 4,024,815 44,351,668 30,521,816 4,470,918 34,019,044
Total, Delaware 150,101 97,950 20,664 12,846 6,588 12,053 146,486 103,540 12,981 104,455
Dover 28,280 17,845 4,295 2,285 1,135 2,720 25,854 17,807 2,139 18,765
19901 5,485 3,545 795 450 250 445 4,980 3,547 417 3,770
19903 280 145 70 20 0 45 247 152 17 150
19904 5,625 3,380 830 400 205 810 5,158 3,421 394 3,575
19934 2,055 1,455 225 150 95 130 1,943 1,466 148 1,490
19936 105 65 15 5 5 15 90 64 5 70
19938 1,080 640 190 80 50 120 988 637 75 665
19943 1,855 1,110 350 130 85 180 1,633 1,057 113 1,160
19946 705 440 110 85 10 60 611 405 78 455
19952 1,890 1,175 300 165 70 180 1,670 1,135 146 1,235
19953 740 430 155 60 30 65 673 428 51 450
19954 280 160 60 20 15 25 246 157 21 170
19955 85 55 20 5 5 0 81 56 3 55
19961 45 30 5 5 0 5 41 29 6 30
19962 1,065 555 220 90 45 155 912 554 77 585
19963 3,650 2,525 445 320 155 205 3,449 2,551 303 2,655
19964 235 140 40 20 10 25 216 143 18 140
19977 2,900 1,850 440 270 100 240 2,733 1,876 255 1,965
19979 125 90 15 5 5 10 115 88 7 90
19980 75 55 10 5 0 5 65 43 6 55
Georgetown 41,070 29,135 4,825 3,100 1,610 2,400 39,322 29,557 3,032 29,615
19930 1,045 875 30 60 60 20 1,077 936 64 890
19931 85 55 10 10 5 5 79 57 9 60
19933 1,430 880 250 90 55 155 1,230 843 82 880
19939 1,520 1,135 140 120 55 70 1,494 1,168 117 1,100
19940 1,025 645 150 95 30 105 898 606 89 680
19941 420 235 95 30 15 45 347 209 27 240
19944 205 170 10 10 15 0 215 187 10 175
19945 1,365 970 155 110 55 75 1,275 945 106 985
19947 2,830 1,775 460 220 95 280 2,580 1,748 203 1,840
19950 1,170 750 160 90 65 105 1,044 723 85 775
19951 335 245 45 15 15 15 313 239 16 240
19956 2,815 1,815 420 240 110 230 2,548 1,776 218 1,910
19958 5,485 4,210 475 380 230 190 5,530 4,422 393 4,265
19960 990 610 180 75 25 100 833 557 65 615
19966 6,080 4,350 775 440 215 300 5,909 4,424 432 4,405
19967 55 45 5 5 0 0 50 40 5 40
19968 1,865 1,350 220 125 60 110 1,782 1,357 123 1,320
19969 90 50 25 5 0 10 77 54 5 50
19970 2,020 1,605 125 125 95 70 2,029 1,691 127 1,560
19971 3,320 2,590 250 235 140 105 3,455 2,786 253 2,610
19973 4,770 3,150 655 450 185 330 4,499 3,185 434 3,340
19975 2,150 1,625 190 170 85 80 2,059 1,604 170 1,635
Wilmington 80,805 51,015 11,550 7,465 3,850 6,925 81,378 56,227 7,813 56,120
19701 3,895 2,210 720 305 135 525 3,872 2,413 311 2,230
19702 4,235 2,135 940 325 150 685 4,027 2,316 321 2,165
19703 2,525 1,575 375 255 100 220 2,507 1,703 265 1,775
19706 400 235 80 25 10 50 360 231 26 245
19707 2,680 1,965 160 240 200 115 3,022 2,360 283 2,200
19708 35 25 5 5 0 0 36 26 2 25
19709 3,320 2,045 505 285 120 365 3,411 2,297 290 2,080
19710 60 40 5 5 10 0 64 46 9 45
19711 6,605 4,585 605 585 415 415 7,069 5,291 640 5,020
19713 4,730 2,880 715 500 220 415 4,702 3,109 514 3,175
19714 135 65 40 10 5 15 134 77 12 75
19715 40 35 0 0 0 5 43 35 1 35
19720 9,120 5,135 1,745 820 355 1,065 8,683 5,430 807 5,570
19730 145 105 15 15 5 5 148 112 16 115
19731 60 30 15 10 0 5 57 32 8 40
19732 55 45 0 5 5 0 70 57 6 50
19733 60 35 5 10 5 5 65 42 14 45
19734 1,155 720 190 90 55 100 1,161 769 92 730
19736 70 50 10 5 5 0 81 58 8 55
19801 2,545 1,115 840 225 40 325 1,973 984 177 1,260
19802 4,125 2,330 915 320 85 475 3,673 2,313 282 2,425
19803 4,985 3,665 250 460 390 220 5,641 4,401 554 4,230
19804 3,635 2,430 430 380 160 235 3,595 2,557 393 2,750
19805 6,205 3,435 1,180 615 210 765 5,534 3,465 594 3,905
19806 2,305 1,720 190 265 85 45 2,426 1,878 283 1,955
19807 1,920 1,360 55 245 220 40 2,322 1,767 306 1,730
19808 7,805 5,465 760 735 425 420 8,157 6,054 792 6,040
19809 2,395 1,620 280 230 105 160 2,476 1,799 249 1,780
19810 5,105 3,755 365 460 330 195 5,673 4,397 527 4,150
19850 90 45 25 5 0 15 82 46 6 45
19899 365 160 130 30 5 40 309 158 27 175
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record (OASDI ZIP file), 100 percent data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosure of the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.