OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2006


Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2006
Field office
and ZIP Code
Number Total monthly benefits
(thousands of dollars)
aged 65
or older
Total Retired workers a Disabled workers Widow(er)s b Spouses Children All
Retired workers Widow(er)s b
All areas c 49,122,624 30,976,145 6,806,918 4,666,962 2,632,069 4,040,530 46,938,032 32,351,857 4,576,981 34,468,217
Total, Delaware 153,544 100,779 21,685 12,666 6,465 11,949 156,827 111,252 13,370 107,279
Dover 29,575 18,720 4,650 2,285 1,120 2,800 28,390 19,557 2,245 19,680
19901 5,590 3,610 865 450 245 420 5,330 3,766 438 3,860
19903 280 145 70 10 5 50 257 158 11 155
19904 5,870 3,515 915 400 200 840 5,625 3,710 410 3,730
19934 2,260 1,620 270 155 95 120 2,246 1,714 157 1,650
19936 110 65 20 5 5 15 95 67 5 75
19938 1,135 685 205 80 45 120 1,098 710 80 710
19943 1,905 1,160 365 135 85 160 1,773 1,153 125 1,205
19946 735 455 110 85 10 75 671 450 81 470
19952 1,975 1,235 330 160 70 180 1,841 1,258 146 1,285
19953 770 440 160 60 30 80 726 456 53 455
19954 290 165 65 25 10 25 266 166 24 175
19955 95 55 20 10 5 5 96 61 8 60
19961 45 30 5 5 0 5 44 34 4 35
19962 1,155 620 225 95 50 165 1,048 651 87 650
19963 3,815 2,640 475 320 155 225 3,783 2,796 324 2,765
19964 240 145 45 20 5 25 233 153 18 150
19977 3,085 1,985 470 260 100 270 3,054 2,113 262 2,100
19979 140 95 20 5 5 15 131 96 7 95
19980 80 55 15 5 0 5 68 43 6 55
Georgetown 42,380 30,255 5,110 3,085 1,610 2,320 42,571 32,094 3,148 30,755
19930 1,040 885 30 55 60 10 1,129 991 62 880
19931 85 60 10 10 0 5 85 62 8 60
19933 1,515 960 260 95 55 145 1,403 981 90 970
19939 1,595 1,190 150 125 60 70 1,643 1,280 127 1,185
19940 1,045 675 155 90 35 90 964 665 83 690
19941 425 230 105 30 15 45 363 217 26 240
19944 205 170 10 10 15 0 228 196 12 175
19945 1,370 980 155 110 55 70 1,339 996 112 1,000
19947 2,900 1,850 465 220 95 270 2,792 1,921 212 1,905
19950 1,220 785 180 95 60 100 1,145 794 95 815
19951 345 250 50 20 10 15 344 258 20 255
19956 2,895 1,865 445 245 110 230 2,747 1,894 237 1,965
19958 5,715 4,395 515 380 230 195 6,043 4,833 411 4,450
19960 1,035 625 200 75 25 110 913 593 69 610
19966 6,340 4,550 830 445 215 300 6,434 4,820 453 4,605
19967 60 50 0 5 0 5 58 48 5 50
19968 1,985 1,460 240 130 55 100 2,006 1,545 132 1,425
19969 90 50 25 5 0 10 84 56 6 60
19970 2,080 1,650 135 130 100 65 2,191 1,822 138 1,640
19971 3,405 2,705 255 220 140 85 3,694 3,020 250 2,685
19973 4,815 3,180 700 430 185 320 4,723 3,339 430 3,385
19975 2,215 1,690 195 160 90 80 2,243 1,762 170 1,705
Wilmington 81,565 51,795 11,925 7,295 3,730 6,820 85,861 59,597 7,978 56,830
19701 4,175 2,430 765 310 140 530 4,371 2,791 330 2,450
19702 4,295 2,220 950 335 155 635 4,273 2,517 349 2,275
19703 2,460 1,530 380 245 90 215 2,541 1,723 263 1,710
19706 390 230 75 25 10 50 370 239 25 240
19707 2,745 2,050 155 230 200 110 3,233 2,563 279 2,270
19708 40 25 10 0 0 5 40 27 2 25
19709 3,505 2,205 530 295 120 355 3,784 2,579 315 2,255
19710 65 40 5 5 10 5 78 56 9 50
19711 6,700 4,700 645 570 405 380 7,536 5,678 660 5,120
19713 4,825 2,965 730 490 225 415 5,018 3,346 529 3,265
19714 135 70 35 10 5 15 136 81 8 70
19715 40 35 0 0 0 5 41 38 0 30
19720 9,165 5,215 1,795 800 335 1,020 9,118 5,737 827 5,630
19730 155 120 10 15 5 5 169 134 17 120
19731 60 35 15 10 0 0 59 33 10 40
19732 55 45 0 5 5 0 71 58 7 50
19733 60 35 10 10 0 5 68 44 12 40
19734 1,215 745 200 95 60 115 1,259 832 101 790
19736 65 50 5 5 5 0 81 64 6 55
19801 2,585 1,105 880 215 40 345 2,070 1,020 178 1,235
19802 4,095 2,310 935 310 80 460 3,813 2,412 284 2,430
19803 4,880 3,610 255 435 370 210 5,765 4,509 552 4,170
19804 3,640 2,435 460 365 150 230 3,755 2,664 390 2,730
19805 6,115 3,345 1,230 570 210 760 5,695 3,513 580 3,785
19806 2,315 1,750 195 255 75 40 2,544 1,987 280 1,980
19807 1,900 1,365 50 235 205 45 2,404 1,853 302 1,715
19808 7,855 5,505 770 735 405 440 8,546 6,342 828 6,100
19809 2,390 1,590 300 225 100 175 2,588 1,852 257 1,745
19810 5,180 3,830 375 460 320 195 6,006 4,682 544 4,225
19850 90 40 25 10 0 15 86 46 10 50
19899 370 165 135 25 5 40 333 169 24 180
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record (OASDI ZIP file), 100 percent data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosure of the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.
CONTACT: Diane Wallace (410) 965-0165.