OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2006

Rhode Island

Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2006
Field office
and ZIP Code
Number Total monthly benefits
(thousands of dollars)
aged 65
or older
Total Retired workers a Disabled workers Widow(er)s b Spouses Children All
Retired workers Widow(er)s b
All areas c 49,122,624 30,976,145 6,806,918 4,666,962 2,632,069 4,040,530 46,938,032 32,351,857 4,576,981 34,468,217
Total, Rhode Island 193,099 128,410 29,721 14,414 6,163 14,391 186,982 134,157 14,591 138,201
New London, CT 8,145 5,590 1,030 660 360 505 8,454 6,196 716 5,955
02804 440 295 70 30 15 30 459 325 33 290
02808 390 245 60 30 15 40 384 270 27 255
02813 1,635 1,170 185 110 70 100 1,734 1,313 126 1,185
02832 775 500 130 60 30 55 790 545 65 525
02833 105 50 30 5 5 15 108 60 5 55
02873 35 30 5 0 0 0 37 31 4 30
02891 4,765 3,300 550 425 225 265 4,939 3,651 455 3,615
Newport 16,240 11,355 1,780 1,380 750 975 15,874 11,828 1,375 12,415
02801 95 65 10 10 5 5 98 73 12 75
02835 1,140 840 85 90 65 60 1,220 960 97 895
02837 825 615 65 65 55 25 861 668 75 665
02840 4,055 2,715 530 405 180 225 3,837 2,772 395 3,025
02842 3,215 2,145 375 285 155 255 3,012 2,170 271 2,430
02871 3,160 2,280 300 275 155 150 3,227 2,455 277 2,485
02872 60 55 0 0 5 0 66 61 2 55
02878 3,690 2,640 415 250 130 255 3,545 2,662 247 2,785
Pawtucket 25,745 17,070 4,230 1,680 740 2,025 23,794 17,008 1,661 18,295
02860 7,155 4,100 1,690 455 200 710 6,077 3,858 399 4,440
02861 5,420 3,645 825 350 155 445 5,207 3,765 363 3,875
02862 180 75 65 5 5 30 134 67 4 75
02863 2,435 1,325 585 160 60 305 1,867 1,142 129 1,450
02864 7,105 5,405 735 450 200 315 6,910 5,399 480 5,725
02865 3,450 2,520 330 260 120 220 3,599 2,776 286 2,730
Providence 79,565 52,195 12,900 5,855 2,415 6,200 75,915 54,193 5,873 56,610
02806 2,960 2,125 245 260 175 155 3,329 2,557 315 2,435
02809 4,630 3,450 505 315 160 200 4,512 3,517 315 3,665
02815 35 25 5 5 0 0 40 25 4 20
02823 60 35 15 0 5 5 60 36 1 35
02825 780 520 120 55 15 70 772 557 55 520
02828 1,720 1,345 135 130 55 55 1,865 1,499 152 1,435
02831 575 385 85 35 20 50 589 421 33 400
02857 1,610 1,145 210 120 60 75 1,693 1,257 123 1,195
02885 2,430 1,570 420 180 90 170 2,362 1,631 184 1,725
02901 95 45 35 0 0 15 82 49 1 40
02903 1,755 900 470 115 40 230 1,442 847 112 1,015
02904 7,010 4,750 1,195 540 160 365 6,608 4,782 514 5,140
02905 3,165 1,750 705 245 95 370 2,681 1,692 222 1,925
02906 3,175 2,345 260 285 165 120 3,838 3,022 381 2,665
02907 2,735 1,095 870 155 95 520 1,841 871 105 1,185
02908 4,265 2,615 815 300 120 415 3,772 2,591 278 2,850
02909 4,365 2,050 1,280 265 110 660 3,249 1,806 210 2,245
02910 3,805 2,515 635 255 100 300 3,626 2,598 257 2,680
02911 3,240 2,185 480 235 65 275 3,155 2,257 252 2,330
02912 15 10 0 0 0 5 15 12 0 10
02914 4,960 3,280 805 375 140 360 4,508 3,205 334 3,565
02915 3,910 2,615 600 345 120 230 3,877 2,748 356 2,880
02916 1,915 1,385 220 170 55 85 1,980 1,485 184 1,510
02917 2,275 1,630 280 190 60 115 2,322 1,749 190 1,740
02919 6,730 4,670 1,000 500 180 380 6,513 4,772 498 4,995
02920 9,340 6,425 1,220 640 270 785 9,159 6,755 655 7,000
02921 1,800 1,225 230 130 55 160 1,835 1,336 133 1,295
02940 200 100 55 10 5 30 180 107 10 105
West Warwick 47,890 32,400 6,815 3,815 1,555 3,305 48,510 35,043 3,988 34,595
02807 250 210 5 20 10 5 281 242 20 215
02812 195 135 30 15 5 10 202 147 13 135
02816 6,015 4,090 880 445 160 440 5,897 4,237 452 4,255
02817 675 410 130 55 20 60 685 428 58 415
02818 3,510 2,615 295 285 140 175 3,854 3,018 326 2,805
02822 735 480 125 45 25 60 746 513 48 485
02827 340 195 60 25 15 45 325 213 20 200
02836 15 10 5 0 0 0 15 11 1 10
02852 4,115 2,800 545 310 155 305 4,134 3,023 318 2,975
02874 740 530 85 45 30 50 835 638 51 530
02875 70 40 15 10 0 5 72 46 10 45
02877 15 15 0 0 0 0 21 14 1 15
02879 3,540 2,570 325 310 150 185 3,768 2,880 333 2,775
02880 175 110 35 15 5 10 178 127 18 120
02881 380 285 25 30 25 15 450 373 33 320
02882 2,825 2,145 240 210 110 120 3,058 2,436 245 2,200
02883 50 25 15 0 5 5 45 28 2 25
02886 7,405 4,950 1,070 645 235 505 7,401 5,282 673 5,475
02887 155 45 40 5 5 60 137 51 5 50
02888 4,230 2,875 620 370 120 245 4,370 3,142 391 3,110
02889 5,595 3,535 970 445 155 490 5,459 3,761 443 3,825
02892 710 480 90 55 25 60 715 518 53 500
02893 5,760 3,605 1,140 440 145 430 5,448 3,647 427 3,835
02894 115 75 20 10 0 10 120 82 11 80
02898 275 170 50 25 15 15 284 181 32 195
Woonsocket 15,475 9,770 2,960 1,020 345 1,380 14,426 9,884 977 10,300
02802 140 100 25 5 5 5 144 100 8 100
02814 1,180 725 215 75 30 135 1,135 762 72 745
02824 80 60 10 10 0 0 84 63 9 70
02826 130 80 20 15 5 10 133 89 13 90
02829 85 65 15 5 0 0 95 74 6 65
02830 1,020 640 185 70 25 100 990 659 72 660
02838 695 445 130 50 15 55 660 455 52 475
02839 255 160 60 10 5 20 237 160 9 155
02858 55 35 10 5 0 5 62 41 5 40
02859 1,220 745 220 85 30 140 1,086 715 79 765
02876 390 295 40 30 10 15 409 319 35 315
02895 8,270 4,955 1,830 515 175 795 7,352 4,864 470 5,265
02896 1,955 1,465 200 145 45 100 2,041 1,584 146 1,555
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record (OASDI ZIP file), 100 percent data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosure of the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.
CONTACT: Diane Wallace (410) 965-0165.