OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2012


Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2012
Field office and ZIP Code Number Total monthly benefits (thousands of dollars) Number of OASDI beneficiaries aged 65 or older
Total Retired workers Disabled workers Widow(er)s and parents Spouses Children All beneficiaries Retired workers Widow(er)s and parents
All areas a 56,758,185 36,720,492 8,826,591 4,348,486 2,443,212 4,419,404 65,430,104 46,327,075 5,107,327 39,613,754
Total, Delaware 182,065 124,666 27,298 12,000 5,692 12,409 227,689 167,910 15,344 129,769
Dover 37,055 24,340 6,140 2,285 1,035 3,255 43,266 30,968 2,707 25,010
19901 6,685 4,360 1,145 450 200 530 7,605 5,474 512 4,595
19903 230 125 50 10 5 40 254 170 8 120
19904 7,000 4,320 1,175 375 175 955 8,135 5,596 459 4,505
19934 2,770 2,045 335 160 90 140 3,395 2,657 190 2,080
19936 120 70 25 10 5 10 135 87 13 80
19938 1,520 930 310 95 50 135 1,860 1,222 118 930
19943 2,565 1,620 515 150 75 205 2,892 1,985 176 1,640
19946 955 615 170 65 20 85 1,057 736 72 625
19952 2,375 1,575 400 150 65 185 2,691 1,918 167 1,595
19953 925 585 170 70 35 65 1,069 723 81 600
19954 370 235 70 25 10 30 420 288 28 230
19955 110 65 25 5 5 10 122 78 7 65
19961 35 25 5 5 0 0 45 32 5 30
19962 1,795 1,135 325 110 55 170 2,089 1,463 130 1,140
19963 4,675 3,370 635 290 130 250 5,618 4,319 359 3,420
19964 280 175 55 15 15 20 322 221 18 190
19977 4,405 2,915 700 280 100 410 5,278 3,791 341 2,990
19979 170 125 20 15 0 10 196 147 15 125
19980 70 50 10 5 0 5 83 61 8 50
Georgetown 52,825 39,715 6,250 3,060 1,445 2,355 65,757 51,998 3,846 40,065
19930 1,225 1,065 40 45 60 15 1,637 1,456 63 1,080
19931 85 70 5 5 5 0 107 90 6 70
19933 2,160 1,555 300 105 65 135 2,541 1,977 128 1,540
19939 1,985 1,560 170 115 60 80 2,461 2,015 150 1,580
19940 1,275 870 200 95 30 80 1,451 1,048 107 880
19941 470 260 115 30 20 45 482 303 28 265
19944 220 190 5 10 15 0 301 271 15 205
19945 1,630 1,215 200 100 45 70 1,946 1,511 128 1,200
19947 3,420 2,330 530 210 85 265 4,031 2,928 237 2,365
19950 1,505 1,030 230 100 45 100 1,737 1,268 117 1,065
19951 490 350 75 20 20 25 611 465 26 355
19956 3,205 2,120 535 240 95 215 3,662 2,611 277 2,235
19958 7,700 6,210 675 410 215 190 10,269 8,537 552 6,265
19960 1,310 850 240 70 25 125 1,436 1,008 88 825
19966 7,935 5,970 1,040 435 185 305 9,998 7,845 551 5,955
19967 165 145 5 10 0 5 231 202 10 135
19968 2,920 2,270 300 155 60 135 3,692 3,011 199 2,200
19969 90 65 20 0 0 5 111 86 0 60
19970 2,695 2,235 175 125 90 70 3,551 3,047 159 2,250
19971 4,120 3,390 310 225 100 95 5,578 4,726 298 3,405
19973 5,400 3,710 860 380 145 305 6,395 4,688 472 3,890
19975 2,820 2,255 220 175 80 90 3,529 2,905 234 2,240
Wilmington 92,180 60,610 14,910 6,655 3,210 6,795 118,657 84,938 8,792 64,695
19701 5,685 3,645 1,040 350 150 500 7,449 5,105 467 3,685
19702 5,855 3,470 1,230 360 160 635 7,316 4,812 461 3,470
19703 2,490 1,530 470 210 55 225 3,059 2,032 271 1,685
19706 450 285 85 35 5 40 541 378 43 295
19707 3,270 2,535 185 230 190 130 4,755 3,862 352 2,750
19708 35 25 5 5 0 0 40 28 4 25
19709 5,070 3,410 730 310 145 475 6,684 4,834 418 3,475
19710 75 50 5 10 10 0 108 78 15 65
19711 7,865 5,845 795 500 345 380 11,023 8,704 711 6,120
19713 5,435 3,500 905 455 175 400 6,929 4,807 599 3,810
19714 140 85 35 5 5 10 182 122 4 85
19715 35 30 0 0 0 5 49 43 0 25
19720 10,350 6,085 2,235 760 290 980 12,465 8,072 924 6,430
19730 165 135 20 5 5 0 215 178 8 130
19731 70 45 15 10 0 0 84 55 9 45
19732 70 55 5 5 5 0 118 101 5 65
19733 70 45 15 10 0 0 93 60 11 45
19734 1,880 1,205 320 120 65 170 2,408 1,662 164 1,230
19736 75 60 5 5 5 0 110 87 9 65
19801 2,605 1,150 965 155 35 300 2,488 1,270 140 1,220
19802 4,580 2,610 1,170 295 65 440 5,142 3,308 332 2,690
19803 4,925 3,805 275 350 275 220 7,174 5,841 521 4,215
19804 3,690 2,395 620 315 100 260 4,548 3,155 396 2,610
19805 6,370 3,400 1,600 470 175 725 6,984 4,263 538 3,700
19806 2,240 1,755 185 195 70 35 3,004 2,423 263 1,945
19807 1,990 1,475 60 215 200 40 3,101 2,458 351 1,835
19808 8,125 5,825 945 630 315 410 10,859 8,226 865 6,305
19809 2,595 1,740 400 220 70 165 3,446 2,483 297 1,850
19810 5,540 4,185 450 405 290 210 7,813 6,218 587 4,590
19850 115 65 30 5 0 15 136 85 5 60
19899 320 165 110 15 5 25 334 188 19 175
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosing the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or statistics@ssa.gov.