OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2014


Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2014
Field office and ZIP Code Number Total monthly benefits (thousands of dollars) Number of OASDI beneficiaries aged 65 or older
Total Retired workers Disabled workers Widow(er)s and parents Spouses Children All beneficiaries Retired workers Widow(er)s and parents
All areas a 59,007,158 39,008,771 8,954,518 4,236,220 2,452,435 4,355,214 71,693,353 51,826,267 5,212,795 42,084,088
Total, Guam 16,136 9,435 1,618 1,447 1,101 2,535 12,954 8,446 1,183 10,376
Guam 16,130 9,430 1,620 1,445 1,100 2,535 12,949 8,442 1,184 10,370
96910 450 230 55 40 25 100 393 233 39 265
96912 285 170 30 30 20 35 229 145 24 195
96913 975 600 100 75 65 135 925 667 61 635
96915 945 515 100 100 45 185 733 436 78 555
96916 110 55 15 10 10 20 77 37 10 70
96917 95 55 10 10 5 15 63 37 9 60
96921 2,935 1,540 320 235 215 625 2,201 1,327 180 1,670
96923 95 50 10 5 5 25 52 30 3 50
96928 605 340 80 45 50 90 454 278 32 390
96929 3,730 2,195 410 315 265 545 2,837 1,812 263 2,385
96931 3,070 1,995 220 290 250 315 2,579 1,861 231 2,220
96932 2,835 1,685 270 290 145 445 2,406 1,579 254 1,875
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosing the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or statistics@ssa.gov.