OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2022

U.S. Virgin Islands

Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2022
Field office and ZIP Code Number Total monthly benefits (thousands of dollars) Number of OASDI beneficiaries aged 65 or older
Total Retired workers Disabled workers Widow(er)s and parents Spouses Children All beneficiaries Retired workers Widow(er)s and parents
All areas a 65,994,457 48,587,883 7,604,098 3,840,827 2,113,864 3,847,785 111,421,667 88,679,497 6,324,926 52,052,807
Total, U.S. Virgin Islands 21,921 17,477 1,238 1,205 816 1,185 32,089 27,063 1,635 18,207
St. Croix 10,700 8,190 650 705 545 610 15,714 12,861 977 8,760
00820 1,230 960 80 75 45 70 1,919 1,618 101 1,000
00821 770 630 30 40 30 40 1,186 1,026 57 655
00822 535 430 35 25 20 25 828 688 40 450
00823 1,790 1,380 90 130 110 80 2,607 2,130 190 1,515
00824 495 425 25 25 5 15 897 798 44 425
00840 710 500 55 50 45 60 881 679 61 540
00841 1,525 1,150 95 90 85 105 2,203 1,794 125 1,250
00850 370 255 35 35 15 30 523 390 40 270
00851 3,275 2,460 205 235 190 185 4,670 3,738 319 2,655
St. Thomas 11,220 9,290 590 495 270 575 16,374 14,203 658 9,445
00801 3,010 2,540 125 130 90 125 4,575 4,027 179 2,580
00802 3,170 2,490 230 160 80 210 4,199 3,481 200 2,540
00803 2,620 2,210 125 100 55 130 3,911 3,452 127 2,230
00804 990 840 40 50 15 45 1,597 1,408 76 870
00805 485 410 30 15 5 25 675 586 20 410
00830 280 235 5 15 10 15 462 412 20 250
00831 665 565 35 25 15 25 955 837 36 565
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosing the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.
CONTACT: statistics@ssa.gov.