SSI Monthly Statistics, 2006

SSI Federally Administered Payments

Table 3. Recipients of federal payment only, by eligibility category and age, January 2006–December 2006
Month Total Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
January 4,911,034 632,311 4,278,723 834,881 2,950,193 1,125,960
February 4,914,266 631,302 4,282,964 836,946 2,952,439 1,124,881
March 4,907,646 629,944 4,277,702 831,549 2,951,994 1,124,103
April 4,923,709 629,572 4,294,137 841,795 2,957,498 1,124,416
May 4,937,869 629,067 4,308,802 845,709 2,967,984 1,124,176
June 4,924,336 627,517 4,296,819 840,836 2,960,621 1,122,879
July 4,941,783 627,750 4,314,033 849,864 2,967,520 1,124,399
August 4,967,298 627,849 4,339,449 853,941 2,987,241 1,126,116
September 4,960,544 626,529 4,334,015 852,006 2,983,867 1,124,671
October 4,989,972 627,002 4,362,970 862,107 3,001,785 1,126,080
November 4,971,677 625,660 4,346,017 858,145 2,989,092 1,124,440
December 4,967,004 621,081 4,345,923 858,917 2,989,045 1,119,042
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: Data are for the end of the specified month.
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