SSI Monthly Statistics, 2011

SSI Federally Administered Payments

Table 4. Recipients of federal payment and state supplementation, by eligibility category and age, January 2011–December 2011
Month Total Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
January 2,109,226 502,505 1,606,721 244,118 1,085,752 779,356
February 2,119,585 503,286 1,616,299 245,874 1,092,963 780,748
March 2,118,256 502,614 1,615,642 245,595 1,092,856 779,805
April 2,121,078 503,294 1,617,784 246,044 1,094,348 780,686
May 2,130,131 503,737 1,626,394 248,228 1,100,226 781,677
June 2,129,163 503,725 1,625,438 247,800 1,099,542 781,821
July 2,131,881 504,367 1,627,514 247,913 1,100,843 783,125
August 2,143,405 505,695 1,637,710 250,148 1,107,731 785,526
September 2,140,867 505,717 1,635,150 248,948 1,105,945 785,974
October 2,145,561 506,440 1,639,121 250,739 1,107,144 787,678
November 2,149,436 507,307 1,642,129 251,078 1,108,838 789,520
December 2,142,730 503,839 1,638,891 250,425 1,105,867 786,438
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: Data are for the end of the specified month.
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