SSI Monthly Statistics, 2012

SSI Federally Administered Payments

Table 5. Recipients of state supplementation only, by eligibility category and age, January 2012–December 2012
Month Total Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
January 240,901 78,016 162,885 1,452 122,871 116,578
February 240,146 77,686 162,460 1,480 122,420 116,246
March 239,183 74,911 164,272 1,398 121,957 115,828
April 224,418 71,360 153,058 1,080 113,796 109,542
May 224,140 70,985 153,155 1,190 113,716 109,234
June 223,476 70,811 152,665 1,168 113,219 109,089
July 223,335 70,753 152,582 1,141 113,058 109,136
August 223,371 70,666 152,705 1,203 113,056 109,112
September 223,117 70,607 152,510 1,121 112,831 109,165
October 223,334 70,498 152,836 1,187 113,000 109,147
November 223,011 70,297 152,714 1,213 112,771 109,027
December 222,893 70,745 152,148 1,177 112,035 109,681
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: Data are for the end of the specified month.
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