SSI Monthly Statistics, February 2022

Federally Administered State Supplementation Payments

Table 15. Number of recipients, by state or other area, eligibility category, and age, February 2022
State or area Total Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
All areas 1,365,469 387,551 977,918 111,762 599,769 653,938
California 1,147,846 336,104 811,742 87,801 490,178 569,867
Delaware 516 16 500 (X) 428 (X)
District of Columbia 906 71 835 26 499 381
Hawaii 2,308 708 1,600 11 955 1,342
Iowa 1,048 45 1,003 107 781 160
Michigan 10,606 418 10,188 128 7,547 2,931
Montana 672 8 664 84 477 111
Nevada 15,400 14,555 845 58 518 14,824
New Jersey 166,949 34,086 132,863 22,247 85,476 59,226
Pennsylvania 4,098 533 3,565 9 2,191 1,898
Rhode Island 327 98 229 0 114 213
Vermont 14,487 875 13,612 1,244 10,425 2,818
Other 306 34 272 (X) 180 (X)
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Data are shown only for states having federally administered optional state supplementation.
Includes retroactive payments.
(X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
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