SSI Monthly Statistics, October 2022

All Federally Administered Payments

Table 1. Number of recipients, total payments, average monthly payment, and number of awards, by type of payment, eligibility category, and age, October 2022
Type of payment All recipients Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and disabled a Under 18 18–64 65 or older b
  Number of recipients c
Total 7,572,671 1,131,035 6,441,636 1,009,365 4,228,219 2,335,087
Federal payment only 6,222,101 740,861 5,481,240 900,582 3,645,781 1,675,738
Federal payment and state supplementation 1,216,331 341,315 875,016 107,959 532,128 576,244
State supplementation only 134,239 48,859 85,380 824 50,310 83,105
Total with—  
Federal payment 7,438,432 1,082,176 6,356,256 1,008,541 4,177,909 2,251,982
State supplementation 1,350,570 390,174 960,396 108,783 582,438 659,349
Also receiving OASDI benefits 2,548,866 655,345 1,893,521 61,166 1,148,710 1,338,990
  Total payments c (thousands of dollars)
Total 4,887,361 568,026 4,319,335 766,109 2,923,876 1,197,376
Federal payments 4,636,321 493,669 4,142,651 757,465 2,808,775 1,070,081
State supplementation 251,040 74,356 176,683 8,643 115,101 127,295
  Average monthly payment d (dollars)
Total 623.94 498.92 645.92 730.87 661.35 510.19
Federal payments 602.77 454.14 628.12 723.37 643.36 473.73
State supplementation 178.26 186.00 175.11 75.29 186.17 188.24
  Number of awards e
Total 41,561 10,978 30,583 9,009 21,366 11,186
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes 6,377,045 disabled and 64,591 blind recipients.
b. Includes 1,191,035 disabled and 13,017 blind recipients aged 65 or older.
c. Includes retroactive payments.
d. Excludes retroactive payments.
e. Preliminary data. In the first 2 months after their release, numbers may be adjusted downward to reflect returned checks.
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