SSI Monthly Statistics, August 2024

All Federally Administered Payments

Table 1. Number of recipients, total payments, average monthly payment, and number of awards, by type of payment, eligibility category, and age, August 2024
Type of payment All recipients Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and disabled a Under 18 18–64 65 or older b
  Number of recipients c
Total 7,399,737 1,180,673 6,219,064 985,139 3,970,917 2,443,681
Federal payment only 6,076,613 781,112 5,295,501 878,177 3,429,247 1,769,189
Federal payment and state supplementation 1,189,633 348,155 841,478 106,014 495,763 587,856
State supplementation only 133,491 51,406 82,085 948 45,907 86,636
Total with—  
Federal payment 7,266,246 1,129,267 6,136,979 984,191 3,925,010 2,357,045
State supplementation 1,323,124 399,561 923,563 106,962 541,670 674,492
Also receiving OASDI benefits 2,531,555 676,066 1,855,489 56,566 1,077,297 1,397,692
  Total payments c (thousands of dollars)
Total 5,461,209 669,434 4,791,775 876,631 3,170,826 1,413,752
Federal payments 5,169,117 579,457 4,589,660 866,456 3,042,620 1,260,040
State supplementation 292,092 89,977 202,116 10,175 128,206 153,712
  Average monthly payment d (dollars)
Total 698.51 563.07 724.27 820.70 744.41 575.07
Federal payments 672.41 509.46 702.47 812.03 722.41 531.38
State supplementation 213.17 222.94 208.94 87.40 222.42 225.62
  Number of awards e
Total 56,775 10,386 46,389 14,464 31,597 10,714
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes 6,155,470 disabled and 63,594 blind recipients.
b. Includes 1,250,021 disabled and 12,987 blind recipients aged 65 or older.
c. Includes retroactive payments.
d. Excludes retroactive payments.
e. Preliminary data. In the first 2 months after their release, numbers may be adjusted downward to reflect returned checks.