SSI Monthly Statistics, November 2024

Federally Administered State Supplementation Payments

Table 15. Number of recipients, by state or other area, eligibility category, and age, November 2024
State or area Total Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
All areas 1,326,434 401,707 924,727 108,130 540,249 678,055
California 1,113,205 347,242 765,963 83,421 440,721 589,063
Delaware 511 21 490 (X) 420 (X)
District of Columbia 932 112 820 28 446 458
Hawaii 2,057 586 1,471 9 846 1,202
Iowa 779 23 756 86 553 140
Michigan 10,420 453 9,967 91 7,255 3,074
Montana 525 4 521 69 360 96
Nevada 17,005 16,193 812 59 505 16,441
New Jersey 163,388 35,628 127,760 23,153 77,794 62,441
Pennsylvania 3,480 485 2,995 12 1,682 1,786
Rhode Island 344 90 254 0 134 210
Vermont 13,471 835 12,636 1,134 9,371 2,966
Other 317 35 282 (X) 162 (X)
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Data are shown only for states having federally administered optional state supplementation.
Includes retroactive payments.
(X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.