SSI Recipients by State and County, 1998


Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 1998
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Colorado 56,204 9,213 46,991 8,167 34,103 13,934 20,414 $19,632
Adams 5,167 748 4,419 981 3,067 1,119 1,555 1,873
Alamosa 552 118 434 69 306 177 253 187
Arapahoe 3,445 761 2,684 558 1,898 989 998 1,267
Archuleta 106 19 87 12 69 25 47 33
Baca 134 48 86 14 62 58 69 35
Bent 219 37 182 33 124 62 80 73
Boulder 2,339 373 1,966 311 1,496 532 819 851
Chaffee 200 44 156 25 116 59 95 63
Cheyenne 15 5 10 1 7 7 10 4
Clear Creek 49 6 43 11 29 9 17 19
Conejos 467 173 294 30 202 235 244 142
Costilla 282 94 188 17 131 134 162 88
Crowley 171 17 154 22 120 29 61 59
Custer 39 5 34 7 26 6 15 15
Delta 530 134 396 62 282 186 257 150
Denver 14,276 2,662 11,614 1,780 8,510 3,986 4,890 5,119
Dolores 36 5 31 6 23 7 17 11
Douglas 154 29 125 25 91 38 57 51
Eagle 85 16 69 17 49 19 30 29
El Paso 5,908 733 5,175 1,107 3,639 1,162 2,071 2,074
Elbert 42 6 36 10 25 7 12 16
Fremont 866 108 758 130 565 171 364 271
Garfield 342 37 305 68 221 53 121 112
Gilpin 9 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 13
Grand 42 9 33 9 21 12 20 11
Gunnison 55 9 46 9 34 12 24 16
Hinsdale 8 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 2
Huerfano 321 70 251 15 191 115 137 100
Jackson 17 1 16 1 14 2 8 12
Jefferson 3,180 420 2,760 493 2,073 614 982 1,123
Kiowa 22 6 16 0 15 7 11 6
Kit Carson 88 27 61 6 48 34 50 24
La Plata 404 62 342 43 258 103 175 138
Lake 40 6 34 11 22 7 14 12
Larimer 1,920 229 1,691 316 1,236 368 750 648
Las Animas 701 126 575 50 447 204 271 242
Lincoln 81 19 62 14 40 27 32 25
Logan 323 48 275 46 209 68 153 110
Mesa 2,130 281 1,849 323 1,363 444 847 702
Mineral 8 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 4
Moffat 152 32 120 19 86 47 65 45
Montezuma 429 90 339 62 233 134 191 133
Montrose 556 114 442 72 302 182 251 170
Morgan 367 63 304 53 197 117 171 109
Otero 967 169 798 135 547 285 434 338
Ouray 24 1 23 3 19 2 6 9
Park 42 4 38 7 27 8 14 20
Phillips 58 22 36 5 29 24 38 13
Pitkin 35 7 28 8 19 8 8 12
Prowers 393 103 290 42 212 139 206 130
Pueblo 4,956 495 4,461 590 3,426 940 1,810 1,800
Rio Blanco 52 11 41 9 30 13 20 17
Rio Grande 378 95 283 42 197 139 201 107
Routt 66 5 61 6 54 6 27 20
Saguache 170 56 114 13 89 68 81 71
San Juan 5 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 0
San Miguel 8 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 2
Sedgwick 39 3 36 3 29 7 16 13
Summit 29 4 25 5 19 5 12 9
Teller 84 11 73 13 54 17 29 26
Washington 54 14 40 9 25 20 15 18
Weld 2,338 359 1,979 392 1,338 608 987 765
Yuma 124 43 81 19 56 49 70 34
Unknown 105 12 93 26 62 17 24 40
1 Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.