SSI Recipients by State and County, 1998


Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 1999
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Idaho 17,489 1,797 15,692 3,228 11,326 2,935 6,371 $6,182
Ada 3,355 293 3,062 743 2,183 429 1,029 1,210
Adams 47 6 41 9 28 10 16 23
Bannock 1,273 91 1,182 224 895 154 416 477
Bear Lake 74 15 59 8 47 19 34 24
Benewah 167 13 154 20 114 33 51 57
Bingham 601 66 535 113 381 107 210 217
Blaine 55 10 45 15 25 15 22 19
Boise 45 4 41 10 26 9 13 15
Bonner 496 50 446 49 369 78 181 204
Bonneville 1,162 75 1,087 236 795 131 424 434
Boundary 146 20 126 20 95 31 57 47
Butte 56 7 49 5 40 11 31 21
Camas 7 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 2
Canyon 2,334 249 2,085 474 1,408 452 911 818
Caribou 58 6 52 11 36 11 19 18
Cassia 303 36 267 53 190 60 107 106
Clark 11 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 2
Clearwater 178 14 164 18 129 31 87 63
Custer 56 5 51 2 47 7 31 16
Elmore 224 27 197 63 114 47 69 81
Franklin 102 13 89 27 56 19 34 35
Fremont 123 11 112 23 81 19 53 39
Gem 207 26 181 39 123 45 88 63
Gooding 203 25 178 39 125 39 77 62
Idaho 321 44 277 39 214 68 130 118
Jefferson 173 18 155 44 101 28 66 54
Jerome 281 39 242 66 157 58 99 89
Kootenai 1,422 133 1,289 209 988 225 557 481
Latah 235 14 221 36 169 30 86 77
Lemhi 131 20 111 22 77 32 57 45
Lewis 130 10 120 23 83 24 46 66
Lincoln 44 6 38 8 27 9 17 15
Madison 151 15 136 45 86 20 56 52
Minidoka 296 43 253 65 169 62 122 100
Nez Perce 713 72 641 86 497 130 274 259
Oneida 54 4 50 8 36 10 18 19
Owyhee 137 24 113 27 70 40 59 43
Payette 346 56 290 72 184 90 144 117
Power 63 6 57 24 32 7 21 22
Shoshone 383 22 361 38 302 43 126 154
Teton 25 1 24 4 17 4 13 8
Twin Falls 980 148 832 158 610 212 365 318
Valley 77 7 70 11 49 17 35 22
Washington 202 46 156 31 113 58 100 58
Unknown 42 6 36 6 27 9 12 15
1 Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.