SSI Recipients by State and County, 1998


Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 1998
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Oklahoma 73,365 12,367 60,998 10,848 41,687 20,830 29,432 $25,404
Adair 973 204 769 73 487 413 467 309
Alfalfa 69 19 50 8 36 25 33 18
Atoka 627 163 464 48 312 267 318 189
Beaver 48 11 37 11 21 16 20 16
Beckham 581 123 458 66 326 189 291 187
Blaine 225 33 192 27 136 62 74 78
Bryan 1,369 298 1,071 155 729 485 650 454
Caddo 908 203 705 122 468 318 385 306
Canadian 519 103 416 80 288 151 201 165
Carter 1,518 285 1,233 210 844 464 661 533
Cherokee 1,072 192 880 109 623 340 432 375
Choctaw 1,118 279 839 118 532 468 575 363
Cimarron 37 10 27 4 21 12 15 12
Cleveland 1,960 229 1,731 389 1,203 368 655 693
Coal 283 59 224 20 162 101 125 136
Comanche 2,125 286 1,839 427 1,227 471 725 795
Cotton 142 42 100 12 70 60 67 45
Craig 511 63 448 50 333 128 218 154
Creek 1,005 155 850 155 580 270 403 329
Custer 541 84 457 83 330 128 204 197
Delaware 866 187 679 79 478 309 410 279
Dewey 93 21 72 7 52 34 51 26
Ellis 40 5 35 7 23 10 16 10
Garfield 1,180 108 1,072 221 779 180 375 435
Garvin 942 179 763 83 544 315 382 254
Grady 954 163 791 138 547 269 410 333
Grant 77 11 66 8 35 34 22 18
Greer 232 71 161 18 105 109 125 61
Harmon 159 33 126 30 68 61 82 45
Harper 43 5 38 4 23 16 12 9
Haskell 508 142 366 43 248 217 246 189
Hughes 539 169 370 47 254 238 279 186
Jackson 716 158 558 102 363 251 330 258
Jefferson 237 71 166 27 95 115 136 62
Johnston 387 106 281 22 198 167 196 118
Kay 794 123 671 108 488 198 341 265
Kingfisher 164 22 142 20 106 38 55 54
Kiowa 417 108 309 39 213 165 221 145
Latimer 300 47 253 27 177 96 130 110
Le Flore 2,081 342 1,739 228 1,218 635 949 653
Lincoln 602 111 491 68 364 170 248 195
Logan 387 66 321 54 222 111 146 123
Love 186 43 143 24 85 77 87 53
Major 87 16 71 9 52 26 47 26
Marshall 405 94 311 36 220 149 209 127
Mayes 815 170 645 98 457 260 347 257
McClain 319 57 262 41 191 87 135 104
McCurtain 1,791 372 1,419 158 913 720 886 581
McIntosh 677 158 519 56 348 273 329 216
Murray 338 51 287 48 191 99 135 112
Muskogee 2,327 366 1,961 320 1,295 712 955 760
Noble 200 30 170 19 119 62 90 50
Nowata 201 43 158 18 116 67 95 63
Okfuskee 543 134 409 29 295 219 248 153
Oklahoma 13,304 1,749 11,555 2,837 7,574 2,893 4,255 5,088
Okmulgee 1,337 240 1,097 148 744 445 553 $422
Osage 461 99 362 52 256 153 212 156
Ottawa 973 171 802 111 571 291 471 307
Pawnee 314 61 253 39 172 103 151 97
Payne 993 133 860 131 657 205 388 340
Pittsburg 1,489 298 1,191 182 803 504 648 508
Pontotoc 1,177 199 978 157 697 323 486 424
Pottawatomie 1,499 236 1,263 192 911 396 587 514
Pushmataha 653 167 486 51 325 277 325 191
Roger Mills 70 26 44 7 33 30 34 22
Rogers 645 115 530 128 342 175 258 225
Seminole 960 157 803 78 547 335 383 290
Sequoyah 1,551 254 1,297 151 943 457 660 536
Stephens 829 164 665 92 479 258 366 279
Texas 180 28 152 31 102 47 72 67
Tillman 306 82 224 32 151 123 161 89
Tulsa 9,352 1,268 8,084 1,741 5,553 2,058 3,333 3,454
Wagoner 619 109 510 79 336 204 257 230
Washington 706 80 626 91 473 142 292 243
Washita 213 42 171 30 117 66 96 66
Woods 106 25 81 16 52 38 55 32
Woodward 254 23 231 41 163 50 93 97
Unknown 136 18 118 28 76 32 52 44