SSI Recipients by State and County, 1998


Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 1998
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Wyoming 5,744 591 5,153 949 3,852 943 2,171 $1,952
Albany 258 19 239 45 179 34 107 96
Big Horn 184 21 163 32 118 34 72 60
Campbell 182 13 169 35 129 18 59 55
Carbon 148 19 129 14 100 34 64 46
Converse 105 19 86 20 62 23 39 43
Crook 38 8 30 6 22 10 16 12
Fremont 722 113 609 97 448 177 266 243
Goshen 203 36 167 40 107 56 82 69
Hot Springs 83 10 73 9 58 16 37 26
Johnson 46 7 39 4 33 9 18 15
Laramie 1,097 79 1,018 159 794 144 399 400
Lincoln 76 16 60 14 44 18 31 25
Natrona 1,138 83 1,055 208 787 143 414 396
Niobrara 37 10 27 6 19 12 21 11
Park 214 27 187 39 134 41 93 66
Platte 71 13 58 9 43 19 29 20
Sheridan 340 40 300 43 239 58 139 104
Sublette 20 4 16 2 14 4 10 6
Sweetwater 341 17 324 78 230 33 106 115
Teton 62 8 54 20 33 9 18 21
Uinta 204 10 194 44 144 16 76 68
Washakie 85 10 75 9 58 18 38 26
Weston 54 8 46 6 34 14 27 17
Unknown 36 1 35 10 23 3 10 14