SSI Recipients by State and County, 1999


Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 1999
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Alaska 8,165 1,346 6,819 905 5,289 1,971 2,422 2,937
Aleutian Islands 16 4 12 1 10 5 5 4
Anchorage 3,791 641 3,150 424 2,503 864 960 1,374
Angoon 20 4 16 1 14 5 12 6
Barrow-North Slope 36 7 29 1 22 13 10 13
Bethel 364 122 242 32 114 218 156 115
Bristol Bay 98 25 73 6 57 35 49 28
Bristol Bay Borough 5 a a a a a a 2
Cordova-McCarthy 16 2 14 0 11 5 7 5
Fairbanks North Star 846 81 765 96 613 137 227 309
Haines 23 2 21 1 20 2 4 10
Juneau 345 40 305 60 229 56 125 120
Kenai-Cook Inlet 597 57 540 63 440 94 195 219
Ketchikan Gateway 165 17 148 11 131 23 56 62
Kobuk 79 21 58 10 38 31 33 22
Kodiak Island 100 33 67 11 52 37 19 37
Kuskokwim 96 42 54 3 32 61 33 31
Matanuska-Susitna 598 26 572 90 454 54 157 231
Nome 174 52 122 21 74 79 58 54
Outer Ketchikan 24 0 24 2 21 1 10 10
Prince Of Wales 26 1 25 4 19 3 3 10
Seward 46 2 44 4 37 5 13 26
Sitka 82 7 75 8 62 12 24 41
Skagway-Yakutat 23 1 22 3 17 3 7 9
Southeast Fairbanks 102 21 81 7 66 29 40 36
Upper Yukon 61 21 40 0 34 27 23 20
Valdez-Chitina-Whittier 85 8 77 11 61 13 28 39
Wade Hampton 192 63 129 23 67 102 104 54
Wrangell-Petersburg 48 5 43 5 38 5 12 19
Yukon-Koyukuk 102 40 62 6 47 49 47 32
Unknown 5 a a a a a a 1
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.