SSI Recipients by State and County, 1999


Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 1999
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Massachusetts 166,825 46,022 120,803 15,546 101,691 49,588 65,177 68,261
Barnstable 3,681 751 2,930 335 2,529 817 1,751 1,375
Berkshire 3,623 740 2,883 372 2,447 804 1,625 1,382
Bristol 18,395 5,648 12,747 1,231 11,085 6,079 8,828 6,906
Dukes 171 56 115 12 98 61 91 53
Essex 20,361 5,590 14,771 2,105 12,310 5,946 7,703 8,477
Franklin 1,871 338 1,533 209 1,288 374 818 750
Hampden 20,030 3,942 16,088 2,571 13,206 4,253 7,421 8,562
Hampshire 2,096 436 1,660 218 1,406 472 995 816
Middlesex 25,115 8,001 17,114 1,779 14,757 8,579 9,812 9,984
Nantucket 43 9 34 4 30 9 20 18
Norfolk 8,324 2,952 5,372 520 4,618 3,186 3,357 3,205
Plymouth 8,887 2,158 6,729 857 5,644 2,386 3,753 3,474
Suffolk 35,253 11,119 24,134 3,494 19,879 11,880 11,279 15,601
Worcester 18,768 4,227 14,541 1,816 12,271 4,681 7,656 7,576
Unknown 207 55 152 23 123 61 68 84