SSI Recipients by State and County, 1999


Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 1999
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Nevada 24,395 6,805 17,590 3,628 13,613 7,154 8,655 9,173
Carson City 558 132 426 70 353 135 217 187
Churchill 275 77 198 36 153 86 116 88
Clark 17,729 5,064 12,665 2,756 9,650 5,323 5,974 6,743
Douglas 176 39 137 32 103 41 75 63
Elko 328 82 246 42 199 87 128 122
Esmeralda 20 7 13 3 10 7 15 7
Eureka 16 9 7 2 5 9 11 4
Humboldt 179 49 130 22 106 51 79 63
Lander 71 16 55 12 42 17 20 32
Lincoln 54 16 38 7 30 17 21 23
Lyon 379 99 280 54 221 104 151 133
Mineral 109 33 76 5 71 33 49 34
Nye 348 80 268 49 215 84 157 115
Pershing 59 13 46 11 34 14 25 24
Storey 15 3 12 2 10 3 3 7
Washoe 3,897 1,045 2,852 503 2,296 1,098 1,548 1,464
White Pine 125 25 100 17 82 26 45 47
Unknown 57 16 41 5 33 19 21 20