SSI Recipients by State and County, 1999


Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 1999
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Oklahoma 72,665 11,567 61,098 10,271 42,392 20,002 28,672 25,372
Adair 946 190 756 66 492 388 468 304
Alfalfa 58 16 42 7 30 21 21 17
Atoka 597 157 440 42 302 253 303 188
Beaver 44 13 31 8 16 20 21 17
Beckham 537 109 428 60 299 178 256 165
Blaine 220 28 192 28 134 58 68 85
Bryan 1,368 281 1,087 145 760 463 646 438
Caddo 927 198 729 123 489 315 395 318
Canadian 525 104 421 78 299 148 205 181
Carter 1,466 258 1,208 193 839 434 641 472
Cherokee 1,074 182 892 114 634 326 440 376
Choctaw 1,043 243 800 95 511 437 542 325
Cimarron 35 9 26 4 19 12 17 12
Cleveland 1,932 217 1,715 354 1,231 347 618 721
Coal 270 50 220 19 158 93 118 95
Comanche 2,110 258 1,852 397 1,265 448 718 798
Cotton 152 46 106 18 76 58 67 57
Craig 471 55 416 35 318 118 190 157
Creek 998 136 862 165 588 245 383 364
Custer 527 77 450 73 338 116 197 177
Delaware 835 169 666 78 469 288 391 276
Dewey 94 22 72 5 55 34 51 25
Ellis 56 9 47 4 38 14 25 16
Garfield 1,157 104 1,053 192 780 185 373 404
Garvin 952 175 777 72 576 304 383 283
Grady 926 141 785 132 556 238 378 310
Grant 74 12 62 7 35 32 22 18
Greer 198 62 136 12 88 98 117 52
Harmon 151 30 121 26 70 55 75 43
Harper 42 4 38 4 23 15 15 9
Haskell 505 128 377 48 259 198 239 159
Hughes 513 151 362 41 246 226 255 142
Jackson 691 142 549 88 367 236 317 238
Jefferson 240 61 179 28 105 107 134 64
Johnston 393 102 291 16 212 165 198 132
Kay 783 118 665 105 488 190 325 280
Kingfisher 166 21 145 24 105 37 53 54
Kiowa 395 99 296 38 203 154 208 124
Latimer 286 47 239 21 171 94 119 98
Le Flore 2,039 323 1,716 202 1,216 621 930 667
Lincoln 603 106 497 76 359 168 246 213
Logan 381 61 320 47 216 118 143 122
Love 183 44 139 22 88 73 89 52
Major 83 12 71 8 53 22 47 27
Marshall 397 85 312 37 220 140 203 127
Mayes 799 154 645 103 456 240 329 272
McClain 331 55 276 43 197 91 125 121
McCurtain 1,728 334 1,394 157 894 677 837 534
McIntosh 678 148 530 62 350 266 329 215
Murray 303 40 263 34 185 84 127 96
Muskogee 2,279 351 1,928 289 1,298 692 937 750
Noble 184 27 157 21 105 58 86 45
Nowata 216 39 177 23 131 62 96 72
Okfuskee 565 123 442 31 316 218 258 176
Oklahoma 13,456 1,723 11,733 2,716 7,858 2,882 4,236 5,173
Okmulgee 1,331 209 1,122 140 784 407 539 438
Osage 441 86 355 45 254 142 209 140
Ottawa 979 156 823 104 588 287 458 311
Pawnee 290 53 237 37 164 89 133 92
Payne 1,000 118 882 140 660 200 379 348
Pittsburg 1,486 273 1,213 180 835 471 638 488
Pontotoc 1,141 170 971 143 701 297 452 376
Pottawatomie 1,508 220 1,288 167 949 392 607 559
Pushmataha 615 159 456 43 304 268 311 182
Roger Mills 60 19 41 8 31 21 27 22
Rogers 605 105 500 103 335 167 246 207
Seminole 938 142 796 76 542 320 370 310
Sequoyah 1,568 239 1,329 142 977 449 661 526
Stephens 826 148 678 93 494 239 349 284
Texas 184 27 157 40 97 47 66 66
Tillman 317 88 229 33 157 127 158 99
Tulsa 9,421 1,237 8,184 1,673 5,707 2,041 3,274 3,564
Wagoner 644 108 536 75 368 201 260 235
Washington 737 79 658 105 499 133 281 269
Washita 202 34 168 28 117 57 87 62
Woods 99 23 76 12 52 35 51 33
Woodward 241 21 220 39 159 43 90 89
Unknown 50 4 46 9 32 9 16 20