SSI Recipients by State and County, 2003


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2003
County Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Total, Colorado 54,054 8,555 45,499 6,587 33,808 13,659 19,566 21,725
Adams 4,342 754 3,588 593 2,571 1,178 1,323 1,853
Alamosa 562 91 471 42 370 150 252 206
Arapahoe 3,494 758 2,736 456 2,004 1,034 981 1,497
Archuleta 112 23 89 6 75 31 58 39
Baca 99 25 74 12 54 33 48 31
Bent 197 33 164 22 119 56 79 79
Boulder 2,429 466 1,963 232 1,527 670 870 1,034
Broomfield 12 a a a a a a 6
Chaffee 207 40 167 22 134 51 103 72
Cheyenne 14 a a a a a a 4
Clear Creek 51 8 43 4 33 14 24 18
Conejos 434 141 293 27 202 205 218 150
Costilla 288 96 192 18 128 142 187 86
Crowley 124 8 116 17 83 24 37 49
Custe 27 3 24 0 23 4 12 9
Delta 458 88 370 42 278 138 221 154
Denver 13,208 2,483 10,725 1,590 7,722 3,896 4,407 5,367
Dolores 32 3 29 3 25 4 14 11
Douglas 173 27 146 27 112 34 57 82
Eagle 55 9 46 15 28 12 21 20
El Paso 5,667 625 5,042 871 3,708 1,088 1,977 2,280
Elbert 39 7 32 8 22 9 12 15
Fremont 886 86 800 104 636 146 367 359
Garfield 324 37 287 43 219 62 133 119
Gilpin 5 a a a a a a 1
Grand 47 11 36 7 28 12 22 18
Gunnison 59 8 51 5 41 13 24 20
Hinsdale 4 a a a a a a 1
Huerfano 272 53 219 11 161 100 117 95
Jackson 12 a a a a a a 7
Jefferson 3,943 599 3,344 494 2,594 855 1,254 1,641
Kiowa 17 2 15 2 12 3 6 6
Kit Carson 75 19 56 7 47 21 42 25
La Plata 405 51 354 31 279 95 183 154
Lake 53 6 47 7 39 7 23 21
Larimer 1,851 206 1,645 230 1,274 347 758 721
Las Animas 596 107 489 39 388 169 254 211
Lincoln 47 10 37 8 25 14 20 18
Logan 310 42 268 39 208 63 150 119
Mesa 2,088 233 1,855 251 1,432 405 817 792
Mineral 5 a a a a a a 2
Moffat 120 16 104 13 83 24 55 42
Montezuma 450 65 385 60 284 106 188 194
Montrose 568 95 473 62 350 156 250 211
Morgan 320 47 273 45 187 88 142 133
Otero 836 127 709 91 485 260 375 310
Ouray 13 a a a a a a 4
Park 47 2 45 6 35 6 15 20
Phillips 56 13 43 3 33 20 35 13
Pitkin 20 2 18 2 13 5 5 11
Prowers 342 63 279 52 193 97 159 126
Pueblo 4,876 395 4,481 523 3,497 856 1,792 1,982
Rio Blanco 46 9 37 3 29 14 24 15
Rio Grande 352 83 269 36 181 135 187 124
Routt 70 7 63 6 53 11 24 26
Saguache 132 43 89 11 65 56 63 54
San Juan 4 a a a a a a 1
San Miguel 21 6 15 a 14 a 8 8
Sedgwick 31 3 28 2 23 6 15 10
Summit 25 3 22 4 16 5 7 10
Teller 89 7 82 10 65 14 29 29
Washington 45 14 31 8 19 18 12 16
Weld 2,402 357 2,045 344 1,423 635 1,003 932
Yuma 113 23 90 16 69 28 52 40
Unknown 53 6 47 1 41 11 22 20
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.