SSI Recipients by State and County, 2003


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2003
County Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Total, Idaho 20,279 1,714 18,565 3,543 13,730 3,006 7,350 8,208
Ada 3,824 338 3,486 699 2,588 537 1,222 1,531
Adams 50 7 43 8 27 15 21 19
Bannock 1,462 72 1,390 253 1,061 148 474 628
Bear Lake 83 11 72 19 48 16 31 31
Benewah 199 17 182 21 135 43 74 78
Bingham 641 59 582 128 413 100 228 256
Blaine 41 8 33 7 22 12 14 16
Boise 48 4 44 12 28 8 19 29
Bonner 587 39 548 74 444 69 225 240
Bonneville 1,450 65 1,385 287 1,043 120 533 588
Boundary 214 25 189 31 150 33 73 116
Butte 54 7 47 5 39 10 21 25
Camas 8 a a a a a a 4
Canyon 2,817 254 2,563 608 1,733 476 1,025 1,091
Caribou 56 3 53 13 37 6 24 23
Cassia 349 45 304 63 211 75 145 137
Clark 8 a a a a a a 4
Clearwater 196 12 184 20 143 33 77 79
Custer 57 4 53 a 47 a 31 21
Elmore 234 17 217 61 138 35 71 100
Franklin 105 6 99 30 63 12 39 37
Fremont 127 7 120 26 89 12 48 59
Gem 219 24 195 37 145 37 87 81
Gooding 210 16 194 58 119 33 77 80
Idaho 351 42 309 33 247 71 154 151
Jefferson 199 16 183 51 124 24 69 81
Jerome 280 35 245 60 171 49 100 107
Kootenai 1,815 136 1,679 236 1,338 241 685 765
Latah 267 15 252 38 199 30 98 105
Lemhi 136 17 119 12 98 26 63 47
Lewis 156 9 147 20 109 27 57 66
Lincoln 45 7 38 6 27 12 17 17
Madison 160 11 149 39 106 15 62 66
Minidoka 328 34 294 70 194 64 124 131
Nez Perce 905 57 848 113 684 108 359 382
Oneida 48 3 45 5 37 6 12 21
Owyhee 124 21 103 23 64 37 51 49
Payette 352 47 305 60 216 76 141 135
Power 83 7 76 28 44 11 26 29
Shoshone 390 18 372 23 320 47 134 166
Teton 30 2 28 4 22 4 12 11
Twin Falls 1,278 159 1,119 210 812 256 490 498
Valley 61 5 56 10 39 12 23 23
Washington 218 31 187 36 138 44 102 80
Unknown 14 1 13 1 8 5 7 4
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.