SSI Recipients by State and County, 2003


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2003
County Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Total, Oklahoma 75,262 8,939 66,323 11,602 47,024 16,636 27,454 30,383
Adair 886 147 739 78 487 321 397 339
Alfalfa 46 7 39 8 29 9 13 28
Atoka 551 107 444 62 303 186 277 191
Beaver 44 10 34 11 19 14 15 18
Beckham 511 91 420 45 308 158 238 189
Blaine 235 21 214 32 151 52 72 96
Bryan 1,328 194 1,134 182 787 359 571 484
Caddo 808 130 678 105 479 224 335 322
Canadian 527 94 433 82 316 129 180 209
Carter 1,415 193 1,222 204 876 335 552 574
Cherokee 1,148 135 1,013 130 760 258 427 500
Choctaw 1,030 174 856 114 576 340 449 383
Cimarron 38 10 28 6 16 16 22 13
Cleveland 2,272 204 2,068 438 1,491 343 684 907
Coal 259 48 211 25 146 88 115 92
Comanche 2,547 195 2,352 496 1,655 396 808 1,096
Cotton 127 30 97 19 66 42 55 53
Craig 487 35 452 53 354 80 171 192
Creek 981 105 876 146 642 193 361 421
Custer 602 73 529 87 387 128 224 228
Delaware 862 122 740 99 523 240 366 335
Dewey 71 11 60 5 46 20 33 23
Ellis 52 5 47 8 30 14 16 18
Garfield 1,236 84 1,152 197 872 167 403 487
Garvin 874 121 753 88 555 231 346 319
Grady 1,062 106 956 160 690 212 394 415
Grant 51 4 47 9 27 15 16 15
Greer 182 43 139 14 99 69 87 61
Harmon 133 17 116 16 75 42 65 44
Harper 40 4 36 5 21 14 10 11
Haskell 468 79 389 53 270 145 201 200
Hughes 472 113 359 31 261 180 212 157
Jackson 602 101 501 81 339 182 260 220
Jefferson 179 37 142 20 89 70 99 50
Johnston 366 57 309 38 213 115 167 143
Kay 758 83 675 92 514 152 314 306
Kingfisher 146 17 129 16 96 34 52 56
Kiowa 345 57 288 34 206 105 175 111
Latimer 264 29 235 21 168 75 113 104
Le Flore 2,101 230 1,871 227 1,368 506 885 804
Lincoln 601 87 514 78 374 149 235 229
Logan 348 44 304 63 202 83 126 137
Love 181 27 154 25 104 52 82 63
Major 64 9 55 11 38 15 28 23
Marshall 360 62 298 40 207 113 169 128
Mayes 813 118 695 120 484 209 306 354
McClain 306 42 264 46 187 73 109 127
McCurtain 1,568 224 1,344 159 890 519 729 554
McIntosh 618 97 521 60 357 201 272 226
Murray 256 19 237 37 175 44 98 91
Muskogee 2,440 255 2,185 370 1,524 546 891 956
Noble 167 19 148 20 107 40 59 62
Nowata 191 23 168 23 124 44 76 65
Okfuskee 500 85 415 31 313 156 208 174
Oklahoma 14,464 1,584 12,880 2,829 8,929 2,706 4,238 6,127
Okmulgee 1,349 166 1,183 171 842 336 509 511
Osage 433 68 365 57 271 105 169 167
Ottawa 1,097 120 977 144 712 241 465 419
Pawnee 271 43 228 30 179 62 122 117
Payne 1,123 97 1,026 160 767 196 421 458
Pittsburg 1,467 194 1,273 174 931 362 603 574
Pontotoc 1,226 126 1,100 164 798 264 474 485
Pottawatomie 1,653 168 1,485 242 1,075 336 626 665
Pushmataha 601 120 481 37 338 226 296 203
Roger Mills 51 12 39 4 33 14 18 23
Rogers 625 79 546 128 367 130 242 264
Seminole 924 94 830 109 589 226 331 372
Sequoyah 1,567 171 1,396 175 1,037 355 624 650
Stephens 884 103 781 115 570 199 346 373
Texas 174 21 153 38 98 38 58 142
Tillman 286 73 213 35 139 112 142 98
Tulsa 10,467 1,076 9,391 2,043 6,576 1,848 3,420 4,476
Wagoner 604 77 527 89 365 150 231 235
Washington 849 58 791 137 601 111 299 387
Washita 221 26 195 30 139 52 96 84
Woods 88 12 76 18 48 22 34 29
Woodward 270 16 254 45 186 39 100 103
Unknown 49 1 48 8 38 3 22 21
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.