SSI Recipients by State and County, 2004


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2004
County Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Total, Idaho 21,025 1,732 19,293 3,747 14,213 3,065 7,533 8,872
Ada 3,990 346 3,644 713 2,714 563 1,287 1,677
Adams 46 7 39 7 28 11 19 16
Bannock 1,503 76 1,427 263 1,083 157 486 661
Bear Lake 92 13 79 20 54 18 32 41
Benewah 211 20 191 18 144 49 83 82
Bingham 687 67 620 132 450 105 248 290
Blaine 49 10 39 6 29 14 16 23
Boise 53 2 51 16 31 6 19 29
Bonner 653 43 610 84 491 78 249 283
Bonneville 1,403 63 1,340 274 1,007 122 525 602
Boundary 216 24 192 30 156 30 79 95
Butte 54 6 48 4 41 9 23 19
Camas 10 a a a a a a 4
Canyon 2,929 243 2,686 655 1,818 456 1,046 1,176
Caribou 56 7 49 16 30 10 20 20
Cassia 354 41 313 64 220 70 134 139
Clark 7 a a a a a a 2
Clearwater 222 11 211 25 164 33 81 109
Custer 56 3 53 a a a 29 22
Elmore 262 14 248 71 157 34 78 111
Franklin 114 8 106 27 72 15 42 52
Fremont 123 6 117 27 82 14 52 45
Gem 245 22 223 45 165 35 87 101
Gooding 209 22 187 44 120 45 82 76
Idaho 349 42 307 29 246 74 147 145
Jefferson 219 13 206 53 146 20 73 87
Jerome 290 33 257 66 178 46 101 127
Kootenai 1,887 136 1,751 263 1,382 242 696 828
Latah 297 16 281 49 217 31 108 140
Lemhi 139 16 123 17 95 27 58 54
Lewis 155 10 145 12 115 28 63 56
Lincoln 40 5 35 8 24 8 14 19
Madison 186 11 175 46 122 18 67 73
Minidoka 338 37 301 87 188 63 125 152
Nez Perce 891 58 833 116 669 106 343 371
Oneida 48 3 45 3 39 6 13 23
Owyhee 160 24 136 43 74 43 65 60
Payette 370 51 319 65 225 80 143 150
Power 80 8 72 22 46 12 29 38
Shoshone 391 18 373 35 304 52 138 173
Teton 39 2 37 5 30 4 15 16
Twin Falls 1,312 152 1,160 231 827 254 484 577
Valley 61 7 54 9 39 13 27 20
Washington 219 32 187 42 128 49 94 84
Unknown 10 2 8 2 4 4 6 3
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.