SSI Recipients by State and County, 2004


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2004
County Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Total, Montana 14,572 1,170 13,402 1,892 10,236 2,444 5,695 5,941
Beaverhead 95 11 84 13 55 27 36 37
Big Horn 297 55 242 40 165 92 106 126
Blaine 162 14 148 26 107 29 48 69
Broadwater 92 9 83 21 50 21 37 34
Carbon 100 10 90 6 72 22 49 40
Carter 12 a a a a a a 3
Cascade 1,535 89 1,446 179 1,132 224 620 591
Chouteau 59 4 55 4 44 11 27 23
Custer 226 19 207 29 159 38 101 86
Daniels 16 2 14 4 9 3 7 6
Dawson 105 9 96 14 75 16 43 46
Deer Lodge 257 11 246 29 200 28 86 108
Fallon 16 2 14 2 8 6 8 5
Fergus 176 43 133 15 97 64 65 60
Flathead 1,109 86 1,023 162 781 166 442 454
Gallatin 425 31 394 62 302 61 176 165
Garfield 8 a a a a a a 2
Glacier 428 43 385 62 262 104 134 200
Golden Valley 13 a a a a a a 3
Granite 35 4 31 2 27 6 15 13
Hill 338 33 305 44 230 64 126 148
Jefferson 117 5 112 13 89 15 42 36
Judith Basin 22 8 14 3 9 10 6 8
Lake 544 40 504 66 376 102 229 222
Lewis and Clark 838 35 803 108 641 89 342 337
Liberty 20 2 18 0 16 4 10 10
Lincoln 469 27 442 41 353 75 188 176
Madison 35 6 29 8 20 7 14 12
McCone 16 2 14 4 8 4 6 7
Meagher 26 3 23 6 13 7 14 14
Mineral 105 9 96 12 79 14 39 40
Missoula 1,638 94 1,544 207 1,218 213 607 704
Musselshell 86 17 69 8 50 28 45 30
Park 185 20 165 15 131 39 102 62
Petroleum 6 a a a a a a 2
Phillips 105 13 92 8 64 33 48 39
Pondera 120 12 108 17 74 29 45 46
Powder River 11 a a a a a a 3
Powell 92 10 82 19 55 18 36 31
Prairie 11 a a a a a a 4
Ravalli 473 37 436 70 326 77 171 203
Richland 128 13 115 14 88 26 59 47
Roosevelt 320 21 299 58 212 50 81 157
Rosebud 182 13 169 35 111 36 59 77
Sanders 221 16 205 23 154 44 90 95
Sheridan 53 8 45 6 36 11 24 25
Silver Bow 842 45 797 100 631 111 300 361
Stillwater 68 5 63 5 50 13 37 34
Sweet Grass 13 a a a a a a 5
Teton 62 6 56 3 48 11 23 22
Toole 53 2 51 7 39 7 26 18
Treasure 5 a a a a a a 2
Valley 148 20 128 18 93 37 72 52
Wheatland 12 a a a a a a 3
Wibaux 12 a a a a a a 4
Yellowstone 2,024 175 1,849 292 1,424 308 796 834
Unknown 6 0 6 0 5 1 2 3
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.