SSI Recipients by State and County, 2004


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2004
County Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Total, Oklahoma 77,172 8,433 68,739 12,381 48,731 16,060 27,778 32,395
Adair 899 137 762 90 509 300 386 352
Alfalfa 53 7 46 7 37 9 18 23
Atoka 544 106 438 60 299 185 285 186
Beaver 44 10 34 10 20 14 18 27
Beckham 540 84 456 55 337 148 233 225
Blaine 242 19 223 35 157 50 80 102
Bryan 1,372 181 1,191 198 820 354 589 532
Caddo 839 126 713 126 490 223 337 357
Canadian 641 103 538 125 377 139 215 284
Carter 1,350 174 1,176 198 839 313 533 544
Cherokee 1,206 126 1,080 148 812 246 447 496
Choctaw 971 147 824 116 548 307 422 375
Cimarron 42 9 33 8 19 15 24 15
Cleveland 2,197 202 1,995 404 1,454 339 692 922
Coal 266 42 224 25 158 83 114 110
Comanche 2,520 191 2,329 502 1,618 400 817 1,087
Cotton 129 29 100 19 72 38 53 47
Craig 534 37 497 76 372 86 185 217
Creek 1,080 100 980 179 707 194 346 464
Custer 564 67 497 69 373 122 217 223
Delaware 908 115 793 107 565 236 384 360
Dewey 68 9 59 10 43 15 28 26
Ellis 48 4 44 4 33 11 14 25
Garfield 1,286 88 1,198 220 892 174 419 509
Garvin 903 113 790 108 571 224 343 354
Grady 1,032 93 939 150 675 207 385 443
Grant 58 6 52 12 32 14 17 20
Greer 200 43 157 20 109 71 93 69
Harmon 133 15 118 17 81 35 59 50
Harper 37 5 32 4 20 13 10 10
Haskell 484 75 409 56 285 143 210 183
Hughes 475 105 370 44 261 170 217 179
Jackson 635 87 548 105 363 167 257 258
Jefferson 182 29 153 24 100 58 96 56
Johnston 366 53 313 37 216 113 163 128
Kay 816 79 737 114 558 144 339 334
Kingfisher 168 18 150 28 105 35 48 67
Kiowa 374 52 322 39 232 103 181 131
Latimer 281 30 251 25 179 77 132 113
Le Flore 2,125 215 1,910 257 1,379 489 890 847
Lincoln 616 82 534 86 386 144 248 233
Logan 400 39 361 74 243 83 134 152
Love 183 26 157 24 111 48 76 65
Major 71 9 62 13 42 16 29 27
Marshall 368 60 308 48 211 109 174 129
Mayes 892 107 785 130 570 192 312 378
McClain 341 38 303 59 217 65 104 154
McCurtain 1,567 208 1,359 176 921 470 708 613
McIntosh 641 95 546 56 395 190 284 251
Murray 262 21 241 32 184 46 90 114
Muskogee 2,450 225 2,225 387 1,552 511 889 998
Noble 184 20 164 24 117 43 70 59
Nowata 194 19 175 30 128 36 73 86
Okfuskee 505 69 436 31 326 148 209 176
Oklahoma 14,912 1,557 13,355 2,952 9,275 2,685 4,319 6,700
Okmulgee 1,313 147 1,166 175 827 311 496 516
Osage 457 57 400 66 293 98 167 195
Ottawa 1,121 106 1,015 160 734 227 478 460
Pawnee 301 44 257 42 195 64 129 115
Payne 1,128 92 1,036 164 775 189 426 458
Pittsburg 1,439 167 1,272 181 927 331 587 588
Pontotoc 1,237 121 1,116 165 808 264 477 490
Pottawatomie 1,645 148 1,497 252 1,082 311 610 734
Pushmataha 602 113 489 41 349 212 295 209
Roger Mills 50 8 42 6 35 9 16 33
Rogers 740 70 670 180 439 121 260 323
Seminole 1,009 93 916 129 655 225 373 400
Sequoyah 1,624 163 1,461 205 1,074 345 641 698
Stephens 911 100 811 121 602 188 350 375
Texas 172 18 154 36 100 36 51 74
Tillman 299 57 242 31 176 92 139 109
Tulsa 10,796 1,046 9,750 2,143 6,835 1,818 3,489 4,793
Wagoner 656 72 584 106 402 148 238 294
Washington 839 55 784 118 611 110 296 395
Washita 235 26 209 33 150 52 102 94
Woods 92 11 81 13 57 22 34 34
Woodward 273 11 262 57 185 31 91 112
Unknown 35 2 33 4 25 6 18 12
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.