SSI Recipients by State and County, 2004


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2004
County Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Total, Utah 21,686 2,156 19,530 3,856 14,020 3,810 6,566 9,579
Beaver 51 6 45 5 36 10 21 27
Box Elder 317 25 292 59 213 45 116 146
Cache 475 34 441 113 309 53 133 211
Carbon 349 19 330 42 261 46 123 141
Daggett 3 a a a a a a 2
Davis 1,348 97 1,251 278 922 148 420 584
Duchesne 259 6 253 41 198 20 76 129
Emery 118 4 114 16 91 11 34 52
Garfield 31 a a 7 19 5 7 12
Grand 130 11 119 19 87 24 54 99
Iron 383 12 371 89 263 31 111 186
Juab 90 4 86 21 62 7 31 31
Kane 73 8 65 22 37 14 27 28
Millard 104 9 95 12 76 16 41 58
Morgan 22 4 18 4 14 4 2 11
Piute 12 a a a a a a 4
Rich 3 a a a a a a 1
Salt Lake 9,435 1,273 8,162 1,528 5,848 2,059 2,688 4,145
San Juan 641 117 524 62 246 333 262 259
Sanpete 241 24 217 52 149 40 81 92
Sevier 223 19 204 30 166 27 82 108
Summit 73 7 66 13 47 13 25 32
Tooele 294 19 275 71 187 36 92 151
Uintah 301 10 291 74 196 31 82 127
Utah 3,185 195 2,990 691 2,164 330 844 1,374
Wasatch 74 5 69 16 48 10 25 37
Washington 784 58 726 186 491 107 285 358
Wayne 16 a a 3 10 3 7 5
Weber 2,612 181 2,431 396 1,843 373 873 1,155
Unknown 39 4 35 3 27 9 16 12
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.