SSI Recipients by State and County, 2006

South Carolina

Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2006
County Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Total, South Carolina 105,527 11,771 93,756 18,760 62,452 24,315 41,181 45,190
Abbeville 660 94 566 87 384 189 286 275
Aiken 3,701 335 3,366 710 2,278 713 1,272 1,734
Allendale 732 91 641 126 400 206 287 311
Anderson 3,662 340 3,322 721 2,283 658 1,480 1,625
Bamberg 803 113 690 86 487 230 308 338
Barnwell 1,043 104 939 176 624 243 392 454
Beaufort 1,762 218 1,544 337 1,018 407 693 721
Berkeley 2,954 325 2,629 514 1,808 632 1,111 1,270
Calhoun 502 85 417 67 278 157 236 204
Charleston 7,265 765 6,500 1,251 4,332 1,682 2,763 3,079
Cherokee 1,391 125 1,266 228 890 273 575 620
Chester 958 97 861 200 543 215 373 434
Chesterfield 1,677 197 1,480 215 1,020 442 726 676
Clarendon 1,775 264 1,511 239 965 571 796 747
Colleton 1,778 158 1,620 270 1,112 396 674 740
Darlington 2,854 373 2,481 507 1,593 754 1,101 1,247
Dillon 1,736 234 1,502 265 938 533 723 766
Dorchester 2,226 207 2,019 417 1,381 428 771 936
Edgefield 662 87 575 108 362 192 293 285
Fairfield 850 119 731 144 462 244 338 345
Florence 5,190 678 4,512 831 2,968 1,391 2,057 2,137
Georgetown 1,552 168 1,384 272 905 375 633 588
Greenville 7,658 757 6,901 1,541 4,672 1,445 2,915 3,507
Greenwood 1,564 161 1,403 301 944 319 608 686
Hampton 983 111 872 144 586 253 400 405
Horry 4,580 488 4,092 865 2,654 1,061 1,960 1,937
Jasper 671 95 576 128 354 189 291 296
Kershaw 1,352 150 1,202 273 787 292 514 554
Lancaster 1,350 124 1,226 280 808 262 505 602
Laurens 2,039 156 1,883 395 1,313 331 777 879
Lee 1,095 185 910 165 532 398 529 431
Lexington 3,334 265 3,069 688 2,061 585 1,203 1,407
McCormick 294 44 250 30 172 92 126 113
Marion 1,722 281 1,441 244 920 558 787 670
Marlboro 1,502 201 1,301 198 874 430 662 596
Newberry 966 127 839 161 565 240 429 403
Oconee 1,291 137 1,154 196 814 281 548 541
Orangeburg 4,018 583 3,435 588 2,304 1,126 1,623 1,678
Pickens 1,746 143 1,603 287 1,158 301 704 739
Richland 7,067 655 6,412 1,567 4,144 1,356 2,308 3,008
Saluda 502 56 446 92 287 123 207 204
Spartanburg 6,176 554 5,622 1,113 3,846 1,217 2,265 2,807
Sumter 3,824 541 3,283 636 2,148 1,040 1,513 1,632
Union 996 90 906 186 620 190 379 421
Williamsburg 2,203 337 1,866 323 1,213 667 930 905
York 2,861 353 2,508 588 1,645 628 1,110 1,235
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.
CONTACT: Stella Coleman (410) 965-0157 or