SSI Recipients by State and County, 2009

South Carolina

Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2009
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
of dollars) a
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, South Carolina 45 109,513 10,045 99,468 20,118 66,712 22,683 40,614 55,099
Abbeville 45001 683 73 610 108 401 174 253 362
Aiken 45003 3,895 295 3,600 755 2,450 690 1,278 2,093
Allendale 45005 685 72 613 115 392 178 256 377
Anderson 45007 3,904 280 3,624 790 2,499 615 1,435 2,021
Bamberg 45009 759 95 664 85 465 209 306 376
Barnwell 45011 1,111 82 1,029 192 696 223 412 569
Beaufort 45013 1,825 189 1,636 341 1,100 384 712 950
Berkeley 45015 3,059 269 2,790 605 1,864 590 1,066 1,541
Calhoun 45017 472 68 404 65 261 146 216 214
Charleston 45019 7,236 698 6,538 1,229 4,380 1,627 2,697 3,495
Cherokee 45021 1,552 104 1,448 253 1,027 272 587 819
Chester 45023 1,045 82 963 221 621 203 374 509
Chesterfield 45025 1,661 156 1,505 225 1,049 387 699 790
Clarendon 45027 1,743 228 1,515 227 996 520 766 820
Colleton 45029 1,808 139 1,669 311 1,127 370 680 903
Darlington 45031 2,843 296 2,547 476 1,675 692 1,070 1,409
Dillon 45033 1,712 169 1,543 264 999 449 670 859
Dorchester 45035 2,362 183 2,179 495 1,446 421 784 1,098
Edgefield 45037 651 77 574 100 383 168 268 318
Fairfield 45039 850 111 739 142 479 229 332 424
Florence 45041 5,359 566 4,793 898 3,154 1,307 2,061 2,562
Georgetown 45043 1,584 146 1,438 280 936 368 636 707
Greenville 45045 8,267 695 7,572 1,623 5,224 1,420 3,010 4,397
Greenwood 45047 1,657 136 1,521 335 1,018 304 604 894
Hampton 45049 938 86 852 154 568 216 349 460
Horry 45051 4,820 410 4,410 947 2,905 968 1,943 2,375
Jasper 45053 660 77 583 131 370 159 258 320
Kershaw 45055 1,401 127 1,274 277 843 281 537 737
Lancaster 45057 1,488 120 1,368 310 914 264 539 758
Laurens 45059 2,065 129 1,936 404 1,340 321 785 1,008
Lee 45061 1,051 134 917 156 573 322 470 511
Lexington 45063 3,699 245 3,454 815 2,276 608 1,178 1,876
McCormick 45065 293 48 245 31 172 90 121 143
Marion 45067 1,716 223 1,493 271 982 463 727 819
Marlboro 45069 1,518 176 1,342 226 906 386 658 738
Newberry 45071 964 92 872 177 596 191 402 442
Oconee 45073 1,388 114 1,274 190 944 254 566 689
Orangeburg 45075 3,933 493 3,440 589 2,306 1,038 1,539 1,967
Pickens 45077 1,956 120 1,836 295 1,374 287 743 1,075
Richland 45079 7,484 578 6,906 1,775 4,418 1,291 2,278 3,762
Saluda 45081 522 52 470 81 318 123 202 265
Spartanburg 45083 6,624 490 6,134 1,257 4,174 1,193 2,310 3,551
Sumter 45085 3,934 478 3,456 673 2,301 960 1,520 1,907
Union 45087 1,025 77 948 179 669 177 366 580
Williamsburg 45089 2,064 274 1,790 321 1,173 570 834 947
York 45091 3,246 292 2,954 724 1,948 574 1,116 1,661
Unknown . . . 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.
NOTE: . . . = not applicable.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
CONTACT: Stella Coleman (410) 965-0157 or