SSI Recipients by State and County, 2010

South Carolina

Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2010
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, South Carolina 45 112,094 9,674 102,420 20,282 69,337 22,475 40,894 56,283
Abbeville 45001 697 62 635 103 427 167 242 396
Aiken 45003 4,052 281 3,771 774 2,595 683 1,300 2,322
Allendale 45005 687 67 620 112 394 181 258 352
Anderson 45007 4,077 268 3,809 813 2,656 608 1,468 2,098
Bamberg 45009 765 83 682 92 472 201 309 379
Barnwell 45011 1,122 79 1,043 198 695 229 405 592
Beaufort 45013 1,839 177 1,662 337 1,125 377 707 929
Berkeley 45015 3,135 257 2,878 612 1,919 604 1,084 1,528
Calhoun 45017 473 60 413 61 271 141 208 206
Charleston 45019 7,251 677 6,574 1,175 4,444 1,632 2,716 3,542
Cherokee 45021 1,538 97 1,441 255 1,018 265 571 760
Chester 45023 1,054 71 983 204 659 191 368 534
Chesterfield 45025 1,671 148 1,523 232 1,060 379 662 816
Clarendon 45027 1,761 223 1,538 223 1,035 503 783 891
Colleton 45029 1,762 132 1,630 294 1,108 360 647 877
Darlington 45031 2,899 287 2,612 491 1,725 683 1,046 1,547
Dillon 45033 1,711 154 1,557 257 1,017 437 655 846
Dorchester 45035 2,455 186 2,269 512 1,507 436 831 1,164
Edgefield 45037 664 67 597 95 404 165 259 328
Fairfield 45039 884 104 780 152 511 221 335 424
Florence 45041 5,465 529 4,936 913 3,272 1,280 2,071 2,687
Georgetown 45043 1,639 145 1,494 291 983 365 647 803
Greenville 45045 8,525 699 7,826 1,642 5,480 1,403 3,045 4,366
Greenwood 45047 1,740 140 1,600 346 1,098 296 610 913
Hampton 45049 934 83 851 153 557 224 356 448
Horry 45051 5,120 413 4,707 958 3,168 994 2,023 2,533
Jasper 45053 648 70 578 132 371 145 247 318
Kershaw 45055 1,457 124 1,333 287 879 291 542 739
Lancaster 45057 1,539 119 1,420 302 971 266 544 789
Laurens 45059 2,130 124 2,006 417 1,391 322 801 1,036
Lee 45061 1,089 126 963 161 612 316 478 516
Lexington 45063 3,911 256 3,655 830 2,445 636 1,266 1,948
McCormick 45065 299 50 249 29 176 94 125 143
Marion 45067 1,732 208 1,524 293 988 451 712 829
Marlboro 45069 1,513 167 1,346 222 908 383 650 751
Newberry 45071 963 87 876 169 602 192 397 449
Oconee 45073 1,435 111 1,324 194 983 258 569 723
Orangeburg 45075 3,912 469 3,443 581 2,328 1,003 1,497 1,904
Pickens 45077 1,962 111 1,851 307 1,377 278 733 967
Richland 45079 7,776 570 7,206 1,812 4,673 1,291 2,351 3,968
Saluda 45081 510 40 470 88 314 108 192 265
Spartanburg 45083 6,763 478 6,285 1,271 4,321 1,171 2,316 3,392
Sumter 45085 4,056 455 3,601 692 2,418 946 1,523 2,015
Union 45087 1,018 71 947 176 680 162 367 492
Williamsburg 45089 2,099 271 1,828 297 1,232 570 842 1,002
York 45091 3,362 278 3,084 727 2,068 567 1,136 1,757
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
CONTACT: Stella Coleman (410) 965-0157 or