SSI Recipients by State and County, 2011

South Carolina

Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2011
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, South Carolina 45 114,974 9,307 105,667 20,737 72,155 22,082 40,402 59,260
Abbeville 45001 709 60 649 99 444 166 250 352
Aiken 45003 4,112 271 3,841 773 2,677 662 1,275 2,309
Allendale 45005 679 64 615 109 406 164 247 332
Anderson 45007 4,170 262 3,908 778 2,786 606 1,470 2,114
Bamberg 45009 772 85 687 92 481 199 301 389
Barnwell 45011 1,096 75 1,021 188 676 232 391 558
Beaufort 45013 1,888 172 1,716 364 1,147 377 684 930
Berkeley 45015 3,197 239 2,958 627 1,993 577 1,055 1,629
Calhoun 45017 487 59 428 61 298 128 197 214
Charleston 45019 7,476 652 6,824 1,205 4,656 1,615 2,718 3,717
Cherokee 45021 1,642 99 1,543 280 1,090 272 567 844
Chester 45023 1,081 70 1,011 209 685 187 365 576
Chesterfield 45025 1,658 143 1,515 237 1,057 364 623 803
Clarendon 45027 1,727 208 1,519 226 1,024 477 735 830
Colleton 45029 1,722 124 1,598 282 1,081 359 624 860
Darlington 45031 2,953 290 2,663 496 1,788 669 1,048 1,592
Dillon 45033 1,725 147 1,578 245 1,050 430 642 885
Dorchester 45035 2,472 179 2,293 519 1,527 426 796 1,211
Edgefield 45037 668 62 606 93 416 159 259 304
Fairfield 45039 886 106 780 146 518 222 323 411
Florence 45041 5,637 501 5,136 945 3,436 1,256 2,089 2,907
Georgetown 45043 1,686 143 1,543 298 1,031 357 620 846
Greenville 45045 8,904 683 8,221 1,706 5,808 1,390 3,040 4,774
Greenwood 45047 1,740 126 1,614 325 1,126 289 603 922
Hampton 45049 921 80 841 160 547 214 342 462
Horry 45051 5,422 394 5,028 1,023 3,413 986 2,051 2,836
Jasper 45053 666 70 596 126 401 139 233 318
Kershaw 45055 1,489 114 1,375 280 933 276 526 780
Lancaster 45057 1,638 122 1,516 351 1,015 272 544 883
Laurens 45059 2,177 114 2,063 422 1,458 297 756 1,122
Lee 45061 1,040 119 921 153 591 296 440 492
Lexington 45063 4,064 253 3,811 843 2,587 634 1,254 2,095
McCormick 45065 298 48 250 28 172 98 130 145
Marion 45067 1,782 196 1,586 286 1,056 440 721 908
Marlboro 45069 1,532 150 1,382 237 931 364 635 797
Newberry 45071 984 86 898 183 606 195 385 482
Oconee 45073 1,457 101 1,356 209 992 256 550 731
Orangeburg 45075 3,909 435 3,474 612 2,328 969 1,441 1,959
Pickens 45077 2,091 105 1,986 315 1,495 281 747 1,173
Richland 45079 8,048 560 7,488 1,865 4,868 1,315 2,391 4,137
Saluda 45081 517 37 480 92 326 99 179 271
Spartanburg 45083 7,049 478 6,571 1,278 4,614 1,157 2,386 3,711
Sumter 45085 4,144 438 3,706 700 2,504 940 1,517 2,159
Union 45087 1,042 63 979 178 704 160 349 533
Williamsburg 45089 2,088 264 1,824 292 1,239 557 814 1,008
York 45091 3,529 260 3,269 801 2,174 554 1,089 1,949
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100 percent data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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